/dfog/ Dungeon Fighter Online General

>Season 3 Act 05. Redemption
>Tower of Anguish



>3rd DFO artbook:

>Liberation weapon FAQ:
pastebin.com/d7YR3Z7U (updated)

>Fatigue Points(FP) resets at 9AM UTC/5 AM EDT/2 AM PDT

>Official Links
facebook com/dfoglobal

>Grinding Guide
Run scenarios, do not click the clear quest button on epic quests at or past time gate unless you're level capped.

>PVP playlist channels

>Wiki (refer to your in game DFOpedia whenever possible)

>Pixiv Tags
던파 - Deonpa
アラド戦記 - Arad Senki

>JP Priest voice

>DnF Original Soundtrack Symphony World
>Touhou Music Pack

>Mods Installation Guide

Previous thread:

dead game

ded thread

no big updates or hype incoming, should we remake /ammg/

>join a sell with geared sellers
>almost failing phase 1

What's in this new lost treasure?

canna's milk

Go fuck off and make it yourself.

who is the laughing stock of dfog?

canna's cummies as usual

selective 85 epic box when

I hope SK gets nuked so this piece of shit game can shut down.

What do you do when you run out of Neople+? I don't even feel like playing/grinding anymore without it.

quit for a month and get the free seria 2 weeks

Good thinking.

Quit until you get the free one from Seria's Greeting, then never let it run out again.

>1 hour 15 minutes sell

Was today's ToA a freebie?

How good are Echorn's set effects?

Better than all 85 legendary sets, better than bad 85 epic sets, worse than NG/MB/90 sets.

Bullies beware!

Bugbugs unite!

>old thread died before bump limit
Alive game! I repeat, alive game!!!

Last I checked there was 4 pages of raids total. Seems pretty active to me.

what are the bad 85 sets? how's full plate?

Bad sets are primarily Assassin, Contract and Football. Full plate is fine.

>13 minute black smoke

Ready for double raids?

I don't get why spitfires get both bowguns and muskets from quests, but exorcists only get axes

because they know you have a "rosary" already shoved up your ass, gaylord


Kritikanon here, don't let another thread die while am away or I'll spank you on the butt with my hand? I didn't go out the way to save your asses for you to start slacking off. You make may not like it, but you all are my children and if something was to happen I'd be very angry/sad/revengeful.

>an actual legendary dropped from ancients
>3rd Ancient War Goddess piece dropped
>Time Traveler's watch dropped

Today was a good birthday

Happy birthday, dude

Happy birthday, how old are you now user? Are you old enough to drink, you should get yourself a drink if so. And a gf. It'll heighten the dfo experience.


31, haha

>one hour ten minutes into sell
>phase one cleared with less than a minute remaining
>two people left during prep phase
>they haven't even entered cano yet
send help

>they advertise it as (((fast and easy clears)))

it was 700k with no buff
i don't know why i didn't expect this

they cleared with 3 minutes on the clock phase 2
low rolled di both phases
at least it didn't fail
don't buy from people in saltfish guild

this is why we need shame/blacklists, fuck leddit and nexus hugbox
don't start a sell raid business if all knowledge you have are from READING guides and buying raid yourself, these stupid fucks

>fuck those hugboxes
>lets make a hugbox



Yeah k tab-chan fucking sucks dick gameplay wise. I'd rather play a fucking bug mage than deal with this.


Is it 2 man? 2 mans are irredeemably slow, even with buff.

Suck a dick, tab-chan!

Preferably mine...

It's either a freebie or a juggling nightmare if you don't have superarmor LOL


I want to sniff a bug butt.

She didn't do anything but run around the entire time


I like what I see

As I said, .

>still can't clear rift without dying once

git gud

I try but Jack won't let me

Had you considered partying with a support or brawler to ease it along?


Even potato computers/connections can handle duoing with most classes.

But this is a singleplayer game.

Is creator a boy?

Creator is female.

was floor 12 bait?
she just ran around with super armor and didn't do anything

She summons like seven Nicholas clones and then does nothing herself. Easy floor.


It's okay user.

Who's ready for the item of the month to be a disappointment?

How can be it a disappointment if I never pull it?

ASURA or WM for pve+pvp?

The one you're less shit at.

Why does nobody play ele again

Can someone explain to me the Epic Fragment Exchange?

give irrelevant frags, receive relevant frags, get ebins faster

Something like fifty random frags(ten from like five random pieces) into five frags you want for a desired ebin

Gabe has a chance to pop up whenever you clear a hell party, if he does he offers you a fragment exchange. In exchange for five fragments toward your desired epic, you exchange 10 fragments (each) from five epic items of the same level. The first set of them are randomly generated, rerolling the fragments exchanged for your ideal fragments costs 100,000 gold and will be random.

To add to what those other guys said, I wouldn't recommend it. You need 1000 epic fragments to create one from nothing, and since the 90 pool is far more forgiving than 85 you're not likely to hit that before getting the epics you want anyway.

On the other hand, it takes "only" 189 fragments (and 189 epic souls) to transfer a 90 epic armor from one alt to another. Getting frags on the one piece you want would come at the cost of frags another character may one day need, while still also not giving you enough frags to reasonably craft the thing anyway.

For clarification, it also requires epic and legendary souls to craft with 1000 frags. But it's SIGNIFICANTLY less than transferring.

I did my first raid today!

But it's not very fun getting carried...


I played sword master for the first time today, and i loved it
That being said, i don't think i'm ever gonna use mountain press unless i'm using a bludgeon
What's your favorite weapon type to use with her, and why?

Did the new JP voices for the basic classes (manlet, ffighter, mgunner, fmage) ever get released yet?

SS because IF becomes useful. Zan in terms of ebins

Zan because IF becomes huge and Crescent becomes huge.

You'll get better and learn what to do. Sometimes you can't help it because the people in your party are just that stacked, though.

DFO is pretty fun

No it isn't.

DFOGerri is pretty hot.

Is it still the most efficient use of FP to spam Final Pursuit Kings to 70?

Also where can I get some 2x/3x/whatever exp potions?


It's close enough that it doesn't matter, running scenarios and not burning yourself out is better. You can get x3 clearance exp potions from the mileage shop for 10 mileage each. The mileage shop is a tab in the Cera shop.

ded gaem

shaman at ghent so far kinda sucks and dragon's fury is the only thing saving it

Need a carry?

Are you a cute fmage?

my issue with her is that cleaning up on the y-axis fucking sucks

Why are people so mean to their holders?

Do we need a "Remember to thank your holder!" meme going?

When do we get to beat up more Empyrean traitors?

Depends on the holder. If you're a DT and you miss 2nd awakening or line, that's pretty unforgivable. If you're a fgrap and you slide through something, that's acceptable to an extent. But supports in every game draw the short end of the stick when it comes to blame so it's mostly an accepted part of the role.