> News - The Classic Squiffer has been released! - Splat Brella is released! - New Splatfest - Which superpower would you rather have: Flight or Invisibility? (September 1st and 2nd)
>haven't played ranked too much >/ink/ gets to see my shit rank
Dylan Morgan
Xth for report all trannies and furries
Hunter Nguyen
Luke Gonzalez
That's why I haven't added anyone on here and just play with randoms in SR, TW, and Ranked.
Dylan Richardson
> >I figured I'd ask, is there a particular song from splat2n that /ink/ woupd be interesting in remixes/covers of? I'm working on spicy calamari inkantation right now, but want ideas for the next project
James Martinez
>MFW I'm the best in the room with a squiffer
William Miller
i want to put my tongue on your woomy
Carter Lopez
Marina is gross!
William Stewart
Repostan, anyone want their squid drawing? Especially if you haven't been drawn yet or are a boy squid because I need practice drawing boys. Cute woomies too maybe.
Josiah Peterson
Didnt mean to greentext kek
James James
Marina is nonbinary
Josiah Russell
I'm partial to Shooting Stars
Grayson Mitchell
dumb pearlposter
Nathan Myers
Next game set Cennec to spectate, I want to test something.
Colton Rogers
Marina isn't even a squid get her off the fucking television
Chase Baker
I'm more worried that I'll suddenly start playing terribly and that people will either start talking shit about how I did and/or never play with me again.
Both ended up happening when I played the first game.
Brayden Myers
You should do Rip Entry, user. Literally the best regular battle Splatoon music.
Justin Martinez
Nice battle lads Always wondered what spectating a squiffer battle would be like
Ian Foster
I hope everyone is having a good Friday!
Asher Gutierrez
I really enjoy Acrid Hues
Elijah White
It's true though
Jordan Collins
Nicholas Brooks
What's your rank user? You can say your rank anonymously, right?
Gavin Thompson
get your ass back in here
Hunter James
I enjoy the Inkbrush. There's something satisfying about swinging the thing a million times and rolling around at the speed of sound.
I get the feeling once I'm out of this gutter rank I'm in from being a new player I probably won't get to use it too much anymore, though.
Brandon Cox
I didn't have the squiffer, sorry
Noah Flores
How bout my hooligan?
Benjamin Hughes
>relying on the crutchbrush
Bentley Green
The octobrush is the superior version.
Elijah Moore
>relying on the redditbrush
Owen Lewis
>spectating >squiff squiff squiff squiff
David Miller
Cennec as spectator plis.
Jason Howard
Gives me an excuse to try a dynamic pose so I'll give it a go! That your prefered ink colour/hairstyle? If you have any made up ones you like I can plop those on too.
Xavier Davis
>using the sqrutcher
Nicholas Adams
Man, you all are paranoid motherfuckers aren't you
Landon Gomez
Sorry, I didn't see your post in time. Next time!
Ayden Morris
Aaron White
How dare you
Chase Baker
I'm getting mixed signals here. Is it good or what?
Hunter Howard
>your rival is on your team
Michael Cox
>relying on the furry brush
Hudson Parker
>non binary
Lucas Roberts
The octobrush is a good weapon, probably the only good weapon right now out of the entire roller/brush family. Scrubs are mad because everything is a crutch.
Tyler Taylor
I want to fucking die my life is in shambles the world is going to shit and inklings aren't even real
John Bell
God damn every single time I try to aim my hands shake like crazy
Colton Russell
You know what is real though?
Cookies. And those are almost as good as self-worth.
Brayden Gutierrez
B+, A-, A+. I just don't have the time/patience to play ranked too much at the moment. Squad battles made me play the modes a lot more in the first game since S/S+ didn't make you drop.
Camden Smith
ink brush is good, its just that the octobrush is superior against retards. The Ink brush is the thinking mans weapon
Ryan Cooper
Me too I'm garbage at chargers, had to crank sens down
Ian Martin
Either that or shaved, whichever color someone would want to avoid. All I can think of for poses is either chucking a chair, booting someone, or bout use use a .96 Gal like a bludgeon
Aiden White
Kagey as a spectator too
Easton Taylor
I'll consider it
Owen Rodriguez
i want to spectate how do i go about this
Jordan Green
hold the fck up, wasnt the next Salmon Run supposed to have the Brella? NINTENDOOOO
Jaxson Hernandez
>he thinks baked goods are in the same weight class as self-worth i bet you also think that eggplants aren't berries either.
Elijah Fisher
Thanks m8. I'm fussing around with spectator controls for a test stream
William Myers
Yep. Got replaced by Splat Jr.
Luke Cook
>tfw struggle to get on the tower Feels bad.
Benjamin Diaz
>booyah at the start of a match >nobody booyahs back
Camden Lewis
first furries, now trannies
what exactly did nintendo mean by this?
Elijah Russell
I mean, I got fat from filling my lack of self-worth with baked goods so I at least have some experience here.
Then I got not fat. It would have been easier to just not get fat in the first place, but hey, you live, you learn.
Isaac Parker
The host has to set you to spectate
Daniel Foster
>hit Armando >ink armor >hit him again >ink armor >hit him a third time >ink armor Are you fuckers on voice chat jesus christ
Angel Bailey
Heh... nothing perosnell...
Isaiah Carter
it means draw more furries
Logan Adams
Too late I'm drawing him kicking a football like a sport guy
Christopher Foster
>Tower control >On humpback pump track >And the enemy team has two tri-sloshers I can barely see anything normally on that shitshow of a map without waves of ink flying up from the goddamn ground
Lincoln Perez
is wooper using fucking stick controls laugh at him
I'm actually pretty impressed by your aim using just sticks
Jack Kelly
>tfw hit absolutely nothing that round
Isaiah Ward
Spectator mode is genuinely more fun then turf war
Joseph Parker
>tfw stubbornly struggle to get on a wall >teammate walks by, sees me and shoots the last little bit didn't ask for your help bich i just about had it
Jason Cruz
Withdrawals are a bitch
Jaxon Martinez
It means some people need to have it beaten into their skulls that they shouldn't post things they wouldn't need to explain to their kids about.
Cameron Morris
why dont people ever realize how the rainmaker weapon works? I can literally shoot my feet, run, and then watch someone explode a seocnd later
Daniel Myers
Wyatt Hughes
no i use motion controls (-1) or motion controls + stick for aiming greater than like 45 degrees
Hunter Wilson
Fair enough. I just thought of him as the one to physically splat people with a broken shooter
Carter Hernandez
Squiffers cool and all but when can I bamboozle niggas
>tfw feel bad for squidbagging after finding out my victim got zero splats
Jose Taylor
Why is all this "gender" bullshit flooding the plaza? Can't we just have video game related shit in our video game, instead of all this meme trash and Tumblr-approved pro-mental-disability bullshit?
I just want to play my video game without having to roll my eyes literally every time I'm in the plaza. Is that too much to ask?
Julian Jackson
Hey so someone asked for more Marina.
Levi Price
damn that must have felt good
Grayson Campbell
Preaching to the choir
Colton Davis
Please continue posting more Marina. Pearl gets posted all the time, time for Marina for a change.
Anthony Morris