What kinda car do you need if you DON'T want to attract a gf (no female nor male)
Prius, geotracker, ford escort, Yaris.
I’d continue but I wanna give other anons a chance.
Pic related is basically a human/pusy repellant
>source: I drive one
Prius might get you a genderfluid, pansexual, green haired lib landwhale.
It's not 100% safe.
Speaking from experience.
>Hey QT
>Do you know my Yaris can easily run for a MILLION miles with no problem at all?
oh fug, it's even an Auris and not a Yaris.
Some might be into it, not sure though
loud and non luxurious cars
Not necessarily.
If you're in your 20s, have proper haircut and nice clothes and you drive this you will fucking drown in pussy.
Good for attracting kids to the back of it.
i'm into it
pic related
a lot of women are into vans
you have to remember that the only things women actually like are travel, watching shows, complaining to eachother, and buying cosmetics/clothing
vans fit into the travel section because most girls in their late teens/20's have some sort of 'backpacking' idea and want to sleep in vans while they travel to mediocre places
Hipster pussy maybe and no one wants that.
>'backpacking' idea and want to sleep in vans while they travel to mediocre places
I knew way too many people like that
Someone ordered a forever alone mobile?
it's a huge thing, the idea sounds like fun but in practice they just go to the same student backpacker spots/hostels, see the same things as everyone else, pay over the odds, and spend most of the time fucking hippie types in an effort to 'find themselves'
Trust me, I know. I backpacked a ton when I was in Boy Scouts. I did Philmont, the Grand Canyon and Mt. Rainier. There was nothing fun about the actual backpacking.
It's the "idea" they're in love with.
>'find themselves'
I'm still baffled how this rl "meme" is still not obvious to so many guys when she rambles about this shit. Same with the whole "guy you don't have to worry about" thing. Amazing how dudes can be so oblivious and it happens so laughably often, it's absurd.
pussy magnet cars=grand prixs.
ive owned trans ams, Camaros, imports, but every girl loves the prizzle
the cars that people think attract girls are actually the ones that scare them away.
buy something aggressive and obnoxious and girls will stay far away from you, you might attract dudes tho
Your favourite.
hes right girls will find a 2cv adorable, this is where retards have it wrong, anything unagressive with round headlights will attract girls because its cute and they think your different from all the other chads, angry ugly cars only attract "emo" girls with daddy issues
a ratty old oldsmobile. extra beige
Park near Kidnergardens for maximum ghosting.
cell phone networks around that area collapse under the calls of concerned citizens around your car
yo fuck outta here with thatgay shit.
that said, the answer is anything japanese
Lada Samara
better have that wheezy-ass 307 under the hood for maximum beige, my man
FWD, 4cylinder, dirty AF smells like feet and ass and air freshener inside.
What? I can take a bread on hood pic if you want, I don't see how I'm wrong
I know Chads who drive cars like this and they still get play effortlessly
delet this
a Yugo 45
I go you go we all go to hell in a Yugo
Already have a gf so I could really give a fuck
women do not think volvos are cool in the slightest. they think they're for old men and boring people.
Women dont give a single shit what you are driving as long as it looks somewhat safe.
Only exception is the racer girl
Used police car.
Only for black women tho