Veeky Forums helps nocoiners be coiners
MEth Q&A thread
Where can I find the absolute most basic information for even getting started?
I love big tits, alone time, good friends, psychedelics, and most importantly, being comfy.
Please help me be comfy user.
newfag here from AUS first time investing in crypto
whats the best way to buy mEth idc about using my ID just wanna get riechhhh
is it possible to buy 5 mEth
would it be worth it
what fees are involved purchasing transferring and holding cryptocurrecy (mEth)
i wanna go to the moon XD
i don't have the answers
the easiest way is to sign up for coinbase, and buy bitcoin or ethereum through them. it's retard proof
PSA: This will be your last chance at buying Ethereum before it explodes to 300 USD. Missed the bitcoin train? Don't fuck up this time.
Some info:
Ethereum has improved every technical aspect of bitcoin combined with having a built in programming language for infinite versatility. You could run an election on ethereum through smart contacts and it wouldn't be possible to even claim that "the election was hacked" as you could just check the code and pseudonymous transaction list yourself. Ethereum will also be the ultimate escrow service rendering banks completely useless. Want to bet with other 4channers anonymously about what outcome topic X will have? Make a smart contract that will release the money to the winner once the outcome is settled.
The Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (Microsoft, Intel, JP Morgan, Deloitte etc) are currently in the process of building decentralized applications (dApps) on top of Ethereum. All of this will increase the value of Ethereum by an absurd amount. Some of their prototypes will be released here:
Other Ethereum related news can be found here:
You can get Ethereum from coinbase or Kraken. Or buy bitcoins at and trade it for Ethereum on Poloniex. Visit Veeky Forums for general Ethereum discussion.
>PSA: This will be your last chance at buying Ethereum before it explodes to 300 USD
pretty sure anyone pumping it this hard is planning on dumping soon.
It's a bubble for a reason
>t. nocoiner at 300 usd bitcoin
Is it possible to purchase Ethereum with BTC?
looking for an alternative bcoz you can buy on coinbase but you cant sell in aus yet
Imagine what would happen to a government if it allowed its currency to be replaced with a global one. Coiners think the governments of the world are going to sit idly by while they're literally cut out of the economy. I don't see it happening.
You have a tool of speculators and criminals. Nothing more or less. Sure, you can make money off speculation. But none of these things are the future.
Fuck off you dumb shill. It's going to crash once it reaches 60
You come off as having disdain for speculative trading. What's your view on derivatives?
I'll take my chances it would jump right back up.
I think if your IQ is above 110 you should buy property and make money with it. If lower, you should buy shares of other people's property and hope they make money with it.
Go buy a timeshare mate.
That wouldn't be making money.
Now when spout cynical bullshit like that, it shows you have a natural bias towards this sort of thing, making your opinion (while interesting and informative) less reliable.
>Imagine what would happen to a government if it allowed its currency to be replaced with a global one. Coiners think the governments of the world are going to sit idly by while they're literally cut out of the economy. I don't see it happening.
us government has backdoor access to eth
it's also pumping eth right now
I'm yanking your chain mate
i need a step by step tutorial on setting up an acc/wallet ausfags HELP
>it shows you have a natural bias towards this sort of thing
Of course I do. Your threads would be pretty boring if the only people in them agreed with you.
maybe, but it has no reason to pay the vested when it can just as easily declare the thing contraband and start its own. Which it will undoubtedly do if these 'experiments' catch on.
Usually you pay double for that kind of action, Cotton
I'm new to this, and britfag so may not be entirely relevant for you but could help. Bought in a week or so ago, since ETH has been going up I've dabbled with selling a couple coins to get my head around it and ultimately git comf af. ausfag user, keep in mind I'm also looking for advice.
Here's my current mETHod for turning ETH back into GBP, not sure I'm doing it the best way so if anyone has pointers or advice that'd be swell
> set up coinbase account (requires proving ID)
> buy ETH on coinbase
> sell ETH for GBP (stored on coinbase, not sent to bank acc)
> buy BTC on coinbase
> send BTC to localbitcoin
> sell on localbitcoin for GBP
Is this method too convoluted? Am I doing something glaringly wrong at any stage? I've seen a lot of anons say to avoid coinbase, it's convenient for me right now but if there's a smoother method I'd like to learn it.
Thanks mum, handy info+links
I bought BTC at local exchange. Now when i deposit them on poloniex when do i pay fees? when i try to buy another coin? when i despit the BTC from my wallet?? for every transaction?
every transaction between coins, fiat or even sending to a wallet has small fees
it's not a big deal and exchanges need to make money
So in poloniex i deposit my BTC and then i can use it to withdraw other currencies? also if i wanna buy ETH with my btc i need to setup a separate ETH wallet into which to transmit the ETH?
I go to deposits and withdrawls, pick deposit BTC and then when i got it i withdraw ETH? and the withdraw process will ask me for an ETH wallet? should i prepare one now?
Pic related
Ethereum already outperformed Microsoft day one investors, any questions?
How the literal tits do I mine anything
I wanna have fun and mine memecoins but nothing ever works
0.15% transaction fee on trades and you pay like 0.01 ETH for withdrawing.
So for example if you buy 100 ETH, you'll get 99.85 ETH
thanks for the process still not sure if i can transfer eth for aud tho
n e one??
You can trade ETH on coinbase for GBP / EUR and use this to buy BTC, you can then send the BTC to localbitcoin and sell the BTC for AUD
Again, I feel like this is a convoluted workaround and there may be a better method, this is just what I've figured out on my own so far, so if anyone else has better advice please share
this legend
Lmao just a kid rerolling in a roll thread.. salty buttcoin newfag detected.
shit, I tripled my money, but it turned out this was all a scam, thanks Veeky Forums
No problem
May we all become MASS COMF
Set up an account on Gemini
What I outlined here is retarded
it should be
> set up coinbase account (requires proving ID)
> set up gemini account (requires ID)
> buy ETH on coinbase
> send to gemini
> trade ETH for BTC on gemini
> send BTC to localbitcoin
> sell on localbitcoin for GBP/AUS/EUR/USD
This method may still be retarded, but marginally less than the above if so
I think to improve it even more you buy from somewhere other than coinbase such as kraken
>so many unnessesary steps
Just use localbitcoins to buy bitcoin
Send it to poloniex to buy eth
>And reverse it
Sell eth for btc on poloniex
Send btc to localbitcoins to sell it
Neither of these websites require your mother maiden name and nudes in order to operate
Noice, cheers m8
... Are you sure this shit is safe?
good goy
I am somali refugee here in sweden. Please help me and my 7 children by giving the magic ether please. We are very hungry.
I have zero eth. Please help.
Fucking kraken has my deposit on hold
Kraken or Coinbase or both? Also, why does it seem like Poloniex is so popular?
Crashing? FUCK
if you seriously are selling now dont even buy back in you fucktards you BUY the dip not SELL it. Wait till korea wakes up and them the later on 10pm bump all you fucking new no coiners need not apply fuckin up our pump.
Well Korea is about to breakout in war
I'm about to fall for the meme who the fuck do I use as my wallet?
I'll use it to buy ETH I swear
You need to stop
> mfw they can't use patrician BTCe with instant deposits in rubles
This motherfucker said $100 yesterday holy shit the balls on this shill
>investing in a meme currency
those numbers tho
Yea because it clearly didnt work for the people that got in at $15 and cashed out at $50.....
Who are you that you've been shilling ETH this hard? You've been here for a week or so using the exact same local bitcoins/poloniex sentence to shill for ETH. You even posted on /pol/.
What do you have in ETH? Are you a big-time miner who will sell once it gets ≈55 again?
ETH is just another pump and dump, people are there for the short term.. ETH will be in the gutter by next week, coiners btfo
How can I mine ETH with my GPU?
I could only mine with my CPU in Mist.
What are the command lines to allow only GPU mining?
I know this one "-g" but it's not for Mist.
if you have 20 eth or more you probably want to get a hardware wallet. I have the ledger nano s and it's great. You can plug it into any computer dirty or clean and as long as you have the ethereum wallet app plug in for chrome browser you can easily manage the wallet in your nano s. It's remarkable and gives you some serious peace of mind since digital assets are not covered by any exchange that I know of so your eth is vulnerable there and on your computer since it's accessible to the internet but not your hardware wallet = ledger nano s.
what if it breaks...
You can buy another one and as long as you kept the 24 word recovery phrase in a safe place you can recover your account on the new device.
This. I trust my hard drive over a $60 FagStick™.
It sounds like it's only as safe as your password then. I'll stay away from meme devices.
see pic OP - it's a nice analogy for what Ethereum means to the crypto world.
i have coinbase set up, but i only have $150. worth buying?
>Neither of these websites require your mother maiden name and nudes in order to operate
Except to buy BTC on localbitcoin for any kind of reasonable rate (i.e. $1100/BTC vs $1400/BTC) you need to buy with a method that invariably involves sending a photo of your drivers' license and a selfie holding a bank cash deposit receipt
Fucking horseshit
Best way to buy ETH with USD? I can link to bank account or use a debit card.
Yes. Better than nothing.
I just bought $750 of ETH.
Wish me luck.
I honestly can't tell if you (among many others) are either trolling or trying to bait others to buy.
Crypto is way to volatile and 'new' for any proper trading science to be behind it, there is simply to many unknown variables for one to be able to call out a price target. Sure, one is able to make money if you managed to time it right, just like with any trading. But if you honestly sit here calling for 300 USD ETH (which would be way higher than BTC ATH) you must be delusional.
In a few more years you would be able to do this, but crypto is currently in its infant stage and need more time to grow and appeal to the general populace, the market needs more crypto experience to work out strategies and patterns.
>he didn't buy MiloCoin yet
Good luck
>the market needs more crypto experience to work out strategies and patterns.
>proper trading science
You really dont get it
Once cryptos reach the point where people (i.e. massive corporations) are using 'proper trading science' it's WAAAY too late
'Proper trading science' is shorthand for making 10%PA by employing the smartest PhDs in the country to write algorithms etc, whilst investing millions in hardware to gain the tiniest edge over the competition
^^^This is a losing game for the average investor
Fortunately, cryptos are still at an early (but volatile) stage, where the big corporations don't want to touch them. Plus, the barriers to entry are still way too high for the average normie.
This is a golden time for NEET nerds to leverage their nerd skills and get in on something at an earlier stage than the normies. Sure, wait until you can apply your 'proper trading science' but it will be much more competitive by then
The rides over take profits and go home
Me too bro. Sitting on 80 ETH now
>You really dont get it
No you are the one not getting it, people like you who shill this way with cryptos will make people lose money.
>Once cryptos reach the point where people (i.e. massive corporations) are using 'proper trading science' it's WAAAY too late
What do you mean its way to late? Way to late to make money? How come people make money of traditional trading everyday, for decades? What exactly will be late?
>'Proper trading science' is shorthand for making 10%PA by employing the smartest PhDs in the country to write algorithms etc, whilst investing millions in hardware to gain the tiniest edge over the competition
Banks, hedgefunds etc do that - the vast majority of traders don't. I average 200-500 USD per day (up to 2-3k on really good days) trading CFDs. I don't use algos, neither do several of my trading friends.
>^^^This is a losing game for the average investor
And trading crypto is not? What about those who bought ETH last 24h, already -20%? Yet people here on Veeky Forums and other forums such as stocktwits are shilling with every thread.
Maybe it's because american laws (most users here are american) are not as harsh when you outright lie about something on the market, the SEC won't bother to investigate people on Veeky Forums or stocktwits. But from my experience in Sweden you can't just fucking lie about finances continuously and get away with it.
>Fortunately, cryptos are still at an early (but volatile) stage, where the big corporations don't want to touch them. Plus, the barriers to entry are still way too high for the average normie
There is a reason why big players don't touch these things, with all their experience, capital, technology, experts, you don't think that they have already worked out the outcome of this for the near future?
Also what do you even mean the barrier is to high for the average normie, the average normie got more money than the average NEET, by far.
>This is a golden time for NEET nerds to leverage their nerd skills and get in on something at an earlier stage than the normies. Sure, wait until you can apply your 'proper trading science' but it will be much more competitive by then
Competitive to what? Do you think that just because big money is onto something you can't make money at the same time as them? In the trading game, you are only competeting against yourself and your ability to see patters, set up a certain strategy for said pattern and be able to predict a pattern, you are not competing against big money, or any other small trader, it's only you.
Please stop deluding yourself and others by shilling crypto this way. It's not the truth and it's damaging for crypto progression, instead you (when I say you I mean all cryptoshills) should admit that buying crypto is a very risky gamble that MIGHT give good money in the future.