/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #2002

next 1k thread will be a beato thread

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Seruel 5* / Setekh 4* Soon™

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>Schedule for August:
7/31 - 8/8 - Poacher's Day
8/9 - 8/15 - Five Flowers of Fate
8/16 - 8/23 - Guild War (Earth favored)
8/24 - 8/30 - Xeno Sagittarius Clash
8/31 - ??? - New Scenario Event

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Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

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Reminder that retards believe that Korwa is as good as nio in short fights

>wasting all berries and pots on GW when Xeno Sagi is literally next weak


Reminder that wind was a fucking mistake

wtf do the untz untz untz and shoobity stickers say in japanese

Getting one flb takes no effort.

Reminder that Beato and Razia still don't have a cross-fate.

>implying I am
Qualifying then losing for pity badges and also going for individual rankings is the best.

I did 6 mil while leeching of my crew's hosts. Still have +2000 seeds.

don't miss your chance to shit on user's waifu and help decide gbf's sluttiest character
Current top of pleases old men for money list: Chloe, Metera and 3rd split between beato and naru

but you only need 1 unk for wind grids though
only zephycucks would need more than 1 spear

Who cares about wind lamo

I'm done with GW though?

>get earth Shiva
>get Xeno weapons
>get amazing 5* characters

>ehehehehe Earth is so awesome
>We're the best element!
>Fuck wind
>Wind is shit

You're aware wind is getting all those things in 2 weeks right?

Gloat while you can.

>all those balms
>but only so little full elixirs


i don't play wind la

>soon i will have to waste time refreshing summons just to play wind

muh comfy element

You realize people already calculated it and the xeno sagi spear will be like 3% damage increase overall

I'm getting the gun and recruiting Tien because her ass is fat.

>not zeta
Bullshit, Beato pleases them for free. Zeta is the one that demands money.

what do you mean

everyone has Anat


I would like a cross event for Beato and Zeta, to boost they stats. Fire Beato is strong, but a little extra for Zeta would be good.

>weeb names

I'm sorry, does your dad work at CyGames?
Did you just assume Xeno Sagi spear skill effects?

Fuck you.

Wind shiva wants Tiamat as a support
Nobody has Tia as their support

You can leech raids to get a 4* Xeno-Sagi spear with just regen.

I set Tiamat just because.

>Shitty localization

People used over 1000berries to get a 4* harp

>people already calculated
They already calculated the damage increase for a weapon that hasn't been revealed yet?

i dont understand isnt that the same effect

That was almost funny, then they had to go and ruin with shitty meme words.

Good luck everyone!

Anat has better stats

B-but I need stones to uncap my summons.
Any idea how ridiculous top20k will be?

And I used regen to get a 4* harp. Weirdly enough in a game where drops are decided by RNG people seem to have different experiences.

>Leeching raids to finish the harp
What the fuck are you doing?

Anat has better stats if you good summons for the rest of the grid
On the other hand using Anat as a sup summon gives you an instant AtkUp call


"Esser" is just as stupid of a name, weeb.

Sounds like those people were too weak for content not meant for lowbies.

I love Vira.

Please join my party, cock. I want you. I need you.

>you only need 1 Xeno Spear

I will laugh my ass off when Xeno Spear is revealed to be an amazing game-changing weapon that needs 3 FLB.
I will.

no you can't
some user track his records & need 1,3k EP to get MLB xeno axes
that is 13000 minutes, or equal to 217 hours playing non stop, or 9 days
twitter refresh only gives 10EP/day, & the event only last for 7 days

>Post it responds to is about leeching
>hurr dont leech it

>his records



agree, i think sarasa and siete are better than threo and seofon but esser is wtf

>Making comics
>But not owning the characters you make comics of
Pro tip faggot Sarasa doesn't say Ground Zero

You will never have her user

And neither will i.

How the fuck did a cavewoman become the master of axes?

Sarasa is the cutest

Her name is Thalatha not Sarasa
Just like it's fünf and not funf

She is also fucking dumb.

I was just strong enough to beat the first tier of nightmares with vohu, but not quickly. So I did a combo of leeching and slowly beating nightmares, I think it took me 200 berries to get a FLB harp. I'm assuming I'm going to be dealing with roughly the same experience for sagi. If you can't beat nightmares though, it's gonna be 1000 berries.

>wind is bad
>wind is shit
>wind is trash

Fuck you people talking shit about wind.
Post ubaha, post ubaha NOW.

I will race and will against any of you scrubs with my Gizoku 5* Nio 5* Siete JK comp.

I really doubt you'll need more than two.


I just got her and i'm so happy, she is so cute

I'm also dumb and don't really understand how to use her

It would be 2 if it wasnt a spear so you could use good classes
But the grid itself needs only 1
This is of course assuming it is massive attack


That's unironically a part of her charm.

>releases primal-tier ranko EX boost summon

I have a SL 15 pinya fan and a shitty fire grid. I'll use this as an excuse to skip Xeno Sagi.

You are a good match for her then.

click ground zero
congrats you used her

If it isn't massive attack I swear to god I

Attack the ocean for snacks!

3 1 2 ougi 1 2+ougi rinse and repeat

Too scared to race against a "weak windcuck", /gbfg/?

Post Baha HL now and I will MVP that shit in 5 minutes, bring your strongest parties.

Not when she uses her skills, but she did in the recent event. Dumb faggot.

>asparas and sparta are bad

>adding collab chars


this useless shit charming

>MASSIVE backwater


caong HL

3/6 2 ely and a sage

Which is my point of faggots making comics of characters they dont own double faggot

Wouldn't that be after her first ougi so she is in sword form?


They lack Deep ass.

Is the whale weapon good?

Literally will cum buckets

I have weird taste which Sarasa match perfectly.

does her 2 refresh on ougi or something


You host it fuccboi

How do you know they don't have her when you didn't even know she says ground zero? Dumb shitposter.

Who should I ticket between S.Beato and S.Heles? They're both cute as fuck.


>get Okto first because his ougi looks cool
>he ougis almost every turn
wtf?! Are all the Eternals this fun to use?

unless its strike time youll have it up again by the time she's ready to ougi again

Man that see-through shirt makes me diamond for some reason

can't let all the idols miss out on the chance to win the title of top slut


I get what you're saying, but she literally screams "Ground Zero!" during the recent summer event. You can't really make any judgement call on whether or not the artist owns a character when she does in fact scream that line out.