Fighting Games General /fgg/
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Your thread needs more best girl.
Hollow Night threads are on weekdays
Then start posting naoto.
Ingrid and Roxy for season 3
I thought you liked girls?
If this game had at least SFV level graphics and a slightly better roster, the FGC would be shitting its self.
The gameplay looks like its going to be fucking fun as hell, but damn its hard to look past the atrocious visuals, sound, and characters.
Best couple.
Marie a shit.
>> 186560469
Lucky you I can't find a character I liked so I quit
Im planning to.
>1 hit tod combos with no burst
It just looks like shitty marvel 3
>derp around til you tod someone
>the general hates GG
whats your mvci team?
>Black Panther/X
Naoto shirogane, not naoto kurogane.
The voices are goddamn horrendous
unlikely, any game that's relevant has haters
Is capcom dare i say it....BACK?!
which sf5 character is highest iq
captaina america looks fun now
No Rashid/Asura/X-Men no buy
she's top tier BLACKED material + high iq fundies
Ryu or Alex. be a protagonist with neutered and substandard tools
Vroom Vroom
I didnt like gg or marvel 3 theyre shit games
Infinite needs more GLASSES
Anakaris and his wife
being shit doesnt make them high iq
prob chun now that you can't spam tk legs
have to work fairly hard for mediocre damage and her v skill is pretty bad so you have to just rely on normals
Iron Man/Arthur
rashid, top tier but can't be played by scrubs and the difference between a good rashid and a great rashid is huge
oh also you have to do instant toe tap>air legs link
They're both unironic gorillas.
ryu is fucking garbage and basically has been since day 1 the only reason he was good at first was because his damage output was fucking retarded
Hey. Don't make any bad posts today.
I'm counting on you.
>you can only be high iq if you're low tier
>you can't be a low tier gorilla
lmaoing at all the bronze shitters
What exactly would qualify as a bad post.
Say one nice thing about Saki Omokane.
nobody is saying that retard
>gorilla dash
>jump lk
>jab aa
>gorilla damage
He deserved the nerfs tbqh.
yeah they are
Ghost Rider/Morrigan
almost everyone has a stupid good dash and a lot of people had a jab aa I'll give you jump lk though that was dumb as fuck
She has a gun
being shit means you gotta play smart
>playing smart
She isn't flat unlike juri.
Do you not understand that effects heavy tag fighters can't be as pretty as down to Earth 1v1 fighters on the same hardware
BB, Jin, Captain Commando for MvCI's MvC2 throwback dlc
most games are better with japanese voices. leave it to the pros. Does MVCI give you an option?
so why does dbz look so good
It should at least for the Capcom side. But Capcom shuffles through their VAs a lot.
Thinking of buying Tekken 7 for PC, need convincing, I'm not that great at FG's and want to improve, been finding plenty of success with Bane in IJ2, Can't land a single fucking combo in SFV, and find UMVC3 too dial a combo, will I struggle with inputs in T7?
>wanting a jp frank west
Are you just one person posting this?
Jp or eng morrigan for mvci?
eng because dat accent
>Can't land a single fucking combo in SFV
give up
Depends on if they get her actual VA back, or it is still Rie.
Speaking of Luvcheez bait, is this approved Succ? Saw it on twitter
How do I play Kolin on a pad? Doing her EX moves with lp+mp is a pain in the ass.
>mahvel too dial a combo
Nigga do you know how Tekken combos work
I'm not expecting an option to change Capcom voices this time around.
macros or do ex with lp and hp
I literally don't, can't google "How do Tekken combos work"
>he doesn't play claw style
Lp+hp is medium. lp+mp is low.
What forbids you from using HP?
Also macros. SF comes with a 3 punch macro doesn't it, does that not work? You could make your own tho.
Literally know nothing about Kolin, btw.
Injustice/MK strings but 3d basically. That's the true meaning of dial a combo, btw.
In a technical sense it doesn't. Honestly it doesn't look anywhere near as good as PS4 Revelator in outright terms even, but source accuracy means you don't pay attention to that. The character models and effects are simpler and there's no global lighting from the stages (although it does have lighting from projectiles)
so the reason people try so hard to hate is is because NRS does it
Nash, Bison, Cyclops for XvSF throwback
Are those clothes or fur? If fur then no. Not into fur.
Each 2 buttons you use is a different move. The only way i can think is changing ppp to be just lp+mp. But then I would have to use 2 buttons to v.reversal. what a pain.
just play claw style you low iq baby
Play freeformjazzgirls
>Evo only has room for 2 anime games
>dbz and bbtag
>yfw goober is left behind
>implying they will give 2 slots to licensed kusoge
how do you sleep at night
It's going to be UNIST.
Dude just snap him in lmao
Is this what japs feel when we say shit like yomi?
this game is so fucking ugly and badly animated. i can barely tell what's going on
why is this so big
She's a big girl.
What is your opinion on Virtua Fighter?
>that face
Sarah is more fun to play in DOA.
Goobers on suicide watch.
I may have found some gaming center 1 hour away.
Is 1 hour on public transport too much time to play some street fighter with strangers?
Getting cornered in Skullgirls is the scariest fucking thing
It looks fun and I'd love to get into it.
You're just retarded, user.
what about it?
Not an argument.