/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #2003

Report your GW progress

>Recent News
Seruel 5* / Setekh 4* Soon™

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Schedule for August:
7/31 - 8/8 - Poacher's Day
8/9 - 8/15 - Five Flowers of Fate
8/16 - 8/23 - Guild War (Earth favored)
8/24 - 8/30 - Xeno Sagittarius Clash
8/31 - ??? - New Scenario Event

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild Pastebin

Previous Thread

Other urls found in this thread:


I am Reddit


>downgrading yugu mama

>he superseeded

stop arguing please

Pastebin user is /our/ guy

>4 seasons got the 192 average autist chink crew
RIP in peace

Stop falseflagging.

>still no Layer Rise in the pastebin
Shit OP.

This. Keep the non gbfg crews out



>GW shitposting
>not even about the actual scores
So this is the power of /gbfg/

>Insane buffer that only helps Magna water
Are they trying to make Water the best Magna element? It's coming pretty close to dark right now.

what's up guys real here showing you guys how to win at gw

Um, is there a way to unsuperseed a guild?


>insane buffer
>worse than korwa

>proceed to superseed

I hate you all

only good for ta memes with prinles

>nip crew
>rank 90 with barely passable grid
>spamming solo nm90s to catch up to other crew but no one else is awake yet

>shit magna weapon
>just roll limiteds lmao

Pfft, this is how you do it.

posting poll results for the new thread
top 3 are Metera, Chloe and Zeta
Tanya top pure at 0 votes

Redpill me on Nia

Is this chocolate colored cutie carrying you this GW?

>oldfags bait newshitters into superseeding
>ensure they're kept going 0-5 for months

>tongue piercing
delete this you fucking faggot

fuck off nautism

kmr changed things so you get matched with seeds if you're seeded yourself most of the times
Score in matches also matters
Crews that score higher get matched with others that do the same, so if you go for those extra badges you have a bigger chance of getting fucked next round

Layer Rise will never be /gbfg/.

I think that's just because everyone forgot tanya existed.


If that was true then we wouldn't have been fucked by super autists.

No. Razia is. I don't even have Jamil which is a load of malarkey.

She's a buffer that's literally saving the element. That's more than can be said about Korwa.

She works for more than that. She's not just a ghetto Zoi.

Both of those are working super well for Dark right now.

I'm already feeling burnt out. I hope my guild doesn't need me

shut the fuck up boro

virashit is a canon prostitute
why do the cucks always have to twist the truth like this?

But the smooth cold sensation the metal piercing would give hew he blows you.

>Both of those are working super well for Dark right now.
Go and fuck yourself if you really think that.
Fuck off.

Well guess what, we do.

You need to be at least 18 years old to post here.

No one needs you.

how much EP should it take to finish a basic grid


You're retarded. They recruited at least 10 people from here back in january alone. boards.fireden.net/vg/thread/164892984/#164894307
Before all these guys joined, it was like 2 people.

>can solo NM+ easily but it gives shit honors, 800 AP for 1 million honor
>soloing NM90 takes significantly more effort and there's almost a chance of failure but it also pays out much better

Okay maybe their Magna grid isn't THAT bad but you still need limiteds for it to be good. You know that whole Zoi thing?
I should know. I have Zoi!

No you.

GW should only be 3 rounds with an interlude in between each one.

I fucking hate this event.

Seeing that luck equals infinite, you do the maths

Layer Rise stop being buttmad go away

No you don't, you just need Six 5* and you can still wreck faces.

facing a nip crew, somebody post zoibot crack, only way to counter autism

You know the one indisputable best thing about Diantha is?

The fucking music, its the best

Revive pots, you get those in the GW, use them

I like you a lot boro!

I was in it but left later on.

>doing nm in day 1
how's life in tier B

Oh. Sorry.


Sorry for what?

Evens buy scam gacha
odds dont waste $26

I know he wrecks face but how am I supposed to make the rest of my team hit cap?
Zoi is cute, strong, C O R E and CUTE!
She's needed for Magna dark.

I like you to!

I do.

Post results

grats on your brown dog

No one gives a shit about magna dark
Just an inferior dirt magna


I hope you get something you rike
sank you



I got a twerp


Who cares about Dirt Magna?
Just an inferior Titan grid.

Glad you get it


>ywn luckshit a titan or even just a hades
fuck me

What did he see?

Isn't it about time they remove that tokage reset every 10 minutes or so? It always trips me up.

>lands Paralyze

Fuck that.


just get a zephyr bro :^)

But the resets make the fight harder and more fun

what animal is that?



How are the crews doing? I know LG got an easy match while lum1 got a rank 180 crew.

The real fucked up thing is that I'll have enough Valor medals to MLB him this GW but I don't want to because I'm going to get the Gold Bar to make Quatre to go with my new Diantha instead.

Cowfags got the 2 man crew again

Why does LG keep getting free wins? Fucking luckshitters.

I don't get it, why was my guild removed from the pastebin?

TOOT got a 170 crew.

Primal beast

thats a vagina you kissless virgin

Cowfags is dead though.

What crew was this?

Are you a whale or something? how do you have so many limiteds?

this seems a little ominous

Eureka erps with KMR to get free wins.

Get ready for the nip rush

Host slime room.