Just bought a 2002 honda civic with this part cracked

just bought a 2002 honda civic with this part cracked

what's the cheapest fix? can they just weld it?

>can they just weld it?
Cast Iron isn't the easiest of stuff to weld. and you'd have to remove it to weld it anyway, in which case it'd probably be a similar price to get a used one from a scrap yard.

JB weld it dood

>JB weld

are you fucking meming me

it's mint dood


how soon should i fix it? is it safe to drive? am i retarded for paying 1800 for this car?

just go to the junk yard and get a new manifold.

it's literally a 30 minute job to swap the manifold. like 8 big ol' bolts. super easy

just be sure to get the engine warm first, and maybe hit the bolts with penetrating oil. they often get rusty and stuck.

>Op takes your advice while not knowing what an exhaust manifold is before making the thread
>Spends hours at the junkyard until he finally finds a decent manifold
>Op goes home
>Begins teardown on his car
>Snaps a stud
>Ruins cylinder head in an attempt to remove the bolt
>Essentially totals his shitbox

If you're a rookie that lives in the rust belt just don't try this job. Take it to an exhaust shop

>Implying he couldn't use JBWeld

Granted if you wanted it to stay you'd have to take the manifold off, grind/sand it down to smooth and clean metal, and when applying it, push it into the crevice. Should work great though desu.

i live in LA and can barely change my own oil

def not gonna do it myself

>cracked manifold
holy fucking LEL

Exhaust leaks can allow Carbon Monoxide to enter the cabin. You will instantly die if you drive the car.

here we have a prime example of a numale

That looks like a heat shield to me desu...

is it? isn't the silver part the heat shield?

and fuck you all you haven't helped one bit lol

JB weld it you cheap fuck. Just use a grinder to get the rust off first then don't drive it for 24 hours after applying

Neither of those things makes someone a nu-male.

>live in LA
>can barely change my own oil

Why? No storm drains?

I think this thread has been very helpful. You have two options.

>Be a cheap nigger and JB Weld it
>Take to exhaust shop and pay $300 to fix it properly

If you are afraid of an oil change, I'm afraid that does qualify you to be nu-male.

Knowing how to change your oil doesn't disqualify you from being a nu-male.

Honest to god, just fucking ignore it unless inspections deems it unpassable or something.

really? it's not gonna blow up or ruin the engine?

no, it would just make you fail smog if it sucks in too much air.

smog tech will tell you if it fails.

got the smog check test passed the other day. let's go

No, but not knowing how to change your oil definitely makes you a numale.

>big bolts

Grind/sand down, smash some jb weld into it