>be me
>dropped $250k on eth at $18
>sold around 3 hours ago for $42
Be me
you know what to do
Why didn't you wait, like.....a lot longer to sell?
How did you get the 250k?
How much did you profit?
Was u scared
If real, what're you going to do with your millions?
>How did you get the 250k?
How did you transfer that much? I'm running into a lot of buy and transfer limits
Congratulations, what do you plan on doing with your profit?
So you don't think it's gonna run anymore?
I'm in at 19$~ and wondering when I should get out.
It's hard not to get hype when we all know what bitcoin did, but I'm also thinking that there are about 6 times more ether in circulation and it can't keep climbing at the rate of btc due to this, and I feel like for it to reach bitcoin numbers it would have to usurp a good bit of marketshare from btc.
This is just my story, believe if you want idc, I learnt of eth from Veeky Forums though, so thats the only reason I'm posting here
Risk vs reward. I chose less risk.
I sold a property I inherited
p scared
I didn't make millions, but I'm staying in the crypto game for the rest of this year so I'm hoping to make atleast $1m by this years end.
Take it out and diversify you loon.
No problem for me
Do what I did and sell now. It could go higher, but by how much? $40 is great profit if you got in at $19.
It seems like the altcoin run may be coming to a close.
The bulls have been prepped, It's time to short.
>>dropped $250k on eth
WHERE do you buy that much ETH?
Subtle anti ETH thread
Wouldn't sell BTC at 40, certainly not gonna with this.
where did you buy from?
how did you sell for $42 the price on POLO was that for literally a millisecond.
like literally A. where did you buy that amount? and B. where did you sell?
>like literally A. where did you buy that amount? and B. where did you sell?
So much this. Everywhere I try to buy needs 8 different ID's and then still limits me to like $500 per transaction.
And Coinbase with its $100 a week limit.
Where'd you execute a buy that large? If not, how many months did you accumulate?
I think this may be a classic case of OP is a LARPing faggot