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Shit thread which is luckily dead just as the OP:

Other urls found in this thread:


First for Total WArhamer Age of Sigmar

I AM _______ AND ________

Oh my jesus what the fuck is that

here we are having fun discussing skavens and shit and relic is sending 50% off coupons to everyone to try and keep dawn of war 3 alive.


>Having a history section

No one cares about history, user.

I feel like every one of the people who played the quest battles were trying their hardest to make skaven seem as unfun as possible

yes yes

mfw liking both AoS and fantasy

Drawfag here, gimme warhammer things to draw.

Fag and faggottor

I can see DA FUTSHA!



>no jezzails
>not ratling guns
>no stormfiends


>still no links for new skaven stuff
incompetent OPs baka

THICC female Slann, fit female Saurus and small and qt female Skink

Roster reveal is tomorrow.

Female skaven making tender love to a human shota

It's like liking your girlfriend and the guy who murdered her at the same time

Queek and Belegar in a slapfight with Skarsnik watching and rubbing his hands

Is everyone browsing /twg/ too retarded to find STUFF themselves?

Gotta leave out stuff for future DLC I guess.

*hordes of female Skaven mercilessly raping a human guy


We've seen the entire construction page though - unless there's some other way to recruit it or it just hasn't been added to the current build yet they're not in.

Some dark elf STUFF.
I should create a higher res version now that more videos are out.


>entire roster is revealed in the gameplay footage

guess what won't be in the reveal?

ratling guns and jezzails

shit OP

Last thread's minimalism was far superior

Actually yes. Did you even read the thread? 90% of posters is goddamn retards.

This please.

Being lazy with the OP is one step closer to SC2 general. You don't want that. No one wants that.


>make a non aggression pact with some skavens
>murder a bunch of elves for the lady
>find a ruin
>try to settle it
>you have broken a non-aggression pact
>all chivalry gone

Dang it.

Behold, the entire skaven tech tree (with the usual disclaimer that they may change things between now and release).

Came from here:
...where he also shows in full the effects of the different food levels, every skaven army stance, the entire skaven building browser (hovering over every building), queek's entire skill tree, and some other stuff I can't be bothered to screencap myself. Seriously, it's ridiculous the amount of info this guy gave, well worth a watch.

Have SFO and its submods been updated yet? TWW is borderline uplayable for me without it, I just like the gameplay changes too much

Now that the dust has settled, can we agree that Skaven are a fucking disappointment?

>butthurt OP from last thread
off yourself

truly best elves

>plains not plans


The entire sequel is kind of a copy-paste deal anyway.

Still gonna play it, mind you.

may as well, I'm not gonna be playing anything else tonight anywys


introspective Stormvermin in a sewer, holding a toy mouse knight that fell from above

>not murdering rats on sight
>having any chivalry
Pick one.

Not a fucking disappointment, but a bit disappointing.
DLC is gonna make it right

Also, I love how illogical/labyrinthine their tech tree is, it fits them really well.

I wouldn't really mind it, actually. Anyway we are going to get DLC with new LL, RoR and missing units.

Any Dark Elf campaign+gameplay videos rather than just that single quest battle?

Draw a fimir balefiend and a skaven grayseer having a magic duel like pic related

>skaven have 3 resources to manage

>Look at that pic without reading your post
>Think that it's a complete clusterfuck, then realise that that's actually pretty clever.

TB could have something, afaik he played every campaign for half an hour or so.
Only needs to upload it now, lazy fuck

TB sucks though.

Kholek, nicu. I pretty much never play chaos though, anyone got any tips?

There's nothing right about soaking me for another 10.99 to get the rest of the game I already bought

>whiners were screaming about how we are not going to get Hellpit Abomination
>we got it
>b-but it is still a disappointment

Not so tough now dawi?

Don't run at javelins.

>If your army is attacked in march stance there is no more retreat.
>If you lose, your army is completely destroyed.

yeah I know, still I'd rather have a half-retard showing campaign gameplay than not seeing it at all

Right, I’m watching the partyelite video and I’ll make a list of every unit I see or ones we already know about.

Lord and Heroes
>Queek Headtaker
>Lord Skrolk
>Plague Priest
>Warlock Engineer

Normal Units
>Clanrats (Shields)
>Clanrat Spears
>Clanrat Spears (Shields)
>Skavenslave Slingers
>Stormvermin (Halberd)
>Stormvermin (Sword and Shield)
>Rat Ogre
>Night Runners
>Night Runners (Slings)
>Gutter Runners
>Gutter Runner Slingers
>Death Runners
>Poison Wind Globadiers
>Death Globe Bombardiers
>Plague Monks
>Plague Monk Censer Bearers
>Plagueclaw Catapult
>Warpfire Thrower
>Warp Lightening Cannon
>Hell-Pit Abomination

Can’t see anything on Grey Seer, Warlord or Chieftain (or there mounts) but considering the trailer has a Screaming Bell, a Grey Seer must be in and a Warlord is also necessary.



I thought reddit was done being cancer, but they were not

Are the Nehekharans the greatest race of Man?

>First civilization of Men
>Powerful and warlike, but still learned and knowledgeable
>The greatest warmblooded warriors on the face of the planet in their time
>Beat the savage orcs so hard, they never even make it out of the jungle and stay there for thousands of years
>Hunt dwarfs and take them as trophys for fun, collect so many grudges they damnatio memoriae your civilization
>Bronze Age Men in chariots defeat gunpowder, runes, gyrocopters, and gromril like it's nothing
>While elfs are enslaving every other human race, beat the arrogant elves in battle so many times, they damnatio memoriae your civilization
>Unarmored Bronze Age Men with a kopesh defeating arcane magicks, dragons, phoenixes, and ithilmar.
>All of this while divided into numerous kingdoms
>Later groups of men get superior metallurgy, gunpowder, and larger numbers and are still scared of dwarfs and elves
>Later groups of men don't even realize that they were once the topdog on the planet

cute tbqh


Is it worth it for 50% off?
Draw an orc trying out the goblin thrower.

>non aggression pact with some skavens

wtf acquiring mummification & immortality is perhaps the most important aspect of their civilization

Bretonnian Men-at-Arms with a 'I've been through Vietnam' sort of look, only it's campaigning against Wood Elves.

is it true that they are nerfing norsca?

>talking about chivalry after you make a non-aggression pact with meme rats
Lance yourself.

They're gonna move it back for the supergrandcampaign, r-right?

Seconding this

How good is Malekith compared to Archaon/Mannfred?

I think I saw a tech or something that mentioned Grey Seer loyalty.

extremely well done!

i only hate this ,,entry level" techs who dont give any bonuses like books tech in VC tech tree.

Because they need them for the Ikit Claw Skyre DLC.

wait people where expecting these? aren't they age of sigmar stuff?

I think people guessing DLC content are almost certainly right. It seems perfectly set-up to add all three units with some kind of Clan Skyre DLC with Ikit Claw LL. Stormfiends may end up costing too many Charlemagnes to make, although if Hell Pit Abominations made it in I feel like anything can go.

it's probably to promote specialization instead of trying to research every branch at once

End times. But they're still cartoony garbage models just like most end times stuff. I hope we get Thanquol actually riding Boneripper though, that was pretty neat.

End Times and no, sane people didn't expect them

Vampire-chan,and all the other female warhammer TW characters hanging out together

We didn't get an entire extra map dedicated solely to skaven so we're all disappointed apparently.

Got a screenshot or a timecap?

Beta opt in is avaiable.

Fixed chaos replenishment outside norsca and other bugs

It looks good.

The only thing I'm a little disappointed in is the stats. Shit seems too conservative, I think the gutter runners should have higher speed etc.

Mods like SFO will definitely change that anyway.

Hello ? Yes this Malekith, I have autism

no lol

Would you play a Total War of Sigmar game /twg/?

is that you, Gelt?

I'd pirate it and send the dev and GW screenshots of my games.

I don't think theres an actual map for Age of Smegmar.

I wonder if Morathi fucked any Skaven

>Tfw army of Doomwheels


They're far better than I expected, maybe tweak a stat or two and they're nearly perfect

I'm afraid you are WRONG