League of legends general /lolg/

I love Lissandra!
So cute and don't forget she is literally perfect!

Someone tell Sejfag to hop off my dick please and thank you.

Other urls found in this thread:


Best male character!!!!!!
Liss is kinda lame!!!!!

I wonder if we'll see any more Fizz buffs.

Also; what's with the same autistic postings at the beginning of every single thread?

This is the largest pair of breasts in the league of legends!

Say something nice to them!

Draven is an alpha ladies man
ur a gayboi fag
Draven doesn't and will never love you, haha
And Lissandra is my wife and loves me very much, haha
I don't care what you think, your irrelevant haha

I save my autism for later in the thread.

Best lulu skin?

>Also; what's with the same autistic postings at the beginning of every single thread?
is this your first day here

Riven is so cute and perfect! I love her so much! She's my cute and perfect wife!!!

liss is a 2d fictional character haha
not to mention you have very very very shit taste in other things
literally the only reason you're "relevant" is that you scramble to put up your shitty op every thread


You'll get over it soon

Sejfags dont care for your dick, youre just obnoxious

reminder that soraka is the tightest star guardian

Tightest anus and hardest cock

>saying anyone else has shit taste
opinion discarded

No, that would be Ezreal.

I got a question for any of you who main support. How many of supports can you confidently play in ranked?

I have an intense urge to play rammus top

Ahri! I like her very much!
Can you please wait until the previous thread has reached post limit before you make a new thread. I get that its a fight to get the OP for some reason but let's try to follow the rules.

I have an intense urge to be on top of you and ride your dick, user!

Almost all, If you are not autistic about it you can support with anything

are you an older women with huge hips and thighs?

>enemy lee sin is d5 in promos
>has never played lee sin before on the account, not even normals
>perfect flash kick executions and aimbotted q's
yeah sure
thats nice

I can probably play all supports decently, they're not very difficult mechanically

No, I'm not...

Maybe smurf account?


I see you to are a man of taste

51% win rate over 400 games? he's just being boosted for his promos

Anyone else feel detached despite playing a fair lot of league of legends and posting in lolg about league of legends since 2010?

Define detached in this context.

> to

Viewing from a window

I mean in lolg yea. I just lurk most of the time. Nothing wrong with that though

>w-well you're gay!!!
even for you


I want to wake up Crown by giving him warm, gentle handjob/head and teasing his balls.


what happened to udyr? saw him today and it's been fuckin ages since i seen him played. i've seen every champ be played in the last 5 months except for him

Can I wake you up like this, user?

hes shit

if you dont want him to look like shit too you have to fork over 25 bucks

what would married life with poppy be like???

>like riven because she reminds me of playing fightan games
>hate her playerbase
>hate top lane
How good is she mid or jungle?

Goodnight everyone. I'll be dreaming of my wife, Poppy. I hope you all have a wonderful day/afternoon/night and fantastic dreams whenever you sleep.

It's kinda painful to see cruel or dumb stuff repeat so much without being able to really do anything about it

picking her up all the time because she cant reach above the counter

>playing blind for ip
>nobody plays bottom or jungle

Oh please fag.

You could of done something meaningful with ur life but you'd rather swoon over a fictional video game character, argue with someone on the internet and instead of being a normal fuctional human being, you decided to take cock up your ass instead.

Pathetic. Parents must being rolling in their grave right now.

i've had a lot of success with her in the jungle. i think it's sleeper op

she seems the type to refuse to ask for help until she has absolutely no other option

hope you enjoy playing IT at home on a daily basis if she does anything besides youtube/pet forums

>Poppy will never trap you in a dutch oven

i want to marry poppy now

>walk outside
>its either night time or day time

>team feeds hard
>team doesnt feed


When the only one with range is top and refuses to leave, every game all day today

Whats lolg's opnion on gurofag


>team "feeds"
>enemy stops leveling up at 18

no name literal who that replies to camille posters for some reason

>enemy team gets fed
>they just push and end when they are the strongest

DAE love cock here?

I'm actually triggered by this stupid fucking attempt at an analogy

So what antenna did the government flip that made people want to stop jungling or bottom laning (rip adc anagram, riot fucking killed.you)

>people willingly playing support, especially in unranked
Makes playing AD rather miserable.

Dunno about this one. I usually have to fight somebody for the spot.

Who wants to write me some gurosmut involving a qt league of legends girl to kill me ?
I will gift for it as usual
Because Camille is perfect for gurosmut but they cant seem to take a hint

and im triggered you're suprised no one wants to play the cuck role (bot) or jungle

kys fag

>yfw Teamfight starts

>letting them push
>"Look at my low deaths we didn't lose because I didn't even try, we lost because you're shit and I don't know what the fuck peeling is!"
>captcha has Calle nine times out of ten
>sometimes calle calle

I WILL escape Bronze with Riven! I will not give up!

>being gay means you can't be a fictional being
>I'm the one swooning over a fictional character, not the autist spamming her every chance he gets
if my parents were rolling in the grave for me being gay, yours would have crawled out
p a t h e t i c

>tfw remembered how i felt during teamfights when i was a new player

I mean people are picking support and there's a support champ in the fucking jungle too, two or three mids and tops but they don't even help jungle no way


>group up at t3 turret
>they 5man and destroy us
>"its not your teammates fault for feeding its your fault for not carrying"

Been playing lulu top with ardent censor rush

really enjoying the meme

>Bronzie playing Riven
Must be hilarious to watch.

No on wants to play marksmen in the bottom lane

>be silver jungle main
>every time our team has a yasuo camp the shit out of him
>when enemy team has a yasuo camp the shit out of him
>can't remember ever losing a game with a yasuo in it

how far can I get using this strat?

Who do I pick when I get filled mid against velkoz

>play adc
>do ok in lane ahead in cs
>0/8 yi fed akali
>can't even leave base because my supports is an useless lux too
Well, back to midlane

Which lane are you attack damage carrying from? Did the team really agree to work around your build? Do you ever really know what you are saying?

Vel'koz is very inmobile but has a lot of poke. Any assassin will do well

How do i let my support know that i have a big dick in a kind yet clear manner?

Pls reply

It is.

Would recommend acquiring a Bronze account if you're ever bored enough.

Ahri, Xerath, Fizz and Ekko if you want to make him cry.

>go back to midlane
>get camped into oblivion
>still ahead on cs and only died twice to all the ganks
>botlane is down by 4 kills
>top is down by 40cs despite it being a winning matchup for him

He beat my kata, I shunpo to him and he ults me to death

Only if you do it with my boipussy user :3

Don't get his by his fucking stun. Also remember that he'll probably drop back to back W's on the wave and that shit has a long CD.


The ult was all he did



>under 20% winrate
Stop ruining your teammates' ranked games. You will NEVER carry with her, it's about time you accepted this and moved on.

>bot lane feeds more than a fucking soup kitchen
>adc yells at me for not following my lane once after i tried to help them bot 3 times
>procceds to spamm ping me ? if i whiff a fizz ult
Guess the adc
also Urgots hitbox is deceptivly smaller than his model
increadibly far

I hope this isn't sincere.

He's barely capable of turning during the cast. Blink, dash or flash behind him if you lack hard cc or another means of stopping it.

is poppy posting illegal now? :c

>no north Korean champion
Explain yourselves baboons

Hi there! ur almost as big as the rack on that pirate chick

maybe if there werent 5 of you fucks spamming her non-stop

not sure what your complaining about here. Ashe was at 75% health and didn't flash.

Fiddle support down 2 levels, unable to see build but probably doesn't have much health/mr