Red Veil edition
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CURRENT UPDATE: Chains of Harrow (Update 21.5.0)
/wfg/ OP pastebin, if it's not like this one report it and make a proper one:
/wfg/ - Warframe General
first for disappointment
I don't get it.
>no palladino
I can't masturbate to this
Damn guys I love my Excal Prime its so cool, I bet you wish you had one
Yeah, missing on 25 extra armor tickles my min-maxer spirit.
Good thing Umbra will be a straight upgrade over Excal Prime.
Why is it impossible to make Excalibur not look like an edgelord?
Post your excaliburs
I don't play excalibur anymore but I make it a point to go back to the last slot on my loadout which is reserved for all my Founder gear whenever I log out so people who inspect my profile always see that I am a grandmaster founder before they even see the badge.
But I do have one. How's your Skana and Lato Prime?
>condition overload finally dropped
fucking finally. What's a build I can use with it to make my melee weapon not shit?
At least get the mr from them you fucking shitter
Put it on any melee, equip a status primary or secondary that shits rainbow procs, press E
>want to make some plat
>don't know the prices
>watching trade chat isn't helpful
>market website isn't helpful
What are some general guidelines on prices for prime weapon parts, prime frame parts, prime sets, gold mods, relics, etc?
>watching trade chat isn't helpful
>market website isn't helpful
Economics aren't for you, buy plat
fuck you
I've desecrated the entirety of ophelia, got other 4 golden mods with the same drop rate, still no CO
I also just bought a shitload of plat because 75%, but fuck me I want to farm this stuff and not buy it from /wfg/ jews
How is watching the trade chat and the market website not helpful?
You did good friend, buying platinum points is very very good.
thanks steve
No one can help you if you think watching the trade and wfmarket isn't useful. You're just retarded and you'll never make any plat.
Just buy plat.
I'm new to this captura thing.
my general guidelines
Check prices on
Lets say my part is listed there for 30 as cheapest option
If i want to buy it i spam the trade chat with "WTB xxx 20p"
If i want to sell it, i spam "WTS xxx 40p"
Other than that its just experience to know what stuff sells, what sells well and what won't sell at all because its shit and because it drops often.
I really want to use that skin but it doesn't fit the arcane pendragon helmet.
just make him look like a clown with bright greens yellows and reds
It does though.
>giving a fuck about arcane helmets in 2017
I stopped wearing my pendragon/swindle/coil/whatever, it just doesn't matter any more.
>Equinox is supposed to be female
>Equinox is supposed to be female in BOTH forms
The only thing she has going for her is day forms god tier thighs, she could crush a watermelon between those thunder thighs
I feel like the mordred fits it better, maybe its just me.
I actually do this on b and c
I sometimes want to look good and be maxed out too
>building 3 frames
>have 3 complete in foundry
>have 3 in inventory that need leveling
The symmetry is bothering me as well as the compulsion to grind
>I sometimes want to look good and be maxed out too
The problem with that is that the fish helmet just doesn't look good.
>tfw we'll eventually have to grind 9 different prime parts for equinox prime
>you'll have to use up 2 trades to sell/buy a complete set
it might legitimately be the first prime access i would cave in and buy.
>Prisma Skin
>Infested + Shamrock palettes
>mag has bigger tits that saryn guys!
>tfw no playable true composite form with powers in between Night and Day Forms'
Can I sell my RIven from the War Within mission?
Wait a second. They gave her nipples.
Looks like a fuckin' turkey neck.
Maybe that's what prime should be instead of just day and night with slightly better stats and 250 death orb shit
I wanna fuck those nipples
Even better: lipples
those are some dick-sucking nipples right there
>Left has the status chance
>Right has both damage stats
Decided to play Mesa a bit and even goy'd a fancy hat. Currently reviewing my build. Looks unfinished, right? Especially that P.Flow...
You need the status chance on Kohm
so keep rerolling
But what the fuck is this?
Not only DE is rounding mod cost up, but this is fucking stupid.
>metal crusher intensifies
The status chance on the left is useless. You want 120%+
neither of those are worth 20k plat so keep rolling
I do get 100% status chance with the left one if I use all 4 dual stat mods, I'd only have to use 3 if I had 120% status chance on the riven
>he doesnt know
>all 4 dual stat mods
How long did it take you guys to farm Ivara parts?
I've done ~10 earth spy missions, 3 Venus, 2 Mars, and 7 Lua back to back.
Not a single piece of the frame yet.
Got all mine farming other stuff in spy missions on eris
Only need the systems when I go for her.
>corrosive blast
>on the Kohm
You need corrosive fire/Viral electric on it, because then it will literally stunlock the enemy as long as you're firing
Is that skin still a mynki design? He did shit like this on purpose.
-projectile flight is bad bad bad on shotguns
Huh? You can get all the parts from just Eris spy missions?
>he isn't a gote paladin
explain yourself
>we still dont have the ponyfucker skin
He's right now, isn't he?
he's a decent damage frame
When did this happen? I don't pay attention to news on the AGGP frame
since they gave him armor stripping and percentage based damage
I just got my first streamline drop from an enemy (not a void container of boos) after almost 3000 hours and 1772254 enemy kills.
LMAO, thought I was the only one and no one believed me. Never even saw Deep Freeze before a dude from my clan gave me one.
do you think glassframe makes fun of rhino for being a manlet and having a smaller dick than her
not as much as everyone makes fun of her manshoulders
Aren't those supposed to be more like goat hooves? Like a gargoyle-demon sorta thing?
come back complaining when you did 100+ spy missions.
mag is chunky!
You know, I kind of like this design, besides the awful helmet. It kind of reminds me of Samus, maybe one of the metroid prime suits
Probably anthro-pone.
how to spot a faggot:
>tigris prime
>akstiletto prime
>galatine prime
>not soma prime
>using weapons that are both good and fun makes you a faggot
>if you don't want to be a faggot you either have to use a shit weapon or a good weapon that's not fun to use
>we will never have a sex-demon to rival saryns tits and wasp waist
What do you think about this weapon?
I'm just gonna leave this here for you autists
It's fun
I agree. It's great for popping headshot on single targetes.
looks cool, outclassed by many better rifles though
Ah yes, the retard that spend so much time on this without ever realizing everything he did was completely false since he measured the frames neither head-on nor in the same pose since he left the frame specific animations on instead of switching them to neutral and rotating them to face the camera.
I think he was a legit retard that had no idea how perspective or anatomy works.
>when the waifu debate evolves into straight up mathematical comparison
never change /wfg/
so you're saying we need a version where all the frames are in Saryn noble animation?
Ha, caught one!
Which rifles are better?
I prefer this study.
Sybaris (both Dex and Prime), Burston Prime
I see nothing wrong with this, you can put any feat into numbers, like saying that one is 180 and that one is 160, therefore the former is superior instead of just saying the first one looks taller, so she prettier.
Saryn noble has the pelvis in an exaggerated angle.
I think Harrow noble is the most neutral one as far as posture is concerned, before that it was Ash I think.
t. actual retard with no understanding of perspective or anatomy
Have you SEEN the mag concept? That one actually looks crazy good.
>Saryn noble has the pelvis in an exaggerated angle.
I dont see the problem, especially for comparing butts
Well I don't have patience to farm relics.
Do you think putting Formas on Tiberon is good investment?
>mag fags on suicide watch