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too pure for this world edition
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what do

Fat cats are best minions.

Hello friends!


Power obviously.

>trying to justify wasting all that gil on a shitty minion

Posts ebin fflogs

be the strong silent nigga
also only talk in Mongolian to people


go away jannu

wanna do stuff together?

not having a fisher retainer to farm fat cats to put them on the mb for all to enjoy.

>tfw too pure to be an avatarfag

I wish Rhalgr's had some stuff to climb, I don't really like being in Kugane

When is this ebin e-celeb shit in this thread gonna stop? Why can't we just share the screenshot and talk about the game like normal people? Not everything has to be a circlejerk.

He didn't die for this shit.

Kiss Dis

Which Chaos server has the most RP?

Come to Mateus for friends and video games!!!


who here /dontraidbecausetoocasual/ here?

It'll never go away because they are 100% autistic

The best you can do is ignore it


Sure but I doubt you're on Chaos
Omega or Shiva, probably

I just really like shyvs cat
but it will never be a thing again
forever dead


erp me

I can always make an alt

Finished installing and downloading updates right now.
I read around a bit and as I understand there's no PK-like feature, right? or are there some PK-enabled servers? since it's my first time playing, I wanted to avoid getting interrupted, because I want to take it easy and learn about the story as I get to know the game better.

never probably, it's been happening since the beginning

I'm on Mateus, where are my friends and video games.

good op

i like my lizard fuck u


>try to hug a catboy in v1n
>accidentally mess up the emote and type it in party chat
>leave in embarassment without even giving him a commendation

PvP has it's own location and modes. No PKing or opposing factions anywhere. We're all friends here.


There is no world pvp at all.



>spamming dungeons in 3-stack
>someone hugs our catboy
>votekick them


Seibah a shit. Kneel to your once and future King.

>Omega or Shiva
What if you had to pick one.
I must know.

I don't dislike this

Isn't that Saber too?
I've not been on Chaos long enough to know. Sorry, user

Seeking THREE (3) brave adventurers for 5 runs of PoTD. Aether, pass is 1122.

PLEASE call me a demon harlot, Gawain...!

You make me giggle


Yes, the King of all Sabers, but he's not Seibah.

Begone whore of Xivg

Get off the gay Asstallfo bandwagon.

I want to make creepyscale babies!

I need everyone on Aether to queue for Weeping City.


S t o p

Post handsome Roegadyn!

Roe dick is the best dick.

Stop being gay so often.

>he doesn't like being dominated by barbs

queued as DPS, 3/4/11 atm



Do not trust c@girls.

Give me good examples of male aura who slay pussy on the reg

Here's the best example


Do not trust this c@girl.

You can trust moonies, they're pure.

It's just going to be a joke post with Ippiki in it.

please don't ever mistake me for that gross erp lala

they call him the Nhaama slayer

you just carbon copied hanna


Dick me deep.

Is it easy to make tomodachi in xiv? I once had an online otouto in another game and it was fun being the idolized oniichan, I can give my best when someone has expectations from me.

He's taken fag

I really didn't but I realized I look pretty similar, unfortunate but happens

No, every thread a large majority of e-socially inapt cucks talk about how they can't make friends. Which is a very real problem, since i'm one of those cucks.

kys weeb

pst Beppy Wheels

pst spoopy booper

hmmm if you say so

>lots of jobs got their long ass CDs reduced reducing the CD timer for pre pulls.
>SMN still needs a 45-50 sec pull timer on a wipe.
no amount of gitting gud will fix that you fuckfaces


pst taylor kkkay


I always hated that last name.


>mfw weeping city queue is literally estimated to be over half an hours

if I wanted to be ignored by a crazy tranny I'm sure I could find better than Taylor

I dunno, I'd let Taylor ignore me

Just TWO more for five runs of PoTD on Aether, pass is 1122. Come enjoy this terribly boring content. Will likely be going soon regardless of a full group or not.



There better not be a benis lurking beneath those panties.


24man roulette soon

How do I find a handsome male to EB?

100% certified pussy slayer


omg, mateus?


