/mbg/ - Mount & Blade General

Hunted becomes the hunter edition.



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OLDER BANNERLORD INFO/VIDEOS: See Pastebin/the info archive thread in the Bannerlord section on the forums

PASTEBIN: pastebin.com/6HGMrkV2

M&B Wiki: mountandblade.wikia.com/wiki/Mount_and_Blade_Wiki

NOOB GUIDE: imgur.com/a/FMAqV

>user's mods and upstab guide:

>/mbg/ Steamgroup

New Modules :
>Modded Hispania 1200
>Custom Troop Trees
>CTT for Dickplomacy+Polygamy Bugfix

Other urls found in this thread:


This is Rhodok soil

>try AWOIAF for the first time
>wounds in battles that you can't turn off
>tick off blod loss, still have it in battles for some reason
>wait 3h to bury your enemies and share the loot
>need permissions to recruit villagers which usually costs 100s
>recruit some peasants
>to upgrade from North Peasant into North Levy I need to spend 112s
Is this mod for masochists or what

>Finally play a mod that lets me use my wife as a companion
>Check her stats

What mod?

Haven't played in years. How is Silverstag doing? Is it any better than Floris now?

Perisno. Nice change of pace after my last 1257AD game.

please help how do I provoke war against as faction I'm a member of and another one? I already tried attacking their caravans and lords on my own but only my personal relation with the opposite faction goes down, no war started


literally takes 2 seconds to check it's Moddb

try raiding a village

That doesn't answer my question

Are there any good weird total conversion mods? The Glasgow and Touhou ones are my favorite.

shut up faggot, god damn

Paradigm Worlds, The Eighth Elohim

is there any better 1-h sword than pic related? or does a masterwork heavy bastard sword compare? i wish this game had 5 equipment slots or stats had some say in the amount of weapons you can carry

no matter what im pretty sure the kings have the last say. and certain actions have a chance of you being indicted for treason, at leaast if my king's threat is anything to go by when helping one of the sketchy lords

go choke on a stick of butter

The other faction won't respond to the provocation immediately, and might not do it at all if they think they're gonna lose. The king will lose relation with his lords if he doesn't declare war though, so if you keep provoking them every month there will be war sooner or later, or most of the lords will eventually desert the kingdom.



Just try it, it's more different than native than Floris and the new things can be hit or miss according to your taste.

Fuck off idiot, If you don't have anything to say shut the fuck up.


more different from* native than Floris

>That doesn't answer my question
instead of spoonfeeding you like a child, you can go the fuck to Moddb, look at the changelog and decide if it's better for yourself.

chronicles of might and magic is good too

blood and steel is good as well though its not a total conversion
webm is b&s

Shit reach.

>defending newfags that want to be spoonfed
shiggy diggy

Alright thanks, I'll keep attacking them.

Yeah, people shouldn't ask for opinions in this thraed, we should have only meme and useless fucktards like you getting triggered over anything.

>Paradigm Worlds, The Eighth Elohim
This shit looks too cool to be real, what's the downside.

I've spent fuckton of time in viking conquest.

it's shit yet I keep playing it anyway, I just like trading too much

>asking questions that could easily be answered by visiting the moddb page
>any better than memes

>playing blood and steel
>doing a siege
>seeing those robots in defence
>oh shit
>they start shooting all at once
>fps drops to 1 for several minutes

woah tiger

>pros: everything
>cons: nothing

VC is actually quite polished and one of my favourite mods, really. And then, there's the fucking sea battles, now those trigger me hard.

He was clearly asking for an opinion, you greentext spamming autist. I get that accepting it can be hard, but your autism is pure cancer, just bring it somewhere else.

>gettin this mad
lmaoing @ u


>pros: acquire vast and esoteric alchemical knowledge, access libraries of forbidden texts, awaken the sleeping spirits of your realm
>cons: cannot be undone

>that jewish star behind his head

Only game I recall enjoying being a merchant and that is namely due to the ability to modify ship capacities (troops/cargo/supplies), the different types of ships (row vs sail), how pirates were implemented, and the ability to invest in ports.

I find trading to be pretty poor in Warband overall. The inventory system is just very bad for merchant play and it is bad for renown, honor, Lord relations, and RTR gains. This is especially as the game will sooner or later start penalizing you once your luck gets low (especially in renown).

I imagine that its less that trading is amazing in Viking Conquest and more that looting is terrible no-fun allowed despite it being VIKING conquest.

this mod looks trippy

I'm not going to ask if its "fun" because thats subjective. Rather is it a buggy piece of shit or can I actually play it blind without having to worry about crashes and abnormally retarded design decisions (exp: walk backwards and fall)

eighth elohim is for original M&B not Warband, first of all
ive never played it i just think its funny

you don't play it man, it plays you

The Eighth Elohim (PBUH) channels an ancient space and time from across the astral plain. the difficulties of doing this sometimes manifest as "bugs" to us mortals.

This like some EYE Divine Cybermancy shit

I want to put one of these guys into native and just see if I could conquer the map with him

>Cha: 300

Idk, just find it kind of tedious, was trying out the campaign though.

>he doesnt want all his troops to be CHAds

Tedious in what way? I mean, warband always gets tedious one way or another at some point. I highly recommend switching the training of troops to "beginner" as on normal they barely fucking improve.

no gamescom release date

honestly doubt it will even release in 2018

>implying it will release in our collective lifetimes

>I highly recommend switching the training of troops to "beginner" as on normal they barely fucking improve.

ah, this was partially it, but it had to do with just the convoluted length of the story mode, I refused what's his name (Friesland guy who wanted me to assassinate his father or something), and then went out and helped the church with a few of it's quest and got that witch to join my party and then started buying up farms in a few cities, and got a few horses, but my fucking army is made up of mostly useless skirmishers that I'm training up but it all kind of feels very odd because it's story mode and I have zero idea what to do next.

and the lack of equipment selection, and the constant "your party feels uncomfortable at sea -1 morale", and

Yeah, I wish I could play it but holy shit is it hard

It's not hard, just full of retarded "features"

I don't mind a mod being hard, but there's a difference between "hard" and "holy fucking shit who designed this"

Which is exactly what makes it hard, because some you simply can't turn off without meddling too much with the files.

he'd probably get defeated vs a rhodok siege

>and the lack of equipment selection, and the constant "your party feels uncomfortable at sea -1 morale", and

derp, meant "I couldn't find a goddamn lance", most of the merchants have terrible selection and/or are becoming broke thanks to my trading skills, there's also no shortbows or light/small crossbows. (only stuff that can be used dismounted).

there's just something odd about it all I feel.

also the sea-battles can be pretty boring, and the extra-features (crippling, stamina, object damage) are a pain in the ass with how they're implemented.

damn rhodoks

For those stats 255 health is pretty low. Without bullshit armor at some point you are likely going to get stagger comboed by multiple projectiles, especially if the larger model increases the hurt box.

*gives CHAdbot 2 huscarl shields*

I feel like the creators of the mod just wanted to make it "realistic" with weapons, armor, and generally the prices of stuff. But as I said, switching the difficulty of training troops to beginner makes it a lot more bearable. In short, the story mode is basically about being in a shield wall doing your thing, so using an axe, a shield and some javelins is pretty much a must. In fact because of this mod I started to enjoy throwing weapons, and I didn't before.

Turn all the shit off, it just makes the game annoying to play.

if VC is only good with all of it's unique features turned off why play VC at all

Because of the setting, other added things that are good, and the story mode itself is pretty solid.

The "realistic" addons like stamina, wounds and other shit just makes it too long to actually get anything done.

catch their caravan and force it to pay tall for free pasage, it gives you (not a faction) -3 relation and let you attack their lords, besiedge fiefs etc. w/o any honor loss (if I remember correctly), these kinds attack will attacks would also drag your entire faction into war

what is it?

disregard this

one-handed damage and speed is worse, also this

anal toy


superior damage type and ability to smash through guard disagree

>ability to smash through guard
only if wielded 2h/on horseback

I remember this game. I remember hating it too. I'm going to try it again.

thanks for letting us know

You have to be this autistic to enjoy it

where can I find cute autistic waifus

my favs, top for footfight, bottom for mounted

>no thrust
why even bother using a sword then

please tell me, what did you expect?

all waifus are autistic :^)

You can't infer it from the filename?

because nothing with similar reach has this much damage, also I like their looks

i agree with it lacks piercing damage

Even with all the francophbia and surrender jokes you can find on the internet I'll always take solace in the fact that I can trigger virtually any anglo simply by mentioning the Norman conquest. It's like a superpower.

fuck you, I'll kek when I want

I'm posting Cao Cao in honour of the poster who was posting in honour of the original Cao Cao poster until we get a good Romance of the three kingdoms mod.

>know about 5-6 poems
>no one else seems to know any
is that all there is in native?

5 poems for 5 types of girls... More than enough to woo anything that moves.

I feel like this game becomes too ridiculously easy once you got a party of 250+ maxed out cavalry and you got a good computer to have them all in the field at the same time.

They just fucking destroy everything even if the enemy has three times that number.

because more than 150 at a time wasn't meant !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i only won 1 tournament with a woman in penis distance, she seemed to like all 3 or 4 poems i threw her way. but once i was indisposed i never heard from her again

What about that dynasty warriors mod?

is there a good balance for number of troops? not that guy, buit ive kept it vanilla max so far

Question do u think that titus gets embarrassed when he covers cacaposter in caca in front of caocao??? just curious hahaa

100% Cavalry isn't optimal, top tier armies will generally dominate native, and good mods change the dynamic.

Fuck, was I cheating then without even knowing it? I'm not sure if I'll bother to bring the number down since FUCKHUGE battles are one of the things I like the most about mount and blade ever since I got a new computer.


300-400 tends to be the sweetspot before notable FPS drops for most. If you are a CHA pussy you can go higher since FPS drops won't matter to you.

I actually never knew your name or got to see the cross either. And after failing some clicks to open the image I think we are going too far.
I missed you my roman boy ;_;

>Playing dickplomacy
>fucking some wench
>makes horse noises

pls dont kinkshame