Love Live! School Idol Festival General - /llsifg/ #1354: Ginger x Haroszo Edition

Zenkai no /llsifg/! >Current Events
JP: Chika UR scouting
EN: UmiMaki Challenge Festival (Ending Soon)

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Reminder to ignore shitposters

Other urls found in this thread:

>not updating

For Mari
EN should be Mari UR scouting

>EN: UmiMaki Challenge Festival (Ending Soon)



Why is she so beautiful?
i love her

Sayounara e Sayonara got unlocked a while ago.

Off to a great start

This is a joke right? She doesn't actually sing like this right? Right?

WTF I have no reason to keep playing SIF now!


Opinions about nu EliUmi?

It's pretty nice.

Whoever did these subs is lazy as fuck

I barely know any Japanese and I've come across so many instances where the subs barely match the actual dialogue

intern-kun what the fuck

She's the most beautiful with her hair down and with Mari.


Cute in that outfit
Sexy in her diving suit
Cool in her ikeman outfits

Kanan has it all.

Please understand. Typing is hard.

Keep being motivated and you'll get it eventually I'm sure

>2 tries
I'm at 17, and still no FC.

So Riko, Ruby and Mari don't have any canon pairs
How s2 will fix it?

How did suwawa get hired to voice an idol when she can't sing for shit?

Why even waste LP trying to FC expert songs

Folks... Do you thinks I'm bad person because I want Klab and Sunrise go to bankrupt?


at the point you probably are now there isn't much
but once you're done mastering Hard then you should move on

>replying to obvious bait

No, you're a good person that want bad things to happen to bad people.


Post cute Yous.

I feel like you'd need to have literally no other goals to complete if you're actually trying to FC expert songs for the 1 love gem / 1000 friend points

Hard to believe we're here at last and it's all over and done. I'm saving up for burd's birthday and that'll be the last of the 2nd years too, guess it'll be time to start winding down, nothing much more to look forward to. What a ride.

I only have smug Yous

Did you get your URs

A couple weeks ago, yes.


>waste lp
Are you serious? More like, what's the point of spending LP on anything BUT expert and master songs? You get zilch except for some friend points maybe, and it's inefficient in terms of experience and rewards box. Plus it usually only takes a couple of tries at most to FC and expert song anyway, it's the Masters that take more effort. If you're a freefag all those expert gems really add up.

Night user.

>tfw knowing they'll give green tickets tomorrow
they will, right??

Got shiny by accident.

U seal from that was a very unexpected and pleasant bonus. People who return/join after this month actually missed something big for once rather then just a few loveca/event shit.

Sleep tight lovers

Yep, in two hours

Only when I rolled for Job Dia.
I'll try rolling again with the Kobe pack.




I only go for S rank score on expert and usually grind for bond on hard/normal songs where I can consistently FC for maximum bond

My PL team isn't very good though and I'll admit I'm not that great at the game

But playing landing action 17 fucking times trying to FC it seems like a waste of time

Did you start playing yesterday or something
FCing expert/master songs is the main source of gems when you run out of normies to max bond, which happens fairly quickly

cute angels. grats user

Would you learn Spanish with Nico?

I'll teach her spanish.

Git gud

>people unironically play hard still
Did you just start? I know it might be more efficient lp wise but playing anything but expert and master is boring

I still haven't max bonded all my normies. That's probably why I'm confused about people's priorities

id rather learn english with rikako...

I'm only rank 70. I find playing hard yields the most bond per LP because I can't consistently FC expert

Oh, we don't have many super newbs here I thought, that's why the rest of us were confused. Most of us are long past the point where we FC EX songs first try or in a couple of times, have long since harvested all normies, have all SR+ teams, etc. Eventually it's hard to muster the effort to do anything less then expert ever, nor is there a point.

>but playing anything but expert and master is boring
Yeah, although it's mildly better now that you can adjust easy/norm/hard up to master speed. It's still boring but at least I don't feel like I'm actively getting worse by playing them at all.

Only exception is in score match once or twice. Playing on Easy and trying to get exactly a 1 combo, finish the song, and get first place is pretty hilarious and probably the biggest dick it's possible to be in SIF.

The B-Side songs Nico Puri, and Anemone Heart on easy difficulty yield the most bond per LP. Both songs give 52 Bond points for a FC, which will instantly bond a N card, assuming the rest of your team has the max bond points available.

Yeah I've been playing for just over a month and playing anything less than hard has recently become boring

Yeah, none of us give a shit about bond points per song, only exp and rewards. EX and Masters are more efficient in that regard, or random ex since that gets an even bigger score box bonus. Enjoy your easy flood of gems while it lasts.


Is HonoUmi the stinky OTP of ยต's?

You know to never spend gems on anything except 10+1 scouts, or maybe a few on roster limit once you're an oldfag right?

They stink of pureness.

Yes I've been aware of this from the start, thankfully. I literally have 49 gems right now. Waiting for my LP to recover so I can earn more and scout 11.

Thanks though because newfags certainly need to be made aware


Yeah Umi stinks of pure shit



I guess I can't be that mad since I did get an SSR best girl


Actually I'm really happy because the angel set is fucking gorgeous


cute 3rd years

Sorry for the R smiles

JP revival with a NickMack event when?

That will be their last resort.

This was my last scout...

Sorry for the worst pull possible

Classic 1 SR pull.


Ah, the classic 1 SR pull, where dreams die and bitter oldfags are born.

I want to watch a movie
Give me some suggestions /llsifg/

Umi doesn't stink, Umi smells wonderful. That why Honoka loves to sniff Umi

Anime movie or a movie?

Arisa's JAV!

You's tits.

Either's fine

Redline, Tokyo Godfathers, Porco Roose
>inb4 I seen them all already

Hope the rest of you got where you wanted to be in UmiMaki's challenge. That was by far the most crazy end to an event I've ever done except the hacked MMR fuckfest, and I'm way behind every other t1'er, but it was pretty fun to barely make it at the end, even though I never got honk's song she still came through.

Of course I'm fucked in every Aqours event from here on but it's still been a good run.

Wings of Honneamise

Cut the weeb crap.
Watch real movies like Some Like it hot and Cuckoo's Nest, Back to the future.

I wonder if You's favorite movie is the Cuckoo's Nest.

The Revenant
Dallas Buyer's Club


6 Tickets from the event, 4 of them on the last day. Seals for tickets, and stayed pretty gem efficient. And nailed a sweet T1 Score, I can see my name on the image. Probably my best event performance yet

I heard someone scream my name!