Why are they always bashing Brexit?

Why are they always bashing Brexit?

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Because theyre globalist faggots

I thought Clarkson was a patriotic nationalist britbong?

Because it's retarded and the british fucked themselves so hard

Brexit laid the groundwork for the undoing of the retarded super state called EU

>What is scripted rhetoric, Alex?
He's definitely conservative but he's hardly a raging nationalist.

Because Brexit is stupid, and was voted for by gullible sheeple.

>have a show that constantly shows them traveling the world
>is surprised they don't like brexit

Becuase Brexit was an idiotic idea from the get go.

Yeeeeeet its still here.

>it's hard to travel internationally without the EU

It's called a visa. They're pretty good the last time I checked

>wanting to be a sovereign nation is silly and for gullible sheep
cmon now

>a overgrown un-elected governing body is in charge of removing itself from another country
gee i wonder why

Maybe they hate national sovereignty? Or maybe continental vehicles will now cost more to import.

"unelected"? RETARD.

because anyone with quarter of a brain knows britain is filled with incompetent assholes and eu is only thing keeping it a float

>live in uk temporarily
>all income comes from eu
>be broek
>go to sleep
>wake up not broke
>wish people happy brexit and watch them start crying

only retards voted for brexit its a beautiful trainwreck.

That's the hilarious part, You're not a sovereign nation, even trying to divorce yourself from the EU. You're still subject to the whims of Europe and the greater US sphere of influence, and trying to kick yourself out just means now you have no voice to change those whims.

Probably the only sovereign nation left on earth is China.

Never stopped other island nations from giving a fuck what their neighbors thought. Hell our former commonwealth nations thought the same of us when we were an empire.

I support Brexit purely because I am nostalgic for the Empire.

And Japan

Yet Australia was one of the nations trying to get the TPP established; it still largely needs the US military presence in the region to offset China. Nice example there.

Oh FYI just as Brexit was a mistake it was a massive mistake for the US to try and shut the TPP down, as now China dominates the economic affairs since there's no collective voice to compete against them.

This user knows what's up.

Japan and SK need the US military presence or China would run roughshod over them, and actually use Best Corea as they really want to: a vicious dog on a chain, that will bite them if they step out of line.

And how exactly does this stop them dröm being sovereign nations?

>Military projection is the back bone of diplomacy,
>Diplomacy insures your economic systems are treated fairly, and not taken advantage of.

>Said countries have limited military projection
>Any diplomatic negotiation would be limited, "that's a nice country, shame anything would happen to it"
>Limited diplomatic negotiating ability, would mean economic agreements would be lop-sided

You must be mad to apply this logic to Britain.

>Suddenly Britain would be able to take on China economically and militarily

Regardless Britain doesn't live next to China, its problem stems from its Allies, and their economic policies, Britain doesn't have to worry about Germany suddenly seizing the Channel islands, but they do have to worry about EU placing tariffs on goods, or jobs being sent to Poland instead becuase Britain, as no longer a member of the EU, is too expensive to build factories in.

So because their sovereignty is currently protected by the strength of the United States, they aren't actually sovereign?

>they're not really sovereign becuase they depend on one country to protect their interests
>they're not really sovereign because if that country was to suddenly stop protecting them, they would be under the sway of another larger country.

how is that hard to understand?

Because you're drawing parallels between a representative government guaranteed by a friendly nation with a representative government directly controlled by a non representative rulership. This is while ignoring that jp, sk and aus are all nuclear capable and can offer more trouble than they're worth.

Japan, SK and Australia are not nuclear nations. and don't own ICBM's

That is to say they don't own nuclear weapons, they have nuclear power plants....

Nuclear capable is different to nuclear armed. Nice to see that that was the only point you chose to address tho. Also Australia doesn't have any neclear power stations.

As public knowledge goes, Those three nations are not currently known to have any nuclear weapons aside from those that are stationed by the US on their soil. At any rate if they do, their only delivery systems are Bombers or Cruise missiles which are much easier to move countermeasures against, and would most definitely provoke an ICBM response, with little to no Chinese causalities.

Again they're small fries compared to China, and are at a distinct disadvantage without the US in the picture.

Because it was a poorly thought out plan that will have longstanding negative repercussions for the UK through increased tariffs, decreased trade, stifling movement from the UK to the EU and basically self-ostracism by the UK.

Being part of the EU was like being part of a club that would have your back, help pay your bills, and give you big discounts if you went to their business. UK said "you know what I used to be a big fucking colonial powerhouse and even though I'm not even the first or second most powerful member of the EU, I'm gonna see myself out because I can do things better". But then they said this, people pointed out that they'd have a lot more to lose by leaving as opposed to staying, and now they're drawing out their exit as long as they possibly can so they can hold off the inevitable negative effects on their nation.

Yet they still remain sovereign nations unlike those under EU rule.

Typical hopeless cuck. I hope someone with a brain gets back in and works on bringing the commonwealth back together in a new form. I want it to be in a similar fashion to the EU except members are elected which is my single biggest problem with the EU. They have no accountability to the peoples lives they fuck and boy have they fucked some poor britbongs lives (not to mention the other countries copping the happy rapey New Years Eve "BLACKED RAW" end of the schtick).

Imagine the Commonwealth trading bloc, it'd be perfect. All the member states have a similar high level of lifestyle, so free(ish) movement would be possible because "the nice places" wouldn't get bombarded with thirdworlder spastics with no appreciation for society. We all use the same system of law so conflicts along those lines would be minimal, and with the britbongs help they could strategically arm Australia, NZ and Canada to create a proper super power and market.

This is why you'll always be a low energy Jeb.

public relations

>uk shouldn't leave the european union because america has influence over their nation
america has influence over every nation on the planet, this means nothign and you're retarded

He is. But there is no reason for trying to fix things by shooting yourself in the leg.

>>Suddenly Britain would be able to take on China economically and militarily

There isn't a single nation on earth that can take on China economically or militarily. They are the only superpower in the world.

Only the truly wise ones understands how Brexit was a smart move.

Now they can do free trade with what ever nations they want, US, China and India could each potentially be better trading partners than all of Europe. combined. EU countries are not allowed to negotiate trade with others. In the long term the UK will be better off financially without the limits imposed by the EUSSR


That’s why

Japan could design and build world deliverable thermonuclear weapons withing a year of deciding to do so. They have the industry, infrastructure, and brains to accomplish it. They could probably even do it in under 9 months.

>There isn't a single nation on earth that can take on China economically or militarily. They are the only superpower in the world.
If you mean the worlds most indebted country, then sure...

Maybe because it was incredibly retarded?

I think you have that backwards. China holds the debt of most of the world including the USA.

>Yet Australia was one of the nations trying to get the TPP established
No, our corrupt politicians were trying to get the TTP established. It had basically no support amongst the general public outside of those too brainwashed by Murdoch rags to realise what it was.

because it's accepting submission to the USA

>There isn't a single nation on earth that can take on China economically or militarily


Germany and UK are the ONLY nations who put more into the EU than they take out, Germany is scared they will leave because they cant float the EU alone.

They're old and rich, why would they give a fuck. Watch Clarkson from the 90's, he's anti-EU as fuck.

try taking on a bunch of goatfuckers living in a desert first.

Boy oh boy I sure do love talking about cars!

would you like to explain to the class why im wrong?

>There isn't a single nation on earth that can't take on China economically or militarily
fixed that for you
China is a paper dragon through and through, as usual
their economy relies on financial vampirism in order to function, they're in the middle of a huge bubble that's been artificially inflated by slave labor, they have no real logistic support structure to speak of (trains suck during a war) and their military is hilariously incompetent, not to mention underequipped
If nukes weren't an issue, Japan by itself could shit all over China, even without US support
North Korea, similarly, is only dangerous because Seoul gets nuked as soon as the war starts

>Veeky Forums, international politics


As we know it yes

>this is what drumpfans actually believe

>JLR said that the decision to kill off the Defender was “mainly legislation based,” that stricter EU emissions standards


They also tried to ban high power kettles. Bastards.

Are you seriously retarded enough to believe that?

Just who do you think are unelected? MPs? MEPs? You know the decision makers.

The EU told them who they couldnt trade with (embargo) and it cost the UK money, just like it cost the other EU members.

The EU told the farmers what they are should grow and wont buy anything else other than their demand.

The EU didnt help UK when China flooded the market with cheap steel and as result a lot of companies were closed.

The EU told them to take in more refugees or face a fine.

The EU has cost the UK more than they benefitted from. The withdrawal from the EU will in short term cost money (and most stupid people will only think short term hence the popularity of car financing in the USA) because of a few EU cucked companies will be voluntold to leave and/or stop doing business there (theyll recieve fines otherwise from the EU) They just put a burden on you and if you refuse you will be fined by that very own club.

The EU is a piece of shit which most members citizens voted against yet was shoved through their throat. A lot of politicians were promised cushy jobs with payraise in Brussels and that is why they elected to ignore democracy so the countries would become members. The EU has cost a lot of money so far and very little has been gained other than a rapefugee wave, increased terrorism and crime, and the dismissal of entire military units.

>who would win
>guerilla fighters intimately familiar with the local terrain and not adhering to the geneva convention
>a traditional army in an unfamiliar land bound by a do not fire until fired upon mandate because of undeclared war and humanitarian rules

I did always wonder how the EU thought it would enforce a fine on Britain or anyone else not wanting more migrants or denying certain things.

Don’t pay.

What are they going to do about it? Fine us again? Don’t pay again.

Are they going to threaten to stop trade? Already want out.

Military? Lol good luck.

because it gets them more views

Who murdered more civilians in that war? Has anyone run the numbers?

China has been building a series of artificial islands and artificial island extensions to base their military. If you want to get anywhere near China you'd have to weed those islands out one by one first, by which point the Chinks have had time to arm and train up their massive reserves. Plus they have a pretty highly developed SAM system so just bombing them like the goatfuckers wouldn't work. Trying to take on the eternal chink militarily would be stupid.

This a million times over.

I would buy you a pint if I ever met you.

Why is this /pol/ trash on this board?

What does the UK have to offer by itself to those countries that the EU didn't? The only thing that the UK has is the financial centers of London, but the US has NYC and China has(ish) Hong Kong. The UKs largest exports are computers and vehicles, and if they can't get their resources from the UK (for instance Rolls Royce uses BMW motors) with ease then that will hurt the bottom line. Not to mention that a lot of that is vehicle production, so what happens when the tariffs are raised and it's no longer profitable to build on England? You can just move it all to Spain or France and cut the losses.

>Brexit is only about the economy
The people who have fuck now will still have fuck all after brexit. Globalisation does not before the majority, and quality of life is not directly proportional to economic growth.
Let's just hope that London's economy is sufficiently damaged by this and we actually start investing in places outside of the South East.

If the government didn't play silly buggers for the last 20 years the vote would have gone the other way.

Will ferred had a hard life

Why is this /rebbit/ trash on this board?

Except they can't change anything, even if they wanted to. The people who make decisions for the EU aren't voted in my public. Your point is moot

>almost no american civilians in vietnam
>vietnamese civilians are the guerilla fighters

>160 POW die

just die already Soros

...which same debt is entirely in USD, the world's currency. Fuck with the USD and China unravels overnight.

>was voted for by FSB operatives


>uses an insurgency war as an example
>what is Sino-Vietnam War
Insurgency wars are impossible to win unless you genocide the entire population like the Russians did during the Chechen Wars of the 90s.

China got btfo by a bunch of Gook border militias in 1979 just after Vietnam was beginning to recover from the largest air bombing campaign since WW2. They failed to break through northern Vietnam and get the gooks to stop fucking with Cambodia.
>Chinese Strength
600k Soldiers
550 tanks
>Vietnamese Strength
150k border militia
100k soldiers

>Chinese losses
62,000 casualties (including 26,000 deaths)
420 Tanks/APCs destroyed
>Vietnam losses
30,000 killed
32,000 wounded
185 Tanks/APCs destroyed[

>gets triggered on a political shitpost

So would the USA.

Because it will wreck the entire British car industry.

Rolls Royce isn't moving to Spain. It would abandon their heritage, and without heritage they are literally nothing.

>without their heritage they are nothing
sounds like pretty much every racist

You say "racist" as if that's supposed to be a bad thing.

It was sold to a Nazi 20 years ago.

>VW is nazis

VW, RR, Audi, etc. are owned by the Porsche family. Literally Nazis.

all nazis you say?

Go to bed kid. econ101 will start in a few years if you do good in school.

The EU fucking ruined hoovers as well by mandating their wattage be lowered. For what fucking purpose?????????????

because people are morons.
they look up the wattage and think that that's the best machine.
so companies put in practically toasters to increase the wattage.

Because they're not townie brainlets

The Eu has done fuck all for the uk, Ford Transit plant, Southampton, closed, opened in turkey with Euro grants, cadburys chocholate moved to fucking Poland with eu money, Terry's chocolates moved to fucking Poland eu grants, the fucking list of these factories moved to Poland with eu money that the fucking uk, the fourth largest contributor to the flucking eu paid for is staggering, hundreds and thousands of people out of work in the uk, cos the uk allowed them to move factories and the fucking eu paid for it. What's not to fucking like, let's make sure we never leave and are eurocucks forever. And all those cunts come over and using our hospitals and paying fuck all. Fucks sake. Why would any rich country join these blood sucking commie cunts. Fuck you all, that makes me a racist now.