Guild Wars 2 - /gw2g/

>What is Guild Wars 2?
Guild Wars 2 is an active free-to-play MMORPG from ArenaNet, the sequel to Guild Wars 1, with events taking place 250 years after its timeline.

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Everyone hates dumb frogposters

>murmillo was sleeper OP because ET was the only end game
>introduce new world boss with reset coupon
>most doppelcucks are switching now

A lot of people get put off with IV because shit only starts to get real once you get to the castle proper, which is like 4 levels in.

Or maybe he's just really excited?

New Alicesoft

t. Hacker who sells his scripts and then claims it's for the greater good

No. This judgmental prostitute.

thanks cuckstar

To be frank, it's more like a Visual Novel meets a Walking Simulator.

It's linear, has some puzzles, but nothing will change the story or make you lose. You only make it move forward.

that's what happens if you run into one of those guys that chase you across the map.
here's the story version

practice of course

So saying good things about Dark Souls 3 is okay but saying good things about PUBG isn't?

>not in the right pose

Thats Anthony Burch's wife

CC: The biggest love it or hate it game of all time?

alright. let me put that in and upload updated map

>Prague is a shitty hub
>only 1 hub
>main story is meh to bad
>side quests are fucking awesome

It was okay but they really fucked up some parts.

BD-babby detected.

what is it that makes it hotter when u cant tell if its a dude or chick.

i want my dick in that thing

Yea for sure. Especially 3&K.

I'd say play them backwards to get the best experience first.


was that even in the original game?
It's not like vampires have intercourse anyway. They get their pleasure from bloodsucking and you have a blood doll inside every club, plus a ghoul in your apartment.

>considering buying Ubishit


>>Shit Tier
>8) Thief
You wot? Have you seen their attack speed with a Blaster + Swift Dagger?

Bioforce Ape is pretty cool.

did they remove these?

Fans get louder over time with use you moron.

no he's a huge fag.

Is there anything in the upcoming tins that seems worth it?

Chubby turians?

Boudica and Tituria

>I c-cant do I-it. So i-its i-imp-possible.

Holy shit the definition of an entitled shitter right here.

Mednafen just added Saturn support and improved their PSX core.

I'm no furry you fucking faggot, it has better art than most mods so I was interested and it has custom animations.

What games can I play Korean War era jets in?

I'm not gonna lie. It's a lot of information to process compared to what I usually play. This game is a lot different then stalker or the age of decadence. I like it though.

If you don't mind older games, Clive Barker's Undying is pretty cool and has some nice scary moments.

FO4 killed a lot of things for a lot of people.

>Now all we need is something like this in a futuristic/cyberpunk urban setting

well the devs said the game will be available for modders, so why not.

I hate all of you

Did you even play any of the games besides the 3DS ones?

Both games have undead enemies.

>Undead Warriors
>Iron Liches
>I guess technically any Ghost variation

>the Death Wyvern
>the three class bosses (Zedek, Traductus, and Menelkir)

give altered beast and TMNT a break

Why do you emulate the dithering? It's only a "feature" of early PSX consoles

no one cares

We actually hate (you) tranny.

>Mario Maker
>anywhere but in a trash heap

>Team Kizuna Encounter
>Team Samurai Shodown
>Team Galaxy Fight
>Team King of the Monsters

No I swear to God, please help. I just want to play video games. I found it at a surplus sale in a recycle bin without a price tag.

>herb/allotment runs
>accidentally clean ranarr trying to to note it
>run around with an extra inventory space
Pack yaks when?

Magic the Gathering doesn't even have a fucking forum, Wizards of the Coast does not have a forum.

No wonder they're so out of touch of reality they have no platform for users to discuss and source opinions from.

the purpose of his fake glasses and why he wear it.

SA2 felt a little too hollow and narrow to me. SA1 levels like Windy Vally and Red Mountain to me felt like the perfect way to make 3D Sonic levels in a way that still felt like you were exploring rather than running down a trough like SA2

>Neptunia Rebirth 2 is anything but utter garbage

They're Reploids you fool!

Souls co-op is good, souls PvP is invariably shit because From can't into netcode apparently and you have to pretend that everyone's sword is twice is long as it looks except yours which is half as long.

Said no one ever

He would fly to cosmo canyon for the final battle with 20,000 HP.
You can see his 'death' script in 'FF7 enemy mechanics' on gamefaqs

4th place is pretty high for a character that was near the bottom at first.

shit taste

she'll just relax with the crew

They probably can't

use your 4 30mm gas chamber launchers to delete all cold war planes from the face of the earth

>Is a Capcom-developed Zelda actually one of the best ever made?
Yes. Minnish is definitely top tier. The rest are shit though.


thanks cuckstar

>since they're super smart and all they probably can find a reason to want to get sick.

camille kled or talyiah
sol and kayn
rest of the shitters

Reminder that Xingcai wants boys to ogle at her and wishes her dad would stop scaring them away

Does the free version have the story? I just want to play the campaign again.

how strong is chimairamon?

Do you only hoard disc based games? Else you're going to hard hardware anyways.

Trying to get the copy of System Shock 2 from HotU back before people made a million patches for the game.

how many 70s do you have?

I wish it would actually run on real hardware; Probably asking a bit much considering everything it has going on in it.

Normally I'd say yes but I already bought three items today. If I see a hot dog tank, I'll let you know!

Don't call me user, my handle is SonicManiac97

hated him at first because hes ugly and disproportioned as fuck. but i kinda like him now since hes funny and his gameplay is pretty cool. still think hes ugly and disproportional though.


someone post wow vanilla login screen + music


shoot and kill
ez 4kd
amerishitters all come from the groundpounder/bomber lines and p80s are made of fire

That futa doujin with Maya, Meena and femHero was 10/10

It means Tangledeep is a shit game, stop playing it.

junko unwashed pussy

You know what he means and so do I. The number of black males serving in WW1 was probably less than 2%, but in Battlefield 1 pretty much every other soldier on the field is black.

>takes 100 campaign turns to unlock them

heh, nothing personnel

The cheatiest roguelikes are the best, just look at elona and poschengband

Its a good fucking game
I played it so much
I can be a guide and I could draw out the whole map for DS2

Excited for the remake
>it won't be 1:1


>Doing anything people actually want.

Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 remasters are pretty fucking good

Name a better opening cinematic.

I liked PC Gamer as a kid. Awesome demo disks and coverage of upcoming games.

RE6 sucked, RE7 sucks in a different way.
I like the originals, if you think RE7 even resembles them then you never appreciated them.

shit taste