Fighting Games General /fgg/
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first for broken games
Hello, /fgg/. I waited for a new thread to get more feedback.
I'm thinking of making a fighting game. I have a dumb (maybe fun) idea that I want to run by you lovely anons.
-Both characters are attached to a bungie chord imbedded in the centre of the stage.
-Health bars act similar to any traditional fighter.
-In addition to chip damage, each hit builds centrifugal force inside the blocker. A dropped combo, intentional or not, release this force sending the blocker backwards (and possibly forward again).
-There will be groove like system mechanics eg. A) elongates own chord, B) reels in opponent chord, etc. (I'm hoping this will be enough to escape any yo-yo-like infinites.
-I'm thinking to go with a 1930's cartoon style.
Does this sound like a fighting game you'd be willing to play?
Anything you'd think would benefit the game?
Name suggestions would be great too.
>netcode and one sided rollback are separate issues
So I heard you said something bad about the PS4. Let me tell you, it's the platform of choice in the FGC for a reason. Stick to your dead platform, PCucks.
yeah I have no idea what netcode refers to if not the one sided roll back. Maybe the matchmaking or something.
Why does Kappa act like Capcom slaughtered their children when discussing SFV
It's just a game dudes
Anyone wants to play me in USF4 so i can stream it??
Possibly someone not completely new, doesn't need to be a pro but at least have some experience with the game.
make a prototype and post it for some people to try. cannot tell if it would be fun or not without trying. seems like an interesting idea tho
sfv blown the fuck out last thread
you don't get it man. They've been playing the game for 8 years now. It's a big part of their childhood and they want it to be good.
Sounds interesting enough. Do you have a working prototype to show how these mechanics work?
I guess Tension would fit well somewhere in the name.
Best couple.
How did you get this picture of my pet pigs and I?
>one candidate will be elected
lmao what's the point
the game has at least 5 major issues
No laggers
Strings attached
the last one produced this:
so I assume they'll be making something like that again.
How do I find hitstun data on jumping attacks?
>Feel like getting into fighting games
>Buy a cheap fightstick with intent to mod it
>Apparently the one I got was trash tier
>New stick I got for it shipped with wrong cable type, have to order another one
>Default one doesn't recognize the 7 and 3 position
>Can't quarter-circle forward (or down block)
I've tried swapping out the restrictor gate with a couple others (I have two squares and one octagonal) but that doesn't seem to help
Seems like a neat concept. I'd try it out if it looked good.
tekken 7 is trash
so much effort jesus
they aren't even going to change anything
they haven't said a word about the netcode for like a year now
calm down ono
Am I gonna have to learn those autistic air combos / cancels / roman cancels in DBZ
they'll say season3 will have improved netcode and cfn
but in reality everything will be the same, maybe some small new feature
Anyone EU PC wanna play BBCF/Rev2/Skullgirls?
even: order new sanwa buttons and stick
odd: buy pubg and quit fighting games
Enjoy your new stick.
why do people dodge games
What is the thing they're afraid of/trying to avoid
getting webms made of by doug and other bald cunts
playing against cheap fags like you lmao
I'll start working on one tomorrow morning. I just wanted to see if the general idea caught any interest.
It's also funny how I overlooked any string/physics related puns when brainstorming ideas.
I would say streaming it is infinitely more rude than a webm
injustice 2 is so fucking annoying
the prevalence of absolutely retardedly unfun and overpowered zoning completely undermines the fact that it has some of the most fun rushdown and grappler characters ever created. Has there ever been a character as fun as Scarecrow or Bane in the grappler archetype?
AC Pot
People are afraid of getting their reputation tarnished and getting obliterated, even if they have no reputation whatsoever such as anonymous posters or fraudulent trips who everyone knows are bad at games
So Ken and Iron Fist are coming in the future with that metro city poster hint and that article yesterday was talking about Storm and She-Hulk. Yeah this game's roster is going to be fine...eventually.
Oh noe, n-n-n-n-not a webm!!!
play blonde
see ya in 6 months
What article?
Why does Slayer have to be the closest character to Makoto in GG? I want a slow counter hitter, not someone as fast as he is
>New Metro City is Marvel's NYC X Metro City from Final Fight
>can see The Avengers Tower and Stark Industries
>has a "I want YOU to join the fight against ultron" Cap poster
>ad for a Ken vs Iron Fist match
>Damned statue in the square
>Axl and his palette swap 'mirin it
>has J. Jonah Jameson interviewing Mike Haggar
Tell me how this won't be the GOAT
Don't make any bad posts today.
Aaaand ordered. I guess I'm here forever.
>not liking ground tracking projectiles
man, post links
also no one wants iron fist
Also fuck you, I want him and DareDevil
does she look cute bros? did they fix her, or is capcoms MVCI promo art just that awful?
>fucking ken
>fucking iron fist
>roster is going to be fine
how many layers of irony is this?
people are playing the gamescom build right now
which marvel had the ryu who could transform into ken and akuma?
i think that would be a better way to add shotos since ryu by himself is extremely underwhelming.
She looks the same. Not bad but weird just look at her portrait.
There's only 13 more days left
You're buying it...right?
I mean...You wouldn't want to make him mad...Right?
>Morrigan can just form another her and attack out of the box
Lol. I mean it fits thematically, but still silly
i want to make half black babies with morrigan and cammy
lemme guess, you wanted shit like Asura, Gene, a BoF rep, and X-men
I won't be buying Jubei. I'm happy with Tao. I'm just going to start playing again when more people are online.
Morrigan isn't white since she isn't a human.
but both of them are lesbians dating cute short haired girls. why wouldnt they want a big lipped nigga?
Is C-Sion/C-VSion 5B the worst normal ever put into a fighting game
Y-Yes.. Daddy...
Clearly you've never used SFV Urien's cr. MK
I don't fucking want Magneto/Storm/Sentinel back. Just give us Cyclops/Psylocke/Wolverine/X-23/Ice-Man and I'll be fine.
It should have been fei long vs iron fist actually
Doesn't SF4 Dee Jay have a normal that restands, but whiffs on crouched opponents?
have x-men appeared in recent marvel games?
Of course not. Marvel is sabotaging the x-men until they get the rights to the movies back
Future Fight and Marvel Heros Omega.
is it weird that i think black canary is ugly? almost every female in this game is super ugly to me
i feel like she's the only good looking girl in that game
because you're probably into 2D anime girls
Yes. The X-Men ban was lifted late last year. Insiders already said they're coming to Mahvel next year
I find her cute but that webm is kind of bad.
Evens: Main Hazama
Odds: Main Susano
Ryce is right about literally everything and he isn't the only one who said it
she's a high quality model of an average white girl. like what is the point. pretty gross if you ask me
but some (black) guy posts that webm every few hours for some reason
She look worse than all the girls in the game. Too many niggress features if you ask me.
You can't do that to Luvcheez's wife and Rashid's wife.
Reminder that you all only put up with Toffee because she plays Jive and you'd all be shitting on her if she played BlazBlue or Tekken.