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Flawless victory:
/r6g/ - Rainbow Six General
First for dildo mines
2nd for Coastline Two: Madrid Boogaloo.
pls ubi
picking attacker spawns in casual when? so fucking sick of running all the way around the map to get to the objective because ubishit expects me to breach through the opposite side of the map and play roamer's fun house: now with more flanks starring Jager and Bandit
Who's ready for Tachanka 2: Green Hair edition?
she is hardly Tachanka 2 since she isnt speed1
>tfw I get a turret ace because the other team decided to sperg around a single point of the map instead of taking a different entrance
Ela ugliest op
I literally could not care less about Ela when Ying and Lesion exist. I'm excited.
Also her kit didn't look as bulky as Fuze's, is this going to be another "3 armour even though they look like 2/2" like Echo?
lesion looks like a less interesting echo
I sure hope he isnt, I've been waiting too long for new shit
I'm in the same boat. The only people who actually give a shit about Ela at this point are waifufags. Ying and Lesion sound fucking radical
I'd be fine with just knowing which fucking spawn area you'll start in for both attackers and defenders. The only way for attackers to know is if all their drones get destroyed in prep phase.
I bet kapkan and frost really like Valkyrie since they really like
AND IT'S FUCKING NOTHING that hasn't been leaked already
Echo is 3 speed because he's so lazy
Was her speed ever confirmed through the leaks? Echo sure doesn't look like a 3 armor operator but they still slapped that on him anyways. Besides, I think Ubi might be a little scared of adding another 3 speed to defense that isn't limited by shit guns, I doubt they want another Jager.
>3 speed echo
echo looks fat as fuck, of course he's a 1 speed
what bullshit
what did the teaser reveal that we didn't know already
we actually know more than the teaser revealed
Oh hey, I just realized she's holding that shotgun in the video, so that's 100% confirmed now.
not available in the US
reminder that bandit is an absolute madman
today we are a team, tomorrow... who knows
>unavailable in your country
fucking niggers
Why tho? Scorpion @3speed? Fuck I'd take her just for that..
New shield op idea: He'd be based around running into shit and breaking it, sort of like a sledge, but able to crash into it and continuously keeps going for quick breach and clear. Weapons would be a close range, high damage double barrel sawed off shotgun, and any generic high mag handgun, preferable a glock :^)))
Shield with a Taurus Judge?
With the fucking reddit opinions on Jager, I doubt Ubi is going to be adding a 3 speed with a great gun to defense anytime soon
Basically, except it's a glock.
>Ying had her first taste of field work at an exclusive female-only training facility in Tel Aviv, Israel
I don't like the sound of this...
I don't like it one bit...
>It was reported that she became personally involved with Echo at the time, but their relationship ended a year later.
I feel for him
n-no bully
>Ying had her first taste of field work at an exclusive female-only training facility in Tel Aviv, (((Our Greatest Ally)))
Of course
>Met Ash before
Eh, Ash already has that rivalry with Mira, doesn't she?
>Met FUZE before
>Became involved with Echo
>tfw weeb bashes you for having sick helmet
>It was reported that she became personally involved with Echo at the time, but their relationship ended a year later.
I think I know why...
Fuze-Ying fag BTFO
>It was reported that she became personally involved with Echo at the time, but their relationship ended a year later.
It's canon boys, Echo's not a virgin
They have completely stopped giving a shit about the lore, I see. This reads like they've delegated it to an intern.
Leakbro leaked it tho and so far he was pretty damn accurate.. so for all we know, its a scorpion @3 or 2 speed, which would be sick-
It reminds me of some kind of fucking fanfic
I feel better about maining Echo now that I know he's alpha.
hey guys would it be acceptable to play jager if you don't spawnpeek or use acog
New Ying teaser
>Echo tapped that tasty Hong Kong ass
Top job Echo
>would it be acceptable if i didnt do what literally every bitch ass jager does
no shit
It doesn't matter, everyone will give you shit anyways. Just do what you want and block out the autistic whining, the game's more fun that way.
>The Operators codenamed Ash and Fuze [REDACTED] with some tensions. Ash, however, quickly resolved the situation.
I mean we know she has the gun and that it's got a fucking nuts RPM, but it could also kick like a fucking deagle. And if she's 2 speed I doubt she's going to see any play when compared to all the other 2 speeds with good guns and much better gadgets. 3 Speed with a great gun would probably see play, but as said, based on the "community opinion" on Jager, I doubt they would want to make another one of him.
Leakbro was slightly wrong. No AR.
>hibana fucked thermite (not confirmed but obvious)
>echo fucked ying
who else?
>this one actually works for US
>fancy sneakers
>dedicated shot for ass/hips
extra nice
it doesn't matter what they want because they don't understand shit about balance. See: blackbeard's release, hibana being untouched.
Castle fucked Ela
Why wrong, looks like shes using the Shotgun in the teaser which is her second weapon, the first is a LMG like leakbro said
I still hope for a good gun 3speed.. sick of Jäger/Bandit yet I like using 3speeds..
I'm gonna play a bit of devil's advocate here and say maybe they're waiting until Hibana is "fixed" to change her balance at all.
if you want and have about a week ill give you a shit ton of fanfiction with shit that does make sense
>amerifat only cares about waifu
thank god I don't play on your servers holy fuck.
Castle's going to have a relationship with the SK female, calling it now.
Dust line came out before the game's resurgence so there basically was no community opinion for the game yet, and everyone had been bitching about another operator to get through reinforced walls since the games release and reddit doesn't seem to think Hibana is just a little too good at that. They only care about "BLUH I GOT SPAWNPEEKED BY A JAGER ON KAFE BECAUSE I CAN'T SEE WITH MY EYES NERF NERF NERF NERF WTF UBI"
Ib4 she has a watch with orange circle.. fuck no.
He said there would be am assault rifle in the mix, but it's just the LMG and the shotgun. He got them right, but... Or was the rifle leak from the game files? I don't remember.
Counterpoint: sniper-90, thermal smoke glaz and how long both of those stayed untouched. Even now, glaz is still a menace at any range.
Don't think leakbro ever said she'd use an Assault rifle.. I only ever saw the shotgun and LMG being mentioned, but maybe I missed something
>there are humans on this earth that are this fucking normie
thank god i dont play on your servers holy fuck
There was supposed to be the QBZ-95 AR
>muh ass
>not normie
>Doesn't even remotely care for good ass and hips
Europoors confirmed for inherent faggots
>if you care about anything more than ass and titties in your videogame you're a normie
I loathe the fact that I play on the same servers as this retard
i want to use IQs feet sweat as aftershave
Well there still can be, they didn't show her full loadout, but wasn't it a QBB-95 LMG?
And didn't some anons worry and cry about an LMG only operator ?
no there wasn't?
I actually took about a 2 month break from the game around when Glaz got buffed, so I didn't get to experience much of that, so you got me there. I think Glaz is fine now. Sniper 90 was first nerfed in Dust Line and then nerfed again with the shotgun nerf in Skull Rain right? I mean at least they tried to nerf it back then, Ubi is just incompetent as fuck
>can't play the game and appreciate ass at the same time
how does it feel to have a sub-100 iq?
>Thinking fat Asian sex is alpha
Smh desu senpai
But actually good for echo being able to dome his ex in the face
There describe her loadout in the article. It's only the LMG and shotgun
Yuh huh
If the LMG is her only non-shotgun primary, I sincerely doubt it's going to be as bad as the other ones in the game.
Now that it turns out Echo is unironically alpha will he get picked more in the pro leagues?
>Ubisoft confirms she has an AR and a shotgun
>everyone still says LMG and shotgun
>unironically alpha
She dropped him after 1 year he probably didnt get further than hand holding
can that user post the organized image of everything we know so far about the leaks bro leakbro? Pretty sure he didn't mention an AR for the HK attacker
But he gets picked more in proleague than the average online game?
New operator: Yurei
Can make equipment, operators and basically anything he pleases invisible, pic related.
best 1x sight?
>muh lore
user youre missing the point. Echo is a fat jap who loves robots yet he still manage to bang Ying. Echo either has a massive dick or is alpha.
>T-95 LSW
Do you not know what the stands for or are you just that fucking retarded?
>he can't make it past handholding in one year with a girl
>projecting how much of a beta he is
Her side arm is a revolver?
>if you can't play the game without the constant motivator of looking at ass like a sub-human ooga booga you're a retard
waifufag mentality is astounding. I bet you also "play female characters so you can look at the ass" in 3rd person games and totally not because you're a huge closet fag.
Castle will have something with the Korean ops because he speaks Korean