/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

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I want to bully Veronica!

Why did Sacred Stones have such a limited cast with barely any good characters?

W-Well but Fates is still shit!

3 of 4 is pretty good you faggot.

I found them pretty forgettable too. Most of them seem pretty generic and bland

Sacred Stones was a bit of a budget title while all the major effort went into PoR since they were developed concurrently

Small casts>fuckhuge casts

Even IS didn't like it.

I liked most of the characters. There were a few boring and forgettable ones, but that's the case in every FE.

did you manage to get him anons?

As requested, Ophelia and Panne.

Ophelia: Dramatic Heroine
Red Tome, Infantry
37 HP / 32 Atk / 34 Spd / 20 Def / 24 Res
Flux -> Ruin -> Fenrir -> Missiletainn

Missiletainn has 12 Mt, speeds up the Special charge by -1, and grants +2 Res. Scaled the same as a Slaying weapon (-2 less Mt than a unique weapon), and granting a bit of extra Res.

Learns Astra, G Tomebreaker, and Red Tome Valor (2x SP to red tome users).

Beast units have 2 Mov just like infantry, and they can move freely through forest tiles with no penalties. However, they are weak to -Wolf tomes and weapons like the Zanbato and Ridersbane, and are disadvantaged by -Raven tomes.

Panne: Proud Taguel
Colorless, Beast
49 HP / 31 Atk / 33 Spd / 24 Def / 20 Res
Beaststone -> Beaststone+ -> Swift Beaststone -> Swift Beaststone+

The Swift Beaststone+ has 13 Mt and grants +4 Spd upon initiating combat.

Learns Rally Speed, Wind Boost, and Threaten Atk.

What do you mean, SS is generally well-known for having a very memorable and varied cast.


>already put my account for sell

I hope someones buys it quick, I am sick of this game and his horses and dancers now I only need to put my pokemon go account for sell as well and I will be free of this mobile hell.

Who will you play the most in Fire Emblem Functions?

Why is Serra so cute and perfect, and more importantly, BANNER WHEN?

Yeah -res +def. It's okay.

I have 11 five star reds and one of them is +2. I don't need any more.

I got him free of charge. Good thing I'm not overly attached to Ike or Tellius in general otherwise I'd feel bad that he has shit IVs.


Is cain useful other than WoM3 fodder?

Colorless stone, I like it. Good work user.

No one because I'm not buying it

>Another 32/34 Red Mage

No one's gonna buy any of your shit lol, just uninstall and move on with your life

Where the hell is my S Corrin? Where the hell are you?

Cymbeline buffs when?

Probably not buying the game at this point, but I'd like to try one of the fliers out.

Can I suggest someone if it's too much to ask?

How much do you expect to earn? and how much money did you invest (lost) on it

Between her, Olivia, and Mathilda, there's enough units for a Hone Atk banner, part 2! Coming out tonight! Or never.

Shin in Heroes as the first mounted archer when

Hopefully my wife. Unless they legit thought FeMU covers the Dark Mage function.

well, I sold 3 hearthstone accounts I had when I played that and there is no harm on putting it for sell user, worst case scenario no one buys it and that's it

If you want a Wo Dao+ Red Cav, he's better and more accessible than Seth.

Ideally you want +Spd -Res.


Go for it! I'm still taking requests and ideas. Anything to pass the time 'til 3 AM when the day resets ingame.

She's hanging out with me.

>atk buff effect on a unit with natural hone atk
seriously the dumbest shit, why did they do that

Mine is +atk -hp
Useable or should I sack him off

dont wake up the sleeping silque

i put it for 250 bucks, i did not invest a thing but it has dragon, armor, flier and horse emblem on it plus lots of other things

Might as well download FE7 and FE8 on wii u due to DS Lite being unable to function.

I hate you with a passion
I wasted so many orbs down the drain for off banner red 5*s I don't care for

Got him because a coin flip to snipe for waifu dragons turned into a second coin flip told me to pull the rest of the summons while I was trying to snipe for the dragon waifu, t-thanks coin flips

Make a 4 man banner for every GHB unit that hasn't gotten one, /feg/. Bonus points if your banner has one character from each color.


Kliff x Delthea?
Tobin x Faye?

I wouldn't be so butthurt about it if it didn't have the "initiate attack" clause on it. Just make it work like Sieglinde or Siegmund, maybe make it buff Spd to differentiate it from the twin weapons.

Man I got a Hector too when I was trying to roll for Sonya. He also has shit IVs so he's instant fodder as well.

I also pulled a Leo when I was trying for Sonya and he was instantly fed to Xander for QR3.

Desire sensor is real man, I wouldn't be surprised if you've pulled a 5* Tharja a couple times.


Can you do Awakening/Fates Anna?

No one because it has no characters i like.

Kliff x Tobin

Opinions on this? youtube.com/watch?v=KpvbPiISqC0

Stop responding to the trip
Stop acknowledging him
Just ignore him god dam it

I like Hana

Hey user... why don't you show me your dick?


What's the requirement to reach rank 20 on arena?

If I am not able to nab 11 S! Corrins for merging before the month ends is there any point to even leveling and using her?


no one is buying it

Kliff x Linde
Tobin x jerking off to Claire and Gray fucking

>That ugly brown nose
Is Sonya/Niles/Subaki/Navarre/Anal Queen's FEH artist responsible for this?

Dark Breath or Light Breath+ ?

Like 4790~ It really depends on the week you try and enter though.

That's my daughter

I got him in his first banner.

He had shit IVs so he eventually became food along with Chrom.

It's flaccid and i can't erect. What if virion is descended from him?

Should I do it anons?
>no Roy
>Sanaki is +SPD -DEF

Something looks off about Robin's hair and face and it really annoys me.

I genuinely can't force myself to care about arena assault beyond getting a 20k rank, without knowing the the sacred coins do, and especially how many you'll need to use for whatever shit

hana's little toes

Battling Legion:


You shouldn't be using any mages if you want to play with the whales. Boosted BST infantry and armors are all you should use.

which female is for rapid tapping?

Nowi is _________________

If you have one of the actually good red mages, yes.

*blocks your path*

Only if the Fae has good IVs.

>What if virion is descended from him?
Where would that theory even come from



best build right user?

>still haven't seen 1 hero

no one cares Raul kys

JP Julia

It's called a shadow.

>saccing red Julia

yeah bro

Share your experience with the recent banners!

>Got Julia in 20 orbs
>Go for Celica, got BLACKED
>Try for Ninian
>Final roll was +HP Olwen

And now I'm sitting at 1 orb!

I'd bite the bullet and raise up a Selena over throwing out Sanaki.

Because you're unappealing trash

Dark Breath, cause you have to worry less about your units' positioning than Light Breath's buff and it makes it easier to kill dudes

my wife's mother

Thanks, doing it now.

>200 orbs on summer banner
>finally get corrin
>build 30 orbs
>ok lets try for elise
>fucking XANDER'D

I have 2

Kliff: Studious Supporter
Sword, Infantry
41 HP / 32 Atk / 34 Spd / 25 Def / 30 Res
Iron Sword -> Steel Sword -> Longsword -> Longsword+

The Longsword+ has 14 Mt and is effective against fliers.

Learns Astra, Swift Sparrow, and Axebreaker.

Alright... Hear me out. Tobin is a sword user and has an anti armor sword. Gray is the same but with an anti cavalry sword. Why not give Kliff a sword too, but he'd have an anti flier sword? This also makes Alm round the group out by having an anti dragon sword.

This might not be what you're expecting but hopefully it's still interesting enough.

Anna: Secret Seller
Sword, Infantry
41 HP / 29 Atk / 38 Spd / 22 Def / 28 Res
Iron Sword -> Steel Sword -> Levin Sword -> Levin Sword+

The Levin Sword+ has 15 Mt and deals magical damage.

Learns Glimmer, Distant Counter, and Escape Route.

I did it

Isn't Fae +ATK?