[Daily Bike Thread - /dbt/]

The much awaited Scrambler edition

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(Cross-thread) →

TFW no Grom Simulator:

Cucked bikes:

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Previous thread:

Yamaha a best

You had one job, OP.

first for suzuki a shit

What's missing?

Post bikes

you first

ive been waiting for this edition all my life

A scooter with gears is basically a bike

Any issues with it? How long have you had it?

Reminder of hard facts

kinda decent weather during the week, kinda tired after work.
Weekend comes and its 30, cloudy, and raining
/dbt/ regularly shits on me for not riding in shitty weather.
Why has god forsaken me?


Real talk

almost a year but i got it

nothing big but it gives false neutrals alot and sometimes small electronic problems happen (ie the green N not being visible on neutral or the high beams stay on even though im not holding down the trigger) but mostly a good experience desu

>cant turn
>american motorcycle

Pick 5


Pick both

THREADLY REMINDER: Don't respond to EF, please

>AMERICAN motorcycle
>fat and inefficient

sounds about right

The only worthwhile american bikes are Buells

>high beams stay on even though im not holding down the trigger
that's a small electronic problem that can result in a hefty fine around here

What you gonna do about it? :3

I got a pre '96 DR650, is it that much worse or can I do some decent stuff with it?

Stop responding to him he doesn't even care about the content of your post he just wants you's

Post scout you faggot

They are essentially the same, just with a kickstart

i just stop and start the engine lmao

i find it fun to do that at night going 50 thinking to myself STEALTH MODE ACTIVATE

Not so stealthy when you accidentally keybang lol


why don't you take it to the dealer and have it fixed? surely it's under warranty?

Nice headlight loser

Is he sleeping

0w0 what's this?
Do I need to replace exhaust gaskets when changing the entire exhaust or can I get away with being a cheap cunt?
Any tips for changing the entire exhaust?

Suzuki's like to sleep

No bullying allowed
Yeah, my bikes like taking naps

im having trouble with the deed of sale so legally the bike isnt even mine yet after a year lmao

but nah its nothing too bothering to warrant me actually going there to fix it

ooh also i have the classic and i dont recommend it over the standard ecen though it looks better imo because the leather seat is VERY sensitive and easy to rip/fade under the sun

This is a pro-bully general



>suzukis in natural positions

Out on a trail having fun? Yeah makes sense desu

looks like what's inside a catalytic converter

Tipped over because they want to die.
If they could speak, they would say "kill me"

Nice photoshop, jerk!


You aren't dead yet, eh?

>nothing too bothering

the dealer will fix it for FREE, why the fuck not?

what makes you think im gonna die user?

I thought one of your squid friends might wheely into you

Lol@that pillion seat
What the fuck it looks so wierd

I live in Bali.... Should I get a Z250 or or MT-25 ?? The Yamaha seems to be a newer design and slightly more power, but the Kawasaki is more abundant ?


No liter no peter

Because you ride a bike prone to snapping in half, seizing gear boxes, and being of general poor quality

Both are good bikes. Get whatever you like more

didn't know this was a thing

I would plunge that catboy asshole till it sucked his tounge backwards.

sounds like youre describing cowasucky



>didn't know this was a thing

Exactly the same as MT-03, but with smaller bore in the engine.
Its because this country has a severe tax hike when bikes are bigger than 250cc. Can't really go faster than 30-40hp nets you, thanks you mindnumbing traffic.

Do they still sell Z250 there?
probably because you don't have emission regulations.

Its so angry


I know, but mine is angry Cyclop

>caring about looks


>literally cant see anything except tubbys repsol

>being an insecure attention whore

>Thinking I'm zx9r user
Ha good one

He's not as fat as WR

>implying youre not an insecure attention whore too

Post your motorcycle buddy

Nice try. Im not insecure enough to fall for that.
Nor do i desire attention from others to determine my self worth

>Not posting bikes in a bike thread
Why are you even here?

>3 ass ugly bikes trying to cheerleader effect behind a blade


Post your not ugly bike

Ill post bikes

>riding a fuck ugly bike

>stabbed by broken glass
>arrested for open bottle in vehicle

>looks arent subjective
Ok bud

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but you've gotta be blind to think that Kawasaki looks good.

3 cylinder grom?

I see what you did there

Nah it's a 1/2 cylinder K1600GT

Fucking Europeans, always shitposting about "muh subjectivity" and "it may not be fast but I like it"
It's all damage control because they're forced by the government to ride shit bikes, don't fall for this garbage


No that's my buddy's grom. He had put a wind screen and M4 pipe on it and added 700cc. I ride the slow unreliable CBR

>Posting the same shitty bait every thread
Go crash into another semi, drobe.

Show us your beans for roasting

Nice blade, my favorite generation. More pics please :)

>replying to him every time
Just proving how insecure you really are

>Fucking Europeans, always shitposting about "muh subjectivity" and "it may not be fast but I like it"
>It's all damage control because they're forced by the government to ride shit bikes, don't fall for this garbage
>trying to cope

already posted
wanna roast my ugly $1500 bike?

As a Euro, I can objectively tell you you're talking shit about the last part.

Would you like to be considered equal to EF? I doubt it, but using your logic you could be.

I'll give some new pics tomorrow. I have a new phone and for some reason only old pics got moved over.

Hey nice greentext, but what are you trying to say? It's true, you fags can't even ride a liter til you're like 25

I make it a point to respond to every (u), they make my day

And how old are you, Gramps? Your Photoshop edits blow cock btw

Nice exhaust

>you fags can't even ride a liter til you're like 25


>And how old are you, Gramps?

24. And people like my edits so sucks to be you, you're gonna be seeing an awful lot more of them.