/tf2g/ Team Fortress 2 General

Last Thread: >(((recent))) TF2 Blogpost about Balance Changes:
>list of good comm. servers

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Blog: tf2.com
Wiki: wiki.tf
Class guides: pastebin.com/u/TheOperator
FAQ: pastebin.com/6t7WNtgn
Mods: pastebin.com/bzzUK5tz
Steam status: steamstat.us steamgaug.es
Preview Loadout: whatsnext.loadout.tf | steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/158547475
HUDs: huds.tf
Game Traffic: steamcharts.com/app/440#1y

Sites: scrap.tf | tf2outpost.com | backpack.tf | bazaar.tf
BP check: backpack.tf
Prices: backpack.tf | trade.tf
Scrapbanking: scrap.tf | scrapbank.me
Skins: p337.info/tfview/

Basics: playcomp.tf
Comp Wiki: comp.tf
Lobbies: tf2center.com/lobbies
Scripting: pastebin.com/1VmngMfJ | pastebin.com/H3WfKLaB
TF2 streams: teamfortress.tv
UGC (Global): ugcleague.com
ESEA (NA/EU): play.esea.net
ETF2L (EU): etf2l.org
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>/tf2g/s looking to party queue

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I need more templates to fill out

What is the worst profile you've seen while playing?

Mine last year


desu thats pretty fucking cool

you managed to find something worse than muslim Overwatch. Actually is that the same artist

shodan is a great enemy in system shock 1

that's very neato, beats my emoticon mosaic at least


Why do you keep posting this? No one cares




Jesus Christ what a fucking ugly OP.

>tfw top healing as medic.

You don't see the other classes healing, that means I'm the best!

Would you let her blast ya into thin gruel? Or maybe let her lick ya?


what the fuck is that disgusting picture

delete this


I'll force my superior english shaft up the flower of Scotland's anus and stir last night's haggis for an Irn bru and a bag of chips.

I think we have a new worst OP pic

And here, we've got the best one yet

rate my OC

hey guys uncle dane here

disspender gououng up

I should really redraw this.


>it's a nuts and bolts bot dogger fag acting like he's fucking god because of his 'unusual'

Muh theme, though

ah yes the 'piece of shit' theme

>try to redeem steam wallet code
>a chunk of paper came off and i cant read it
im retarded?

The comic will end with the Administrator killing Olivia Mann

>It's an episode of people getting pissed off about tf2's laser weaponry but the engineer being able to build fucking teleporters in 1960s is okay

It's like they don't even know what the words "retrofuturistic" means or watched The Jetsons or saw those cheesy " world of tomorrow" fairs that used to be all the rage. Or even know what Australium does.

>he cant build teleporters in 2017

lmao get good

At least the weapons still fit with the game's aesthetics and they have a canon reason for existing.

I bet the fags complaining about them wear cosmetics.

Wearing cosmetics in and of itself is not an issue, it's the wearing of artstyle breaking cosmetics that is. I'm too lazy to make a mod that selectively filters all the hats I don't like, though.

there are too many cosmetics

True. Wish the TF2 team would stop adding blatant money-grub crates and put in some new maps or something instead.

>looking through old comments on my oldest steam friend's profile
>comment of me saying how there are way too many cosmetics in TF2
>back in august 2011

>When i got this account it had 150 games, 13 steam level and vac ban already. I don't give a damn about it.
that is illegal you know
buying stolen steam accounts

This is why he changes them so often.

I don't care. I have access to original email which was used to register account back in 2003 plus i reactivated first game so if support will ask me for it, i will have a right cd-key. Worked in my friend's case.
Original owner don't give a shit about his acc, i suppose and i really doubt that he still have cdbox of the game that he bought almost 14 years ago or even eariler.
So it's mine now.

anime background
anime avatar
most likely an /m/ fag


Mecha is my favorite genre of anime. Hotblooded girls beating the everloving shit out of each other while piloting giant robots, what more can you ask for from anime?

Hey, I had my account of over 800 games hacked and stolen, and sold, way before steamguard was even a thing. It was hard to convince Steam that it was my account, took like over half a year of pestering to get my account back.

>Getting your account hacked
l o l

>An interesting story.


siiva is probably the best memer of all time, godspeed his autistic soul

So what do we take from this?

>"...but we should be able to get to this after that ships (and plenty of time before Halloween)".
>The "this" they talk about is a bug i mailed about to them. My bets on update launch are currently at the last week of august. I think next week we hear something. This is pure speculation though.

What happened?

>playing /x/ the video game

smells like faggot

There are many ways you can get your account hacked without falling for a fake steam website.

A popular one is social engineering. I managed to keep fighting over an account with the real owner because of this. In the end, just to spite him, got him a nice VAC ban as a gift.

Despite of this story is completely lie, we are talking about old accounts. I don't really know how my account was looks like before it get hjacked in 2015, but most of old account don't even have activated profile and wasn't online since steam community update which was released on august 2007. Really makes you think about chances of them recovered back by their real owners.
Take a look at account that i hjacked today - steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197960419015. Do you think that it's owner will ever recover it? I doubt that he will even remember that he was registred in steam back in the days.

So basically pretty much all accounts that didn't log in for when the community update happened can just be cracked into because they don't have any security features that were added in the update and updates since?

>security features that were added in the update
They are just a joke. Most accounts can be recovered by simple email hjacking. Email of most delecious accounts like mine can not be tracked down so it's the only reason why they are not hjacked.
Most rare and expensive accounts are that was registred before oficial steam release (12 sep, 2003) like mine.

Huh, neat


if compfagging is supposed to be the definitive way to play tf2 then why don't they have random crits and random pellet spread disabled by default?

thanks doc

the definitive tf2 experience is 100% crit rtd micspam trade_minecraft servers


post webm

i'll be back in a couple hours and i expect to see some good hard kill

>Despite of this story is completely lie
leave and don't come back until you reach the level of communication of an average monkey you drooling cyka retard

>Posting pub webms

>Still better than monolingual english retards at learning languages

Hey. HEY. Pootis spenser here!


High HL but same thing


anyone else tired of regular TF2? My past 200h were basically just jump, surf and bhop servers. I can't stand casual mode anymore, and I can't play comp because third world country and internet

of my last 1000 hours probably like 10 were actual pubs/casual
rest is jump maps, lobbies, mixes and forgetting TF2 open

Can i still start playing fresh for the first time or am i too late and just will never be able to catch up on all the craft-able/trade-able/purchase type stuff. I've heard some of that is almost needed to play?

Items don't matter nearly as much as you think they do, and getting half a scrap per weapon you're missing is trivial. If you really must buy hats, a single key will get you a decent loadout for every single class.

all stock weapons are good, save for most melees. In some case (demo, soldier, sniper) they are the best options 75% of the time. Plus there's random drops, and the last new weapon was added over 2 years ago, so don't worry about not catching up about it.
This is assuming you're f2p, if you're not, you can trade for weapons, around 2-3 refined you can get one of each weapon (not including reskin). All other stuff is cosmetic and you shouldn't buy them unless you really like this game

>i totally understand what he means but want to shittalk
I hope you feels better pal.

i'm not him but i didn't know which story you meant

>I main a class defined by an easily-bamboozled stationary aimbot, which I then stare at all day

About him having a 800 games account before greenlight indie shit storm happened. I don't actually thinks that anyone here have more than casual 100-300 games.

the next balance patch should have a note saying they made the stock pistol 20% more accurate
they shouldn't actually change the pistol at all, just say they did so more people will use it and realize how strong it is

Speaking of having one of each item, I've gathered one of every weapon, including model reskins (Excluding limited distributions like the Saxxy and Memory Maker).
However, I've been debating whether or not I should also get the festives, as they still have the same base model as the default weapons, just with different decorations on them, as opposed to items like the Maul and Ap-Sap which are completely different models.

this meme and GoT has completely destroyed /tv/


nice po orfags modes lmao

here (you) go
youll only get one from me so dont waste it

>charge up to someone as demoknight
>Confident I'm going to fuck the shit out of this other dude
>he unzips his shovel and oneshots me before I oneshot him

And people try to say demoknight isn't the daredevil's playstyle

>he doesn't play 6s

>He doesn't think this is the peak of soldier gameplay

>tfw want to play 6s but dont have the time/energy to find a team

>Let's design a mode based around one or two maps and then ban virtually all unlocks thus making some classes who greatly benefit from unlocks totally worthless while propelling others to absurd borderline broken levels of usefulness and then pretend this new hamhanded jury-rigged format we fabricated is totally balanced and a true test of skill even though it looks more like a gimped version of Quake rather than the game it was actually meant to be


the fact that someone who is good at 6s is guaranteed to be good at casual should be enough to say that 6s does take skill and only bans weapons that take very little skill to do well with like critacola

Daily reminder that offclasses are not viable in 6s.

lmao offclasses, amirite?

>and then ban virtually all unlocks

where did this meme even come from

nothing gets banned anymore except for shit that's obviously gamebreaking

6s allows offclassing so i am unsure why you are being so autistic. even spy is viable the first time you switch to him, because people don't know that the other team has a fucking spy. but as soon as they do you might as well switch to a better pick class

>using casual as a gauge for skill
>ignoring the fact that while stupid broken unlocks like Rescue Ranger or Crit-a-cola are banned, other ones like GRU or Sandvich or Wrangler or Short Circuit or Phlog are


he was being sarcastic, making fun of people who don't like 6s because "it's only 4 classes all the time"

Retards who don't watch 6s memespouting because they don't actually play or watch people play the game mode at all.

Are you calling me autistic? Because that was the point I was making. Starkie's a beast on spy, and most high tier scouts will be gods on sniper as well. I even saw some heavy to mid meme plays on the EU side recently, it kind of worked, but heavy is such a big target, GRU doesn't really make him that much more viable because it's soooo easy to focus down a heavy.

what meme