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but user I am f2p, maybe I'm just lucky
I crafted 3 of these
post them I guess

first for UI nerfs


>another set
>another druid buff


shadowblade would be worth using if it was 5/1.

then you could combo it with runeforge haunter, or just use it as a decent midgame removal.

Been playing since closed beta. Only got a golden Golden Geddon
"I've hated druid even before this expansion" out of 10

Old Gods > Knights > the rest

the last expansion i liked was whispers, or maybe the last meta i liked. koft is just tgt 2.0. fun cards borked by previous expansions' bullshit

I've played MtG since I was a child, and throughout the years I've had some unfortunate incidents happen.

I got punched in the face at FNM for completely destroying a guy whose deck cost him over $400 in the Theros/Tarkir/Origins standard format, with a deck that cost me $20 to build out.

I had a $600, double sleeved deck stolen, by force, at a different store's FNM, which was of Modern format. With it went my dice, play mat, and a box of cards I had intended to give out to younger players that can't afford to buy cards whenever they wish.

I've had numerous cards throughout the years get ruined, by heat, water, bending, etc. Among them was an Alpha Tropical Island. Accidents do happen though, so I wasn't too concerned. After all, it's just a game.

The crowning moment that caused me to stop playing though, was when my friends started refusing to play my decks because the power creep at our tabletop gatherings was too abundant. So, I just said to hell with it, and got back into Hearthstone.

For all of it's faults, the game has been extremely enjoyable for me. Buying packs is not out of the question for me, and while I get tons of duplicates, I just dust them and make the stuff I need.

I never need to worry about getting everyone in one place, unless it's for a Fireside Gathering. I don't have to worry about damaging my cards, or having them stolen. I can play anytime, anywhere as long as I have my phone.

The icing on the cake is a friend of mine is interested in buying my Bogles deck for $450, and I can just dump that cash into this game and expand my collection even more.

I'd like to thank the community for the laughs I've had, the games I've lost, and always having SOMETHING to teach me as I move forward.

Have a great one guys!

old gods was pretty bad honestly

really hated the druid decks with the 4/10 swarmers, also the control warriors with their massive armor gain were really boring and annoying

is druid good in arena?
asking for a friend

The actual expac has some cool cards, it's just old cards ruining the meta again (and unnecesary druid buffs). Maybe next rotation

I'm not saying it's impossible, just very unlikely, especially if you don't have a lot of time to play each day. But good going there, maybe at some point I'll also get one. In like three or four expansions.

I dont really care about the meta at that time, I'm having a lot of fun with old gods cards even to this day, a lot of them are fun/interesting

I left yugioh for hearthstone so i laugh my ass off everytime they mention powercreep or the game being too fast XD

Un Goro > Old Gods > GvG > Knights > MSoG > TGT

is fucking Bogles really worth 450 US dollars

Un goro was one of the most boring set, what did you like in it user?

Shady says yes

One of the best expansions they've ever printed.

Not because of balance, but because they actually started pushing the limits with card design. Ultimate Infestation is nuts; Defile is very interesting; Treachery is cool as fuck; they outright said that they would never print cards like Gnomferatu beforehand, and here we are. DK designs are borderline OP, and everyone loves them.

It's just a well-designed expansion. There are very, very few boring cards, and that's what makes it so good. The worst crime a card designer can commit is to make boring cards.

Does Veeky Forums really not think Naxx was hands down the best set?

Given that my cards never truly depreciate in dust value, I prefer the Hearthstone method.

Don't get me wrong, it kind if sucks they never increase in value, but I'm guaranteed a set amount per card, which is lovely. It's a far cry from the Origins Jace who went from like $20 to $120 and fluctuated every single day by about $40. Trying to stay in top of the investment with a physical item to maximize your profits is frustrating.

best adventure, it wasnt a set

New on the game. Complete all the practice games. Curently i'm using the standar mage deck

>literal blizz shills in this shitty general
fucking sad

Most healthy meta where most classes were played, it revived my favorite class. Only bad thing was the discover cards

>muh shill!
every time

Those are Reddit posts.

He's reposting from a reddit thread

2. one of the worst and least effective yet

Reminder that nerfing Freeze back in the beta was a mistake.

Unnerfing it would kill the jade cancer for good and bring
Hearthstone meta back into balance. Ice Lance rotation needs some compensation and lowering manacosts of freezing spells is just that. When Freezemage popped up it kept control, aggro and midrange all in line. Now, it would allow control warrior to come back and the other decks have multiple option to tech against freeze

>Exodia would be too strong.
Sure, it will help exodia decks also but Freeze itself is antiexodia. You can pop their block faster and more often.

I'm talking about the set, not the meta. I guess that's what happens when you play in wild, for example I almost crafted nothing from ungoro since I didn't like much of it. Old gods and knights for example are much weirder and have a more interesting pool of card to play with.

>that feel when your playing memebishop kazakus deck against druid and you want to show off your awesome hand but he concedes after you swap from dk priest to dk druid

I was going to go back to dk priest the turn after too


Yes. Blizzard accounts on reddit botting the same replies.
>shit, the reception to this expansion isnt going very well
>better make a fake thread on reddit saying how much better than our competitors we are

crafting DK shaman yes or noooooooooo

you're the type of guy who masturbates to his sister, aren't ya

jesus christ user, some people hate the game, some people like it. Thats it

This . Like clockwork.

nth for dead game

Oh, in that case it wasn't that inventive, it just added a bunch of class staples. Fitting quest into pre-existing decks was interesting though I guess.

2 out of 10
It didn't add anything particularly good for the meta. Just buffed previously good decks. Best expac is still TGT for me but thats cause all the decks I liked to play were good or decent then.

Freeze mage
Control warrior
Secret paladin

>what is astroturfing
are you new to the internet, user?

>muh funnel cake

I dont understand this meme

where do i buy an decent acc guys

Is exodia mage good? The winrates I've seen are pretty low. I'm tempted to craft the quest

Hit rank 5 on Asia and EU with huntard and shaman. FeelsGoodMan

Not him but the set itself wasn't boring, the meta which, while really balanced with every class but warlock being playable, was way too stale. The expansion itself had lots of cool stuff like quests, Lyra, bloodbloom to name a few

>tfw I ahd to google astroturfing to know what you're talking about
I know it happens user, but not in a shitty general on Veeky Forums and not ALL "positive" poster on reddit are shills


500 dollar. Full adv on Asia and NA. Decent collection on NA and Asia. Playable collection on EU.

If I'm an "Argent Squire" then how much better am I than the 'Shieldbearer' everyone gets insulted with?

The cards themselves were interesting, but it screwed the Un'goro meta which was the best we've ever had.

>adventure that gave us Huntertaker was the best


Closed/Open beta>>>>>Vanilla>>Naxx>BRM>>>GVG>>TGT>>>>>>>>..... The rest are varying shades of bad. Beta actually had very frequent balance changes and buffs which puts it well above everything else

>Adventure is bad because of one card that was OP for some time
thats not how it works user

I hate when people concede while playing against meme decks, like come on I just wanna show off my sweet homebrew


I just don't understand, it's like people want me to jam Pirates

I guess if no fun is allowed, I mind as well take the bitter satisfaction of winning a lot of games and reaching legend in a timely fashion this month. Quest Mage and Kazakus should not be seen this often, ever.

>better than exodia
But thats wrong though. The match up is 50/50 with lots of variance.

Some games are won entirely by the 6+ random spells exodia mage gets. I've often ended up getting 3 ice blocks and then beat pirate warrior cause they can't handle it. Freeze mage was also had to play a blank antonidas witthout any hard combo. You live through that as exodia mage then you can out value them since you kill off one of the win conditions for good.

It will often come down to who pops who iceblock first but exodia will always techincally have 3 iceblocks vs freezemages 2 since they get that extra turn.

But reminder I said the match up is probably 50/50 despite that since freeze mage does have better tempo and exodia mage relies heavily on both good spell RNG and good deck rng and praying no combo pieces are the last card.

Hundertaker was fine you fag, it lost to plenty of decks at the time. The problem was that most people didnt have collection for em

Hello redit/newfag

>two mana 2/2 deathrattle draw and play a 2 or 3 mana card wasn't OP

90% of frontpage reddit posts in the buildup and post-launch of every expansion are fake threads. All top comments are posted and voted up to direct the flow of conversation. Blizzbots sit in /new/ to catch and downvote any negative threads. It happens in all subreddits of reasonable size. This general IS shit but to think similar tactics aren't also applied in Veeky Forums, on a website with millions of unique visitors a day is just deluded.

godspeed user

>it's okay we can stop this cancer deck by reviving another cancer deck

>TGT not the worst
For real? The only few good cards this expansion had were straight cancer.

>90% of frontpage reddit posts in the buildup and post-launch of every expansion are fake threads.
Without going into some >reddit
arguments, why do you care user? Shills are not in HERE at the very least, thats all that matters

Dumb anime poster.

Freeze wasnt cancer though. Okay, it was a little much but the set has evolved while Freeze hasnt. The addition of antisecret cards do mean that freeze will never get out of control ever again

Too many games are decided on the mulligan stage nowadays.

>deck with the highest winning percentage in Hearthstone's history, win by turn 2 if it draws good
>it was fine
"Muh collection" isn't an argument considering the entire collection at the time was classic + Naxx

It's time to stop.

It's a tier 3 deck
It can take you to legend and is only a medium difficulty deck to pilot, at the same time however its a high risk high reward. If someone dirty rats one of your combo pieces you likely insta lose.

It's also potentially the slowest ladder climbing deck. The reason being you will have lots of games go until you use every card in your deck. I've only once ever beaten someone on turn 10 and that requires absolute best case RNG. So matches will be very long.

Wish this wing was tougher. Beat them all with quest warrior.

>January 2018
>MSoG rotates
>no more patches or jade bullshit

based retard

7/10 genuinely can't tell if you're baiting or not anymore

What should I play from 10 to 5

Miracle Rogue got me to 10 facing a bunch of reno priests and druids, but they've all disappeared and now I'm facing shamans paladins rogues and the odd aggro deck that just fucking shits on me as miracle

Fauche #2718 EU
Watch and Learn
Challenge a friend

I waiting u


Pls halp.

I beat the whole adventure with midrange paladin so far
couldnt bother making anything else

I do love playing freeze so I might be little biased. Not much though, I know when a deck is out of control

Malfurion if you want to win and climb ladder.
Side effects you become the cancer

Sitting on 5k dust anons. What DK should I craft? I already have the DKs for Priest, Rogue, Mage and Paladin. I also already have the Lich King. Those are the leggos I've gotten so far, but I want to try something fun and fresh. Is the Shaman DK fun?

I love taking cheesy cards in arena

>steal a guys deathwing
>he spends 5 minutes spamming emotes

You either didn't play beta, misremember, or sucked at it if you don't think pre-nerf freeze was one of the most oppressive decks ever

I don't hate the deck, it's fine where it is and was dominant just last expansion without ice lance or Emperor

>only 1600
>crafting now
where is the "oh shit nigga what are you doing" option? wait for the end of the month at the very least

You know hearthcuck weve been through a lot together, but in the end we can still say we became friends. Maybe its the shitposting that brought laughter to some or the intense hate towards my very being that really strengthened these bonds hearthcuck. See you all on the other side

Only seen 2 quest mages and neither were exodia they both had weird variants. Whats the point of playing quest mage if you are doing exodia, you most likely lose.

you do know there are two variants of the otk, right?



Whats reward for wing 3?

If its another 1 pack, i will be pissed this time.

There is the Arcane giants version yes but these people are doing stupid shit.
Arcane giants version is worse in most cases as well


pack and arthas if you beat lich king with all 9 classes

best class in arena atm?

It's a new paladin hero

I have played since beta and I cant honestly believe how people call Old freezemage "most oppressive deck ever". Sure, it was a little broken for the time but reminder that these decks existed
>Patron, Buzzard control, Molten warrior, miracle rogue and old aggrohunter

Compared to them freeze was mild and was considered oppressive thanks to lack of good tools against it. Main line of argument was that it made the game non-interactive. We fixed that problem so unnerfing freeze is all well and good