/hotsg/ - Heroes of the Stom

Everyone sucks except me edition

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>Garrosh - Warcraft Warrior; Now LIVE!
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We're going on crusade!

>tfw no hot apprentice to lick my hot christian virgin dyke pussy

Cute heterosexual

>need +50 wins for GM
>at +20
>get teams where people unironically try their hardest to lose the game

just had a game where someone picked aba out of spite and we had no warrior, by fucking miracle we're still in the game only to lose it because our naz felt the need to do camps while we fight for our core

>Tfw still no fem orc character

>Garona had to die for Valeera
>Best VanCleef had to die for Valeera
>Valeera is absolutely shit and no one likes her
>she's also a really terrible character in anything but lmaomatch

Fucking Blizzard.

Friendly reminder that after encountering particularly bad/toxic/tilting players, you can whipster them (without actually sending them any text) and then, by looking at their status in the whisper window and not queueing up when they do, dodge them.


You can also do this to report shitters fucking up your drafts. Whenever I'm in placements or unranked, if some nigger picks Nova or trollpicks after their character is banned, I dodge and report afterwards.

>it's a retard picks sylvanas before actually getting a comp that secures the objective episode

too many reruns lately

>Blizz will never make WoW 2.0 where everything is turned upside down and Stormwind is Horde capitol with Blackmourne in a cold war vs Arthas

>that lucio feel


Starting to play Nazeebo a bit. He does so much sneaky damage.

>want to get a few quickmeme games in to hit a level on gazlowe since he's the nearest to leveling
>estimated wait time 180 seconds

>more damage than Garrosh
>more SIEGE damage than Garrosh
How even

taunt garrosh does no dmg

Why this gem feels so ded....

You have to turn them in, dumbass.

At least it's not Battleborn

Or Eternal Crusade.
Or Fractured Space which is a gud gaem but never got its audience.


>jaina literally just auto attacks a minion while watching me get hit by varian for 10 seconds straight

i think im done with this game

The taxman

I'm not sure what you expect.

>Retard who just lets himself get hit for 10 seconds in a fight he can't win justifies himself by claiming he was next to another retard

It's a bit more than "bunga" when jaina can't even use her abilities.

quit taking this game seriously nerds

More like quit playing this shit game.

again like what did you expect

how about just not playing it desu

You be surprised how much damage reverse amp can do.

I'd quit playing it but abathur is fun


Reverse Amp is actually my preferred ult. Doesn't explain how Lucio out-sieged anyone because it only works on heroes

It was a long-ass game and when everyone is scared to get picked off lategame Lucio still gets to be cheeky and attack stuff.
Also we had Sylv so I figure I hit a lot of structures during our immortals.

>queue platinum heroleague earlier
>end up with comp of malthael, garrosh, zarya, solo-heal lili and myself as lunara
>for no discernable reason garrosh decides it is entirely appropriate to throw his lunara at the enemy team mid match.
>Zarya and malthael accomplish nothing for basically the whole match
>lili shits her pants about how lunara is a "single target damage assassin" despite me taking splintered spear and being very good at hitting q's to multiple people.
Check the profiles of my team after match, no one has more than a 35% winrate with what they picked.

>Queue up next game, its braxis
>"I AM BEST ON GENJI" says our firstpick and instalocks
>He sports an impressive record of 8wins and 17 losses.
>valla tries her hardest to carry, but genji is dead weight and diablo is overextending and dying.

Why take heroes you don't consistently win on into hero league. I don't get it.

you know when people stop climbing
and are willing to try new things because they don't care about rating
or just placed plat-dia and know their rewards are secure

lmao look at this nerd taking video games serious

But these people are always the first to shit their pants and spam-whisper after a match.

The highlight of one bout was the lili from the first team telling me she was a better lunara... at 40% to my 57% (and much higher hero level on lunara).

oh and the other category which is people who pretend they don't care, call others tryhard "dude lmao its just hots who cares" yet blow up themselves if somebody else makes a mistake

basically most moba players

Where did this bunga spam originate and what exactly does it represent?

I didn't know I was supposed to take the 'serious' mode not-seriously. Thanks for informing me.

Probably some dotasht but idiots now use it in the opposite way of "nobody except you is EVER bad"

Reckon we'll see some buffs to Garrosh next week?

>nobody except you is EVER bad
Imagine being this guy and missing the point entirely.

I am familiar with the type.

It is just complaining about the sheer number of posts that essentially amount to "me unga team bunga" as in, "I'm good, but the team was bad".

Every third post in this General can be summed up by it.

>you will never know if Tyrael says anything when targetting you with Judgement because nobody ever picks that talent

Someone sounds like they got it as a reply to their blogposts one too many times.

Imagine being this guy and having no reading comprehension.

Yeah, that's basically it.

Like, at least one quarter of the general is "wahhh muh team is bad".

I still dislike this image because playing poorly isn't the same as breaking the rules of tic tac toe.

>it's autist gets mad because someone picks a fun hero instead of boring one because he plays the game for fun and not as a job episode

every time

Playing poorly isn't the same as "lmao dude im going to farm camps as the tank" either.

judgment is so bad it should be his Q and not ult or be like 20s cd tops

Sure, but even then that isn't equivalent to scribbling random stuff in tic tac toe. It is well within the confines of the game, just not strategically sound.

If someone plays tic tac toe and seems to put their Os randomly or all on the edge, they're clearly not taking it seriously and are making it not fun for a "serious" player. But they aren't doing what is depicted where they literally aren't playing the game.

It's more about fundamentally misunderstanding things to the point where they seemingly don't actually know the rules or the overall objective.

>Hey chromie the enemy has 4 melee and their only range is their support, if you go slowing sands it has really good synergy with [my talent that lets me do extra damage on slowed enemies] and it lets us control the enemy team super good because they have to engage into us
>team proceeds to get run over. chromie is ecstatic at her [numbarz] because the enemy team ignores her until actual threats are dead.

This is the type of fundamental misunderstanding of how to play that people talk about.

also why the fuck do chromie players feel that they have to be the superstars. Their job isnt to secure le epic deletions on one target, it's to shit out long-range burst and make it difficult as fuck for the enemy team to engage you because of time traps and slowing sands.

I cannot stand the retards who pat themselves on the back because 'well one time I like totally killed that guy on a really long cooldown' rather than just being content with being consistently useful the whole match.

Is The Butcher a meme hero?

idk same could be said about anybody
like why would you vault forward into johanna when you know she has ult
you just gonna get blown the fuck up

mobas just feel like sitting around waiting for people to outplay themselves

Nah, he's a semi-niche snowball hero. Quite powerful when you have a team that sets him up.

if by meme you mean shit, yes

Seems like he'll be tweaked to drop more meat on death in the near future. Feels like he gets out of control too easily.

Even if at the end of the day he's still Butcher and pretty easy to pick/play around.

>about to win
>retards goes GG before
>about to win
>retard goes GG before
>die again
fucking kids and their fucking impatience

>you will never time travel as Dr Doom just so you can bang Morgana even after you learned all she knew about magic

>Feels like he gets out of control too easily.
Let me guess. Quickmatch?

They don't balance around quickmatch.

Tell that to Valeera.

What was changed with valeera? Cause as I recall people went "Meh, she's not zeratul" and ignored her in draft play because she wasn't worthwhile.

Basically the same thing happened with samuro (except he got minor AA reductions, because he destroyed bads. good players laughed at him).

You had lvl 20 ability to double damage eviscerate for a short time,people complained about nuke potential.


just sayin' he'll likely receive tweaks in the future
increase meat dropped on death
decrease meat on takedowns by 5 or w/e

Eviscerate got a 15% damage nerf.
Her talent to increase eviscerate damage at 20 was removed.
Her ranged engage talent got a range nerf.

All because in QM she kept killing bads who would run off solo.

>People complained about level 20 talents being strong.
Oh right, I seem to recall these people insisting that valeera could 100-0 people, even though that was demonstrably mathematically untrue.

It's more that certain types of heroes are bigger issues in QM cause you cannot draft counters to them or be assured that you'll get things that are good for your comp. Or even get basics like a support / warrior. Valeera/sam/nova really weren't ever the problem, quickmatch was the problem.

yeah but it's probably the most popular mode and people were quitting over nova/valeera

>I seem to recall these people insisting that valeera could 100-0 people, even though that was demonstrably mathematically untrue.
nigga what

>nigga what
Angry redditors. "I know the maximum possible damage she can do with these at level 20 is only 2000 damage in the most ideal circumstances, and I have more than 2000hp before i hit level 13, BUT RAAAAAAGH SHE TOTALLY DOES LIKE 4BILLION DAMAGE WITH IT AND INSTANTKILLS ME ALL THE TIME".

They were trying to liken her to vanilla wow rogues (and I played vanilla wow) who could keep you stunlocked for like 30 seconds if they did it right.

wasn't her ability to instagib most carries/supports what kept her somewhat relevant

When the numbers were crunched, pre-nerf Valeera's burst at level 20 was around 2400, assuming best conditions for her, she only was able to get more off if you stayed and fought her instead of using escape tools or starting to fuck off as soon as you took the first tick of damage.


>Have played HotS on low settimgs for years
>Finally get a gud comp
>Almost cry
I-it's beautiful

>most of the general is complaining
that would happen when you take a casual game so seriously

Except she literally couldn't. At level 15 only like 7 characters have less than 2400 hp. Chromie, Raynor, Valla, Probius, Li ming, Pilot D.va, baelog and eric, murky and abathur.

That was with level 20 talents / abilities mind you. At level 20, only baelog, eric, murky and abathur are below 2400 hp (pilot d.va is at 2430, and even tracer is 2650hp).

So no, she wasn't instagibbing anything that wasn't already out of position, already getting hit, already weak, or simply not walking away from her. That is assuming *the most ideal* set of circumstances for her too. The reality is, she was maybe doing 40-70% on a squishier portion of the roster *in ideal circumstances*.

>That guy in hero league who ignores all other 4 players and last pick drafts Chen anyway
>That guy who claims he's the best Chen ever and that it's the team's fault we lost

Cute Chen tho user

Congrats user! While I haven't played LoL or DotA in ages, if memory serves this really is the prettiest moba out there.

That's a shame. I rarely play Chen outside of a friendly quick match or so, even though I have been playing him on and off since technical alpha. Just doesn't feel too good these days when other options exist.

And thanks!

Yeah, it's nice.

Isn't it usually Quick Match, though?

I should've mentioned that he was the only person who could've tanked. Unsurprisingly we got no peels.

Chen isn't bad in and of himself but he's situational.

Aye. In terms of tanks I've found myself playing a shitload of Diablo recently. Something about his kit doesn't quite feel right to me, but it is really fun. Apocalypse is so situational, but I meme choose it and actually had a lot of fun with the stun heavy comp I was in.

apocalypse is the default choice and not really situational
apoc + instantly charge + flip guarantees stun on that target

This took far longer than it should've.

Aaaaah pagenine.

Discussion topic: How awesome would it be to have a firebat as a multiclass hero. warrior/assassin. I'd love for his base attacks to splash kind of similar to zarya / d.va



You sound like a dirty boy. Pepare for purification.


definitely jaina

Teron Gorefiend
The First Death Knight

"I was the first, you know... For me, the wheel of death has spun many times. Hehehe. So much time has passed. I have a lot of catching up to do..."

Z - Mounted Combatant
Permanent bonus movement speed.

D - Demoralizing Presence
While Teron is above 40% health, enemies around him have increased cooldowns on their abilities.

Q - Unholy Armor
Target ally or self to grant temporary invincibility at the cost of health.

W - Bloodboil
Deals instant damage in an area around Teron, healing him.

E - Haste
Target ally or self to grant extra movement and attack speed for a time.

R1 - Whirlwind
Create a whirlwind in target area. The whirlwind moves around aggressively, dealing damage and stunning enemies.

R2 - Death and Decay
Fire a bolt in a line, the first enemy struck, after a short moment, creates a cloud which applies a damage over time effect to all enemies in it, constantly refreshing it.

Death and Decay functions differently because of Kel'Thuzad. Also no skeletons cause of that.


drawing skills

why is nobody streaming

>HappyZerg cтpимит
пиздeц ты дayн

Garona is still coming

Warfield is being added to the game wearing Firebat armour.