/owg/ - Overwatch General

>The Summer Games 2017 event is Live!
>last year's summer games items are back for regular pricing (1x), while new items are also available for event pricing (3x)
>the event ends on August 28th
>(the next arcade reset for those sweet, sweet lootboxes is in two days)

>Event item tracker

>DEATHMATCH has been added to the PTR
>includes both 6v6 TDM and 8-man FFA
>along with a new map built for FFA (it's bloo's family home)

>Latest comic

>Latest PC patch notes
PTR: playoverwatch.com/en-us/blog/20972920
Live: playoverwatch.com/en-us/game/patch-notes/pc

>Overwatch dev tracker

>Hero tips, tricks and basics

>Source / Quake mouse sensitivity converter

>Personal stats / leader boards

>Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


The more I use the summer skins the less I like them.


>Be me, Rein on quickplay
>Like the "Oh, Glittering Prizes!" line a little too much
>Playing with an archery gook of little skill
>He has a really sensitive mic
>Realize that his mic can pick me up in spawn
>Stick close to him most of the match
>Spam Glittering Prizes
>The entire game is "Oh, Glittering Prizes"
>My entire team can hear me over Hanzo's shitty mic
>If they're close to me they can hear it twice
>You can hear me in spawn
>You can hear me defending the cart
>You can hear me during the POTG
>There is no escape
>They clearly get annoyed
>Get no votes during the endcards
>TFW I've mastered advanced shitposting

if only she didn't outclass her mexican cousin in every way


Apparently there is a new method of trolling.

If you put a period in Tracer's name to separate some of the letters, it spells out "racer," which is funny because she's fast.

It's great that you want a Reinhardt mousepad with a wrist pad shaped like his chest, but we can't really help you with that.

What about B.va, though?


I'd really like to stick my cock in that tiny korean bee mouth.

We have no indication whatsoever regarding her hygiene, so to assume that she (or any part of her) smells in any way is just spurious at this point.

Anyone else starting to get burnt out on the event?

It's kicking in for me but I still want that mercy skin...

I'm nearly burnt out on the game. But I got everything from the event exceot the Lucioball sprays, which I don't care about.

I got all the skins except for the one i wanted. Just give me the fucking Biker skin damn it.

this game sucks lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

What's the most annoying voiceline in the game to spam? I'm currently fond of Trashmouse's Brrrriiiinggg line
>Also Symmetra

______ ;) ______

So do the new event skins change any voicelines? I know Grillmaster 76 changes a few of them.

Ohayou, /owg/!


Anyone got an extra code from Office Depot?

I got USFIV and SFxT to trade for it

Fuck you guys, I only got the widow skin and I've been playing ~3hrs everyday. Starting to question my life here, man.

>tfw no mercy main gf to get heals from, then sexually dominate in bed

Sombra says "Aloha". Thought that was a nice touch.

She also says "hey dude".

I got all the event stuff in 40 lootboxes but beforehand I bought all the Summer sprays and voicelines. I also bought 24 of those lootboxes out of sheer laziness.
At least I'm free.

And "hey dood"

>winky face
>its in the refrigerator
>[angry korean noises]

the hey dude isn't part of her normal voice lines?

shit now I have to buy a bunch of boxes


Any of them really. Blocking someone really needs to mute their voice line spamming.

What's the best non-legendary skin for Doomfist? I can't decide.

Before they redubbed it


Poseable Overwatch action figures when? Preferably non-shit ones like the TF2 line. I want a Roadhog or a Reaper for my collection.


Umm, what? The TF2 line was bad. Stiff as fuck.

>pizza cake
>pizza cake
>pizza cake
>pizza cake


Junkrat's "BRRRRRRING"

Meant to say not shit ones.

If I'm a new player should I even be attempting Zarya? I keep playing like shit with her, should I just stop and come back when I git gud? I'm doing well with McCree and Bastion tho..

bastion hello

Hello best girl

I was like you once, scared of playing Zarya. She's actually not that hard to play. The trick is, don't think of her as a tank. Think of her as a bulky DPS with the ability to give herself or a teammate iframes, because that's essentially what the shields are. At that point the hardest part of playing her is just aiming M2.

What company would you buy from for a Fig and a Statue?

Its cutr though

I miss when you stack characters. Running meme comps was the most fun I have had playing this game, in quick play at least.

>4 monkeys 2 dvas

>the days of 2 tracer/2 lucio/2 winsotn

It's a pun on Speed Racer, you fucking faggots.

>Here he comes, here comes Speed Racer!
>Here she comes, here comes T. Racer!

Do you idiots get it now, or do I have to break out the puppets?

>2 Winston/2 Mercy/2 Soldier
>6 Soldier
>6 Torb


puppets would be nice.

>tfw you will never get to do a last minute 6 tracer overtime rush ever again because hero stacking slept with jeff's wife or whatever and now you can't even do it in arcade

No you idiot its citing a source, you know like "Im a huge faggot"


I love Angela!

zen should either be able to distribute orbs while charging up or cancel his charge. annoying having to quickly blast at your balls somewhere so you can heal somebody

That charge can oneshot people, he should have to commit.

>Be pharah
>See a Mcree
>Manage to 1v1 them every time due to falloff damage
>Gold elims by end match

Remind me again why we nerfed mcree again so this cancer could thrive?

doomfist's charge can oneshot too and you're able to cancel that

McCree's ranged damage falloff was nerfed mainly because he was out-sniping Widowmaker.

I'd like to blast my balls into sym if you know what i mean.


>6 mei v 6 mei

Yeah because Doomfist doesn't have range, his fist is his main means of attack, he needs a wall to oneshot, and if he couldn't cancel it he would feed ten times harder.

Zen is a healer who is supposed to be on the backline, his main weapons are projectiles with no falloff, and he can either 2shot squishies with discord headshots or oneshot with the charge. But when he's doing this he is at no risk because he's shooting zero falloff zero drop projectiles from the backline. He doesn't need to be able to cancel his M2. Doomfist is special because he's a melee character. Everyone else with oneshot capabilities has to commit something to it.

nah, he should be able to cancel

Keep calm, keep calm, keep calm, and Tracer on!



>he needs a wall to oneshot
Or a rock. Or raised curb. Or breakable railing. Or, impossibly, the cover you're trying to hide behind.

Boo doo boo doo!

>cancel his charge

Quick melee you stupid fucks.

This is what happens when you play a game whose devs are such cucks they let reddit meme a character into existence.

what if i want to slow melee?

Doomfist is a really good character concept, it's just the wall damage was a mistake. Looking at him, he's supposed to be defined by the "combo" aspect of his character. Instead, they somehow got to the point where a rocket powered fist hitting you does 100 damage, while you bumping into a wall afterward does 150.

Hitboxes are smaller on PTR already.

You play rein.

>see a video with symettra's voice actress and roadhog's voice actor
>they get along so well
>you'll never go whole hog inside symettra
Why live?

The rocket punch?

Hitboxes doesn't really solve the problem. Doomfist's kill mechanic should be combo based instead, so he locks you into mostly unavoidable damage that tallies to 200 after three hits or so. The cost of the easy kill is blowing all your cooldowns, however, and there is enough time during the combo for allies to bail the trapped victim out.

I've been spamming shit about orisa and screen shooting it. I need to compile all the answers.

yeah. its above file size but its on the front page of the overwatch subreddit

loot box changes suck ass

You're the first person I've seen to complain. The possible negative is less coins for high-level accounts who used to be rolling in them from all the duplicates.

Not him but thats exactly the problem.

Poeple really only want skins and emotes. Used to be it was easy enough to get enough shekels to just BUY the skin you wanted. Now you pretty much absolutely have to get them through crates.

But hey, at least you get 3 fucking icons and two stickers every crate.

>Got every single new legendary
Nah m8 youre just shit

Doomfist existed since the original cinematic trailer, and enough with the "hurr reddit is the cause of everything that annoys me!" whining, lots of people from lots of places including here wanted Doomfist.

3 stack plat/diamond, get queued against a full stack of master 8 times in a row.
Nice match making there blizz

My account's level 1100. I'm getting less coins now, but it's nice to open a lootbox and not get four duplicates. It makes individual lootboxes actually mean something again.

Yeah, I have less coins now than before, but I have to spend less coins now than before, since I never stop getting new items.

So guys, I just started playing again recently after taking a break for a while. What's changed since 6-8 months ago? Any significant nerfs? Are the new characters any good?

thats good for you but im only 70 and i'd like to get shekels so i could actually have some skins.

But i guess icons and sprays are just as good.

why isn't doomfist a tank why is he so huge, he's almost the size of reinhardt

And then what does Doomfist do for the next 5 seconds, with no abilities?

Is it worth turning off the recoil compensation for Widow/McCree? I've only just noticed that and I'm wondering if most games have recoil compensation. If it's a crutch I feel like I should wean myself off it.

Roadhog's been nerfed to shit, and is basically useless now. Rein's hammer swings 10% faster. Doomfist, new character was added. IT'S NOT TERRY CREWS REEEEEEEEEEE.
Junkrat an now hold two mines and his RIP Tire moves faster.
Roadhog can heal while moving, and takes half damage while healing but is still basically useless. There's a Deathmatch mode now.

You mean in all of 2017? Everything has changed except Tracer, more or less.

Lucio was turned into a hybrid DPS speed demon. Sombra had her cooldowns buffed until she started being used on every 2CP game. Mercy now has a button that makes her invulnerable, making it so every S2 silver Mercy main is now grandmaster. Reinhardt was completely broken by Blizzard and it took them months to admit it was a problem, let alone do anything about it. Winston's barrier is usable more often. Ana self defense was nerfed. Unkillable D.Va had her armor removed, but that's okay because people realized her DM was broken when you actually use it. Zenyatta's right-click was made made even more effective at choke-point spamming. Reaper is a vampire now. McCree's ultimate is slightly less shitty. Orisa remains shitty despite buffs, but has found some niche uses. Roadhog was deleted from the game.

TL;DR: For months, standard meta is: Winston, D.Va, Tracer, Genji, and some mix of Lucio, Zen and Mercy. Every game mode, attack and defense, except for special cases like first and last point stall.

rein has a wider hitbox, doomfist is just a bit shorter but he's a lot thinner.

>Playing Ogrewatch
>Enemy Genji Ults
>I'm playing Rein
>Literally just hold R2 while aiming in his general direction
>He only gets one kill before Death by Hammer

Ryujin wo ken go fuck yourself.

>Rein's hammer swings 10% faster.
This is misleading. What really happened was that they broke rein completely, his hammer swings would hit off timing and every single skill was slow to activate. They somewhat fixed this up by making his swings 10% faster but rein is still a broken mess.

Any of D.va's voicelines tbqh.

Every game I do "LOL! Heehee!" or "Is this easy mode?" every time I get a killing blow on someone.