Marvel Future Fight General /mffg/ - Ball Punch Edition

>/mffg/ FAQ + Resources: [invaded]

>/mffg/'s Tier Lists

>What is this?
A mobile/tablet 3D action RPG where you collect and train Marvel heroes and villains. Includes multiple game modes and regular updates.

>Is it free?
Yes, the game is free to play & offers microtransactions.

>Official videos and trailers:

>Alliance name: # of inactive days before being kicked: minimum xp/donation points per day
Mobile Muggas: 5: 5000xp
Veeky Forums co: 1: 25
Symbiotic: 5: 5000xp
>REMINDER to donate Gold & Mementos to your Alliance, and participate in Alliance Conquest!

Current Events:
>3.3 Update Details

>3.3 Known Issues

>Feedback Survey

>Response to New Gear Changes - all Uru mass-unequipped, free Gear rolling for 2 weeks

>Thanos 7 Day Giveaway

Previous Dimension Rift:

Other urls found in this thread:


>no kpop
*leaves alliance

What the fuck is this fucking bullshit
When the fuck did recent paywalls get suddenly added to fucking SL
The floor is AV and Carnage, 2 motherfucking paywalls
How in the fuck are newfags/f2p supposed to do this shit
Luckily I have AV so fuck you Keke


almost missed this

Anybody who has any roster left in SYMBIOTIC, come help take 5 ASAP.

I'm all out, sorry.

Muggas attack 8
We called victory too early

>make a good team
>have to scroll down to pick everyone to make sure the team is perfect
>this zone is already in battle!
I'm done with this garbage

>5 fell
sad day in symbiote land my friends

>Thanks for all the feedback on it. Sorry its taken long to reply, but Ive been reporting most of what has been said.

>Personally I feel it is somethinf that should definitely be looked into, and I will see what I can get done.

CMNN commenting on complaints regarding the rewards for SL 26-30.

yea I'll fucking say
I got isos of growth for 2 floors
fucking garbage

has anyone here gotten the WBU daily challenge?

I'm SHIELD lvl 70 with a stacked roster and haven't gotten it yet. Apparently daily challenges are determined using an algorithm based on the player's "strength". is-is the game telling me my roster isn't stronk?

>has anyone here gotten the WBU daily challenge?
I haven't and I kinda wish I would. It gives 50 energy which is awesome for something that I'm already doing every day anyways. I was initially worried about it because I assume WBU iThanos would be impossible be he's even easier than Supergiant. Hits like a truck but goes down quickly.

But nope, not a single WBU. Meanwhile some guy on Reddit claims that he's gotten it 4 days in a row. I get regular WB clears almost everyday though and I assume the WBU challenge would replace it.

>he doubted based Creel

anyone here used Creel in SL?

>50 energy
Now I want it too

I've gotten it a few times
The dailies are based on your combat power:
When you look at a character and it shows the rank, it shows the combat power
Add all of your characters' cp up and that's what your dailies are based on

I used. He'll struggle against Destroyers without invincibility proc obelisk. Still he can hold on his own pretty good in Thor relay. Solid cc, reminds me of Ulik.

Yeah isn't his immunity only physical? What about villain rumbles?

>no lewd OP
Worst thread ever



>rafa will never draw lewd OPs again
what happened?

his tablet is kill

muh dick


is there a imgur or something with all of these?

nah I don't think so

damn, well there needs to be

What did user "the largest retard in the world" mean by this?

>that anatomy
>that shitty face
Disgusting art desu

>9 million gold to get Jean from 4* to 5*
What in the flying fuck? Why is she so fucking expensive? How much do you need for 6* then?

It's because the costs are taken out of ranking up BAM like the case usually is for other NT2s.
10,500,000 gold to rank-up from 5* to 6*.

Man, I am gonna be down to like 10M at this rate.

how would you improve SL? so far I have:

>Make note of any possible Reflect on the ‘Select Characters’ menu, i.e. before entering the battle.
>Implement a way to read the various little buff icons when the battle is paused. No one has the time to quickly hover over and read these icons while the actual battle is playing out.
>Enemy DoT effects (e.g. bleed) deal way too much damage per tick. Either buff player DoT or nerf enemy DoT.
>Improve targeting in floors with mobs involved, e.g. Boss floors with mobs causing the player to continually lose tracking of the boss, sometimes prioritising a minion on the complete opposite side of the map.
>SL enemies ignoring the player’s tangible summons.
>SL enemies running too much when the player uses an iframe.
>Increase the time limit per phase in Entry modes to 1:30. This will bring the total time to 3:00, just like every other SL floor.
>Modify Wave modes so that the player does not have to wait for mobs to spawn before advancing to the next Wave.

>revert the first 20 floors to previous versions or revamp the rewards
>quit fucking us in the ass, rewards wise, for floors 26-30

Good thing. These are awful

yeah the floor 26-30 rewards seemed obvious but definitely going to include it
also mentioned the mode variation per floor

what about other changes/QoL improvements?
>Remove X-Men material inventory cap.
>Add 'refresh' button to Dimension Rift menu.
>More balancing for pre-existing characters. Either through base reworks or uniforms (preferably the former).
>New game mode that does not rely solely on top-tier characters, something to take advantage of both vertically- and horizontally-built rosters.
>Improved AC rewards.
>Ability to remove/hide character name text from roster menu.
>More roster sorting filters (e.g. Villains).
>Auto-send Warp Device missions.
>Wider use of Elemental damage.
>Alliance matchmaking for WBI.
>Increased UUK drop rate.
>Uniform EXP in Rifts.
>Either reduce or remove Uru failure rate.
>There is a new Villains Wave mode consisting of Captain America, Red Skull, Sin, and Crossbones, somewhat admitting that ‘HydraCap’ is indeed considered a villain. Marvel NOW! Captain America’s ‘side’ typing should be changed to reflect this.

Miguel model changes?

Sorting roster by alphabetical order again would be nice. I liked that.


>Either make ‘Send Assemble Points’ a fixed Daily Challenge or just auto-send them upon daily reset.
>Multiple Custom Gear slots, similar to multiple ISO-8 sets.
>Stop it with the never-ending pop-up ads. Closing all these pop-ups is like another game mode in itself; and not a good one.
>The ‘Claim All’ button in the ‘Gift’ mail tab to exclude all Energy items. This will make collecting rewards in bulk a lot easier.
>Make the WBI Co-Op button flash bright neon colours, make it take up half the screen, make it pulsate at an alarming rate – whatever it takes to make players want to press it.
>Remember when A-Force bios were available in Battleworld?
>Improved WBU rewards overall or a perhaps a ‘super reward’ on the fifth clear. This will motivate players to clear WBU 5 times each day.
>Add ‘recommended/bonus characters’ to WB. Using these characters could result in boosted drops or extra rewards. This wouldn’t be necessary to complete WB but incentivise players to use and build different characters, and make WB a little fresher.

what else?

Can Coulson solo any SL floor?



I dunno, AC pop ups? Rotating rewards, like not just throwing the box to the RNGods but this week card box, the next iso box, etc?

I mean for a mode that's relatively new, it really feels like NM have no support for AC, even less than when BW first introduced.

Is this any good?

>The dailies are based on your combat power
Bullshit. One of my friends whose roster and cards are complete ass has gotten the WBU challenge multiple times, while I have loads of T2s and can clear all of them except Supergiant yet I haven't gotten it a single time.

It really seems like the dailies were NM inventing another way to fuck over the newer players who don't goy up like the whales.

It's definitely not bad. Just be aware that the crit rate cap is 75%.

Ah thanks. Sorry I'm not really good at this obelisk stuff. Is this good on Sharon Rogers?

Ideally you'd want the last part of the obelisk's stats to say 'increase damage by x% for 1 time'. This is called an increase dmg proc or just dmg proc. The one in your pic is an invincibility proc or inv proc.

Ah I see. Thanks for the help.

How exactly are your friends roster and cards ass? You sure they haven't built really vertically in their roster to get some strange combat power numbers on several select characters?


hell ya, greg finna cum right up inside a nigga ass if yah know wah im sayin ma nigga?

You have a really long list (some points are valid) but if you think MFF will apply all this changes ; I am assuming your are either the CEO or the CEO 'son.

all points are correct but they wont approve it because jews

> Increase the time limit per phase in Entry modes from 1:00 to 1:30. This will bring the total time to 3:00, just like every other SL floor.

"We have increased the timer by 30 seconds but increased enemy health by 50%"

Definitely not. She only has 3 T2 characters and 11 6-star characters, neither of the EQ characters are close to maxed. Everything else is T1, vast majority of it not even 6 stars and no mastery. No iso sets or obelisks on anyone. None of the BO even unlocked. Her cards give 8% SCD and a fuckton of resists.

A player that low of a level should not be getting WBU in their daily challenges. It's bullshit.

is this nigga even good

Are you turning all your chaotic iso to all attack user?

His leadership is.

the fuck does this mean?

who the fuck knows bruh

It's supposed to say chests instead of characters but nobody's changed it since the mode came out.

Wong's good, it's just that he's the worst character in the Strange update so people think he's shit.
Also his immunity can be used without a target which is really nice.

>tfw red chest never ever

i rank him up to maxout gear only, he can't clear blast relay (the one with starlord and rocket) complete trash on t1 dunno if t2.

>Thanos giveaway is trash
Bring back Gwenpool goodies

Supposedly. If your character is already maxed out or at least high and didn't get the automatics boost to T2 to join WBi, you have a higher chance of getting a better box, and if your character is already at a high rank like 6* or T2, the chest can drop BAM



Early morning Symbiotes, please help in AC, we only have 3 zones let before we capture 12.



Thanks lads, have some nudes.


Finally... we are now the X-Men™

Forgot pic

This is actually pretty cool.



To that rude asshole from the previous thread: fuck you, I did it. Had to use this team to finish Ebony Maw.

Should have made it shorter.

>moon girl's gimmick looks great
>shes shit

Game is complete shit after this update.
Just about the only thing I like is Thanos' uni. rest is garbage.
Literally ruined people's rosters and forced their hand with bullshit Uru. And love their horseshit reasoning "it makes it easier." Scumbags are as bad as the gov't invasion of your privacy with the nonsense claim of making everything safer. the change all option already existed. can't get much easier than that.
New shadowland = same old NM. More difficulty for same / less rewards. WBU all over again. and just like it, suffers from the same frame drops, unresponsiveness, and shit game play we have come to expect as the NM standard.
More ads and server disconnects. Great how you can play AC and because of their shitty server equipment, you just lost 6 players from your roster.
It's time for this game to die, and expect it to within a year or so. hopefully after that happens, the developers and executive board members all hold hands on the subway platform and jump right in the tracks to catch their final train ride (ala Suicide Club).

>early morning Symbiotes exist
Well how about that.

Just gotta wait for her Monsters Unleashed uni... aaaaany day now.

What is Reddit for $100, Scott?

>More ads and server disconnects
Real talk though, this part is really sucks 'specially the disconnect part.

The ads really fucking suck because they make the UI unresponsive if they don't pop up right away until they do.

I haven't had any disconnect problems, but the ads are fucking absurd.

wbi and co-op are a shitshow for me currently. maybe 1in3 matches connect. hasn't been this bad historically

I've had some login issues and crashes since the update went live. Pretty sure I've got more crashes than the previous 2 updates combined and while my phone not exactly bleeding edge, it's far from being a potato.

>tfw have never once had the game crash or disconnect

Any of these guys worth using a t2 ticket on? I have two. Not pictured are Black Bolt and Antivenom since I haven't gotten them to 6 stars yet.

I'm sitting on a bunch of norn's so the ones that aren't at full mastery aren't an issue really

2099, he's a pure paywall

I usually save T2 tickets for paywalls, like 2099. If you're invested in Destroyer, I'd T2 him, too. But more of a need thing and not everybody needs a T2 Destroyer.

>tfw you post in the wrong thread

>2 combat Paywalls
>2 speed Paywalls
>2 blast Paywalls
>1 universal Paywall
So whose going to be the universal paywall?

If it's during the Thor: Ragnarok update, I expect it'll be Beta Ray BIll.

It's gotta be Valkyrie because of progressive.

Valkyrie will be combat (or speed, knowing NM) unfarmable. Not universal paywall.