Evenicle (English) - Announced at Anime Expo. Likely a winter release. Sengoku Rance (English) - Likely 2018 Rance Quest Magnum (English) - Likely 2018 mangagamer.org/rance/
Rance X - Announced. Delayed to 2017 - imgur.com/a/OaNFL for released information RPG 3- by the Evenicle team (New IP) Donna Donna - by the Rance 03 Team (New IP) Loli MILF Nukige - by the MILF nukige team 'Heartwarming' VN - by the Atlach Nacha writer
First to counteract that bitch ass dog that said Daiakuji would never be translated.
Kevin Flores
>implying it is translated You should know better.
James Lee
An user was working on a fan translation in the previous thread. I need to maintain my dreams
Hudson Johnson
But user, Daiakuji will never be translated.
Carter Butler
Hudson Johnson
And 600 threads ago, Ludo was working on Rance VI.
Don't believe their lies.
Logan Brown
Hey, I just realised. That pic is proof that /haniho/ has always been /pol/.
Samuel Wilson
If one user translating the first five minutes of the game meant that that a game will be translated anytime soon, the Rance series would have been fully translated for years now.
Joshua Ward
I see that your hopes haven't been crushed hard enough yet.
Sebastian Jenkins
I wonder, does BBA suffer because nothing about it is great? As far as I can tell even its best parts are only good, so nobody really cares about the game.
Lucas Brooks
Don't worry, just leave it to me. I'll make sure it happens.
Ryder Ramirez
>nothing about it is great That's just some certain opinions, I'm sure plenty of people that have played BBA have found at least some plentiful moments great. I did.
Jace Williams
Hell, I even know some people that have enjoyed certain parts of Daiteikoku, and that is nothing like Daibanchou, especially when it comes to how good it overall is.
I have to admit, given how good some of the Wiki's lore pages now are, it's pretty surprising that this one hasn't had much work done to it.
Asher Parker
I wish user luck, and support his efforts. I simply know better than to throw my hope around.
Don't be discouraged user. You talk to bitter and distrusting hannies.
I enjoy a lot of Daiteikoku. It's just not good. And Tougou makes me angry. And I wish they'd redo it. At least a better plot written.
Tyler Lee
Old post but did they name Daiakuji and Atlach=Nacha specifically?
Joshua Stewart
5D has some really good ones. Although, I think IX has the cutest Rance one.
Alexander Lewis
It's a decently long description and almost everyone that reaches the Alicesoft wiki probably played SR anyway.
Mason Watson
No. He just said that while there's some great old games, MG are going to focus on the newer ones, so translations for the old stuff is fine. I'm assuming everything older than VI is fair game.
Xavier Ortiz
Nah the oldest games they've worked on is Rance, specifically 5D but even VI is from 2004. They won't touch either.
Matthew Russell
So maybe my Jap is failing me here, but why did Rance reject Lia's offers near the end of 01? The marriage one I kind of get, but I'm not sure for the pet one and the one where she offered that he could be her general or something.
Alexander Williams
Daibanchou is like a double edged sword, meaning that there would be some people who like it enough to the point at which one thinks it is great, while others have the exact opposite reaction, and grow rather tired of it's somewhat redundantly events.
As you can tell from my totally-not Rougafagging picture, I fall into the former since I enjoyed it a ton myself.
Chase Powell
Rance doesn't want to be tied down with responsibility in one place.
Henry Lopez
He was completely disgusted by her torturous habits that he didn't want to have anything to do with her at the time.
Jayden Bell
Rance is free spirit, and also really down on her after 1. He finds her annoying just like in old canon. He gets over it later on.
Looking at it, seems like Yasuda did an illustration for the Daibanchou fan book too. I wasn't aware he was an Alicesoft fan. Now I wish he did fanart with his current artstyle.
Luis Rodriguez
And then there's people who don't fall in either category like me. I don't hate BBA, it was just underwhelming and kinda boring. It wasn't bad but for some reason I just didn't give a shit about any of the characters besides Gou and Kunagi, and the story was just boring for me personally.
Kayden Reed
>Barbazza I love me some Mamatoto references
Easton Morales
If it's a double-edged sword, then what's the good edge?
Nathan Garcia
I thought it was fine but I never really bothered to sit through all reading the story. Game certainly played fine, except for the star clear thing. That was just obtuse as can be.
Eli Gonzalez
Are you the Machine Translating user?
Austin Foster
True, but is that what he told her?
I remember something like that, is this just another case of Rance being justice, and therefore it's ok for him and only him to do bad thing?
Michael Martinez
It depends on what certain others enjoyed about the game. Obviously not every one is going to agree on the same thing.
Carter Jackson
>I remember something like that, is this just another case of Rance being justice, and therefore it's ok for him and only him to do bad thing?
It's not the same. Lia literally tortured some of them to death.
Nathaniel Sullivan
Shit, I never thanked toufu guy for this. Now I feel bad.
Thank toufu, we love you. I really wish I could mod a simple button in to the game that did nothing but return the results of (int) Math.Rand() just so I could see what the range on the function is.
Chase Robinson
BBA was my first Alicesoft game, and it is still my favorite. I played it a long while ago, and it got me to appreciate chunni stereotypes.
Jordan Peterson
Ah, that makes more sense.
Was it actually to death? I only remember them being tortured to their own suicide.
Luis Howard
>BBA >machine translating
Isaiah Rogers
She dildoed a maid to death once, but it was accidental
Jaxon Howard
>dildoed to death How? Did she choke on it or something?
Nolan Lopez
>Nothing about BBA is good >Forgetting about Shade's God-Tier Soundtrack
Michael Sullivan
newfag that's been playing our games and machine translating the Japanese ones. Machine translated 03, and finished Toushin Toshi II.
Adam Scott
Probably internal bleeding or yeah choked on it. Don't think it was specifically mentioned how.
Justin Myers
That reminds me, I would have absolutely loved to partake in this "Big Bang Fair". I was still fairly young around the time BBA was new, not to mention me never coming to Japan and all but man, I could have gotten myself some motherfucking Rouga gloves.
Henry Cooper
Your post is proof that /pol/ doesn't understand satire. Just keep all the politics out of here.
John Sanders
It's an edit of an old /pol/ picture, at the very least that means that one person here browsed /pol/.
Jeremiah Reyes
Seeing Hiro likes this makes me imagine TADA using a hanny-shapped mask/helmet.
Noah Anderson
I saw some wrinkles on his face on an earlier post of his with that mask on.
Easton Cruz
It's between 0 and 32767 (probably)
Kevin Rogers
Why would it be 15bits?
Evan Hall
>probably Why take that risk? It should only take a competent SR modder a few minutes to patch in a button that runs the one line of code that we want it to and return the output as a string.
Image: my translated 5min, corrected by a native japanese speaker
Luke Howard
That's for std::rand(), not Math.rand()
Benjamin Stewart
Pretty sure /haniho/ actually wants to play it. I know I do.
Thank you very much for your efforts so far. Have you thought about making a name so it is easier to recognize you?
Jayden Rogers
Not that interested in it.
Connor Lopez
Why does strawpoll have a comment section now?
Carter Fisher
Regarding the anons who voted that they've played it already but would play an english version... why?
Jeremiah Bennett
I felt like I had an aneurysm reading Osaka-ben.
Gavin Ward
I thought Maria already translated it? twitter.com/MangaGamer/status/898678844235935744
Aaron Reyes
>I thought Maria already translated it? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *breathes in* GAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *wipes tears of laughter away* *points* BWAHAHAHAHAHA
Zachary Lewis
Maybe she needed to retranslate it. Either that or she's at like 95% and they need a shit ton of time to work out all the bugs the translation introduces.
Eli Foster
She did say she was going to fix the stuff she had already done and then finish it.
Jacob Foster
Clearly a Mangagamer ploy so people don't keep asking why they're sitting on the translation after it's already finished since Aru just got started on Sengoku.
Elijah Ward
So 105%? That reminds me of an image of 225% or something like that. Not sure what it was from though.
Justin Fisher
Me, it's stoicism. The sage is immune to misfortune.
Kayden Butler
Assuming it really is a retranslation, and not just fixing Maria's work, it would seem like a 2019 release at the earliest considering all their other stuff at 100%, or close to. Then again I don't know what MG is thinking.
Zachary James
Are they going to stick with you the whole way through? Native Japanese editor is probably the highest tier you can get.
Grayson Wood
Well, Maria translated IV four times over, after all
Dominic Johnson
Friom a comment she made earlier, she is redoing it all but probably with her old trans as base (which should be the reason it got to 4% already as that's a lot considering how big it's script is).
When you think about it, she likely needs to change many things as mangagamer standards are different from a fan translation, and now they actually need to talk and discuss about terms and characters name to make them all consistent between all the titles officially translated.
Andrew Ortiz
You are an extremely fast reader if you thought that was 5 minutes.
Jonathan Cook
>MangaGamer standards are different You've gotten me curious, in which way?
Camden Morris
Not him but people are now paying money for this translation, so you can't just slap a rough tl over your game and call it a day. Well okay, you can but it doesn't exactly go well. They have to clean up the text, make sure terms are right, clean up and edit images, get uncensored CGs from AS (or make their own) and put em in the game. Then make sure it all runs and are no new bugs.
That said her base script was probably fine and just need heavy editing so I don't know why they decided to re-do the whole TL.
Luke Bailey
Either way, Pi-R is editing that one, so we can probably ask him about what happened to the other 60% when he shows up.
Henry Reed
Using honorifics or not, for example. Fan translations tend to have them while official ones tend to not have them.
Landon Lewis
They're going to keep them for JAPANese characters, considering how many characters there are in Quest Maria is probably translating with RWN open.
Robert Allen
I hope that guy is fluent in english too, because otherwise it'd be more of a translation quality check than editing.
Ayden Roberts
I am really happy that you are attempting, please keep at it!
Angel Stewart
So, both groups are going to be pissed off and whining?
Connor Turner
They're doing that for the Japanese characters as just a way to differentiate. But if there were characters of only one country / group, then they would likely not use any honorific, even if all characters are Japanese like most eroges.
Tyler Green
Ah, true, I did take that forgranted.
Jacob Green
People who want honorifics for obviously Western characters can get fucked.
Benjamin Wright
I thought that discussion was left to die with 2012. I can't bring myself to care since I don't notice much different either way.
Joshua Bell
The 4% represents how much of the existing TL she has checked off. Her side of things should go very quickly up to around 60%, then a decent pace the rest of the way.
Editing is restarting from scratch and will take longer, probably much longer. We'll work as quickly as we can, but there's a lot to do. I expect SR to release first or concurrently when all's been said and done. (That's not a guarantee, just my personal expectation.)
Robert Sanchez
Eli Mitchell
Lets see if TGLeaks will come on Saturday or only on Sunday. Although the staff post saying the pr/info cycle is starting soon makes me think it wont be that imminent as Monday. So maybe there will be no Rance article on it.
Logan Howard
Let's wait until I've produced some nontrivial amount of content.
So far I've only translated about 0.5%. The time I had today was spent mostly building tools.
Still too early to tell. But his work certainly requires editing for fluency, see pic related.
What is your work flow like? What tools do you use?
tell me your secrets senpai
Samuel Ross
Do you anticipate a slower pace for Quest, if only because it would be weird to release it before SR?
Than again, MG has a bunch of other projects that are stuck in beta testing for months so that may be the best case, versus being translated slower.
Leo Cooper
I always expected that to happen, honestly. Everyone's already played SR, it's not as big a release as you'd think. It will sell but not as much as it might if the fan translation didn't exist.
Liam Clark
Really? Won't it just cannibalise sales when you can spread them out by six months?
Lucas Gray
I'll answer your question, but I don't think I can assist your project beyond that. For Alicesoft titles we're still using SLC's tools and text editors. NP++, madedit, that sort of thing. It might change in the future, but our old tools got us this far.
Quest is a massive, convoluted game. It's hundreds of miscellaneous stories and scenes packed together in one package. It takes a lot of energy to write it all in a way that's consistent and entertaining.
I don't want to think how long it will take to thoroughly test it.
Camden Cox
There's a pretty clear option.
Dedicated to that faggot from a few threads ago that wanted haniho memes.
Do you have any idea how big the script is? The estimates I've seen are fairly large.
Aiden Parker
Do you have that screenshot?
Noah Ortiz
Not anymore. I lost everything when my HD died last month. I feel closer to Ludo than ever.
Blake Lewis
I take it you didn't back things up? Regardless, I hope you got yourself a nice SSD to replace your old hard drive.
Parker Rogers
Okay. Thanks. I am using something that is comparable so that is a relief.
I was definitely hoping that there was some clever way to detect when speakers change in the dialog, because that is sometimes difficult.
There is some hope to do such a thing by modifying the SLC tools.
>Do you have any idea how big You're in luck: I ran the calculations earlier today. There are over one hundred thousand lines of dialogue and about 1.3 million characters.
I still think that SR will outsell all the other rance games MG has. Possibly combined.
If they add the Shizuka CG then even I will buy it and I've played a lot of SR.
Brody Long
Yeah. I didn't lose anything too important, but the losses were still heavy. I'm most disappointed at my now empty TOSH folder since the archive won't help me get that back.
Nolan Morales
>If they add the Shizuka CG then even I will buy it and I've played a lot of SR. Give up, user.
Jackson Long
I think you should be more worried if they actually use the patched version of SR or not.