/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #1998

Granblue Radio:
Seruel 5* / Setekh 4*

Future of the Game (August) pastebin.com/7n3SgH9W

Summer Livestream Summary pastebin.com/PsbupquE

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Schedule for August:
7/31 - 8/8 - Poacher's Day
8/9 - 8/15 - Five Flowers of Fate
8/16 - 8/23 - Guild War (Earth favored)
8/24 - 8/30 - Xeno Sagittarius Clash
8/31 - ??? - New Scenario Event

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild Pastebin

Previous Thread:

>dem boiz




>not raidwide
What EMP skill do I take into raids? Clarity/DT3/?

>crew made early 2017 and anyone can join
>everyone talk about in few months we can superseed
>almost everyone in crew HL now except some that have been in crew since start but dont play and leader and FOs won't kick even though i surpass their rank while playing less
>get lucky and fight things like 2 man crews
>everyone think we getting stronger when we not
when will the leader and FO man up and kick the same 10 leeches that do nothing every gw. 2 month and magfest and still leech. mad looking at newer crews that were weaker than us but now stronger while we do nothing.

>Pleasure of cumming inside

How has NFC survived so many poachings? Or are they a zombie crew?

This is what casual crews look like.




ded game ded general


Does anyone know where I can find Scathacha's fate episodes recorded?


Get hyped up for GW, /gbfg/!

semi-casual, duh.

Stop. Have some respect for the dead at least.

Otohime (my wife) SSR when?

So who is Simo's waifu?

Not even close.

>crews where 6-7 people do 15% of their total guild score and everyone else leeches
I would know since I'm leeching in one of these

When I hit rank 80 what gbfg crew will adopt me?

Are you proud of yourself?

Summer JK when?

/gbfg/ Guild rankings

>#60 ChocoCats
>#107 Fleet
>#595 NFC
>#619 Haruna
>#897 Cumshot Hapiness
>#1868 TOOT


All the shit crews that couldn't hit tier A.
Such as Dem boiz.

what girl would NTR behind your back he would love that

yes and I even make fun of these autists that actually do the work for me

Is beafriends still alive?


>check my crew
>it's spot on
D-do I know you?

hello my name is has trouble finishing the job

No thanks.


>#60 ChocoCats
#60 in the seed bracket.

>Atelier already saying they're playing different games instead of doing GW


>2 more threads until 2000
what went so right bros

and of course some retard from beafriends will make the thread early

win for me so I don't have to do the increased min requirement for losing crewmate

>sushi gathered a bunch of cuties in less than 2 months and went tier A

i wanna get poached now

mh, 2 bahas, atma, cosmo sword, 5 chev swords

Can I join sushi's crew?

just b urself

Mine is one of those and the top 3 did 40% of the score
Feels good not doing shit

Replace a baha with longdong fist, Mainhand should be atma sword if you're dedicated enough for this. 6 swords

when do I reset the drawbox?
I'm still at my first, already got the GW weapon but didn't get the betting cards
193/1343 left

should I keep drawing/ just reset?

>just want to farm angel halo for low orbs
>nightmare keeps popping up and wasting my time
I thought /gbfg/ said it was rare?

So you can't leave any crew during GW, but can you get kicked out of one?

just bet urself

i can't believe (you) failed to qualify this gw

I bring dispel in baha hl if I already have veil

>Atma being main hand and replacing Baha weapons means I need another chev sword
Fuck everything. Xeno corow can't come soon enough.

betting cards is important right since only the first 3 drawboxes has it?
I could only get 9m honors on prelim & this is my 2nd gw so I wouldn't know if this is correct or not

pls answer

Xeno corow will be a stick that has heal

>Want weapons/limited resources
get weapons and reset
>Have time, resources, want other stuff unique to 1-4 boxes as well
don't reset

what dark staff is commonly used for mystic? realized i have literally none

We are full, sorry!

Are you ready for the book(staff).

Luna's staff or tales stick

Proto bakaHL

so anons who will get new summer versions?

I'm 100% that we will ger summer JK (SR) tomorrow but who will get SSR?


I do get 9m honor on prelim, would you think it is enough for me to get 3 betting cards this gw?




What do I prioritize for damascus bar? Im thinking murgleis, but I'm on magna grid. Is chev sword worth it anymore?


Murgleis, lol.

Proto bakaHL 3/18

Where is DEM BOYS???

>New Summer characters

It's going to be Scam Gacha.

murg is a good MH

kek, chev sword is the best light weapon in the game, gungnir is the second that comes close and it's 50% less powerful

go murgleis or chev swords if you want light grid, no more than 2 damascus per sword

Are there even strong people that don't want to grind the actual matches but are alright with getting tier a losing badges?

If my crew barely got into tier B does it mean we are going to get stomped every match?

murg if you have varuna.
stuff like Gisla if you have Hades.
otherwise for the most part you keep waiting on grand series weapons and see what comes of them.

>29 years old

What the fuck happened to her hair?

Didn't make it into A tier nigga

absolutely. the power difference in between low B tier and high B tier is insane

>Bikini arulu
My dick can only get so erect

ded boiz

That's literally all I want but get roped in to grinding matches against """easy wins""" by my crew.

t. cowfag

Used to be dem bois but seems like they're dead enough that they could only reach B.

Proto bakaHL 7/18
still zero phalanx botes.

keep them for murgs for the day when you get Varuna (they buffed primal "drop" rate from gatcha so it's "easier" to get them during legfest)
you can farm chev sword but you can't farm murgs unless you sell your kidney, house, dog and soul so you can spend thousand of dollars to spark multiple murgs during legfest


My crew has 3 cucks doing 60% of the score
And I'm one of them

it hurts

>spend thousands on whale grid
>lose to magna dirt

summer arulu (fire) please and thank you
oh and make her a broken buffer as well


>3 people did 1/3 of the score
>I'm one of them
I like to carry them on my back.

Dark cog
>he doesn't have core cag

Do Atma and Baha really not stack? I lose a lot of estimated damage when I replace my baha weapon with an unknown.

Proto bakaHL
8/18 - phalanx welcome