/fgoalter/ - Fate/Grand Order NA General

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>[Event] "Does Moon Goddess Dream of Dumplings?"
Period: August 17, 2017 (Thu) 8:00 ~ August 24, 2017 (Thu) 3:59 UTC
- General info: cirnopedia.org/quest_event_us_20170817.php
- Drop rates: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oWPi07G_8yJv57lOE2LLGYMGv30yHTZjeRgTAUkxmXc/
- 3* Mooncell Automaton CE got added to the FP gacha
>"Moon Goddess Event Pickup Summon Period"
Period: August 17, 2017 (Thu) 8:00 ~ August 31, 2017 (Thu) 3:59 UTC
5* Orion
4*s Stheno and Marie Antoinette
3*s Ushiwakamaru and Jing Ke

fgosimulator.webcrow.jp/ - Mats, EXP & AP sims for game-planning
- Chaldea Gate: Daily Quests - fate-go.cirnopedia.org/quest_daily_us.php
- Drop rates (click on the NA tab): docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
- Check the schedule and drops before asking in the thread
- If cirnopedia is down, use other alternatives like the fgowikia, kazemai or the in-game announcements

>[Miscellaneous stuff]
- Master Mission - Complete Mission objectives each week to gain Saint Quartz fragments
- Rate ups in JP FGO: img.fireden.net/vg/image/1499/27/1499273270406.jpg
- Friendlist: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M8_ZNP-WinrDQvwckh6Q7DMK5Z8RSx7ZshXTLCaI4zo
- Add yourself to the list: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSctk0n_OdMusCdkzQPQu8AHD-3Drc0kXqHOmKWJDpY-VkHVEg/viewform

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Since she's literally the goddess of virginity, would her hymen regrow after you fuck her?

Dumb nitocris poster

>All these people saying Orion is trash even though they did a 10 roll

Handful of dumplings

>that pic
What's the deal with them and the blonde?

I HATE Redman!

I assume she just dies.

Eat a dick
EAT a dick