Fighting Games General /fgg/
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Reminder James Chen is the cummy poster
I'm so fucking bored without Fantasy Strike ):
dont make me 10 - 0 u kid
reminder that "alex is bad" is one of the worst sfv meme pushed by twitter faggots like demondan and capcom knows it so don't expect buffs
Hey guys can I join Infinite? I'd love to take that pesky Megaman down a few pegs!
What about the "Ryu is bad" claim?
ryu is pretty bad because unlike alex he doesn't have anything super good, his fireball game is mediocre, his normals are mediocre, his mixups are mediocre
just mediocre overall when ken is high tier and akuma is top tier this season, ryu deserves some buffs
what's with this megaman spam
Better? Or worse?
Hey guys it is exactly one more month until I save the FGC. Did you enjoy that awesome new story mode trailer, I sure did. Now show me your preorder receipts...please.
good OP
we're all going to play marvel right?'
Friendly reminder that Android 16 has his self destruct in Dragon Ball Fighter Z and its one of the most damaging moves in the game
Capcom girls have no competition whatsoever.
Dedicating every day until the launch of MvCI to one of the base 30 characters! Today is Megaman X!
>tabs instead of separate chat windows
capcom marketing going ham
Guys... We're not gonna make it... Fighting games are lost...
if whoever drew those is over the age of 14 they need to quit art forever
What do the words say.
you need a huge cast of waifus to get your fighting game crowd funded, let this be a lesson to sirlin
don't give that kike any money
Put Sticks in MvCI!
Stop dumping pics of X you bellend
On Hitbox/keyboard you can DP by holding
down+back + mash forward
and then you only have to press punch when you see the jump coming
In USF4 at least
No! He's cool!
I don't understand who this shit even appeals to. If it really is an input barrier that keeps people away why not just play smash?
Imagine if Capcom weren't a bunch of fuckups. Capcom's side could've had Nina from one of the BOFs, Akira and Iincho from Project Justice, Ayame from Power Stone, and Ruby Heart and Sonson from MVC2.
those choices dont seem like movie choices at all.
No one, it's a literal artificial inflation of something there's no demand to. It's made by a jew.
ban this MEGAMAN POSTING retard
Why does Claw have to use three bars to do less than what Boxer does with one bar
what was that, balrog has an invincible move?
I don't think I'm breaking any rules just by posting a lot.
I'll slow down, though.
sissy white boy vs alpha black man
TAP, it gets better the longer he holds it. I think level 4 upwards has full invincibility and is + on block
can he just start holding it while he's in the middle of receiving a combo?
You can start holding it whenever you want, as long as you're holding down two buttons you'll start charging.
Best Goober Girl reveal when?
can you start holding it before the match starts?
Yes, just like you can hold downback to start charging before the round start
>we could've had momo from bof3
fuck capcom so much
Only from frame 3 though so its not a true reversal, you have to go up to level 7 for frame 1 invincibility
literally who
Reminder to report all monster sightings to your local authorities.
that seems a kusoge mechanic that forces you to start holding down the buttons whenever you can in case you need the move
Would you sniff
Some fighting game characters do more damage than others
Its a choice, you choose to sacrifice some buttons in order to have access to the move. You generally won't charge it in matches where it won't be useful or you need all your buttons.
I get that but during long animations there's no reason to not hold down the buttons even if you decide you need them when you regain control of the character.
It's like playing Guile and not charging before the match starts. Nobody does that.
>go to my local d&bs
>it's all cell phone games on giant screens and a solitary tekken 6 machine
what's d&b
Dick & Balls
It's a gay bar chain like Chippendales but they used to have arcade games there too (originally it was just pinball, hence the name). But now it's just mobile shit like user described.
Yeah if you've been stunned or are caught in a super animation then there's no reason not to charge it, but those are the only two times where its really worth it since TAPs under 3 aren't that useful.
>Dick & Balls
gays need to be gassed
>that Felicia
>that Ino
you realize he made that up and it's actually dave & busters right
I call Poe's law
one more month until nathan's hotdogs
as a cammy main i'd probably actaully buy a better realized version of her costume in that poorly drawn clusterfuck.
calm down rashid
what does ken have that makes him so much better than ryu?
is it really all about the better hit confirms, better cc frametrap game, and better corner throw loops?
the bbc
>Itazan VS HongKong
>Final Score: 74-1*
>*he used Abigail for his 1 loss
Jesus Christ.
That Cammy uniform might be alright if it was better drawn and someone got rid of that stupid domino mask.
who cares
Useful post, really cared about this one
Yeah, who cares about the world's strongest Zangief player demolishing 74 opponents from Hong Kong and only losing one match because of character switch.
Who cares, amirite? :^)
how in the world do you lose to a fucking grappler.
>good player wins when he uses his mains
>loses when he uses another character
wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wtf??????????
sfv sucks lmaooooooooo
what does alex have thats super good
>it is the far future
>fighting games are all but dead
>the Savior had come, but the people did not heed His message
>they rejected His way
>they rejected His guidance
>only a select few remain, who spread the Word, which is Yomi the japanese word for reading your opponent
>they carry the Book, of Playing to Win.
>the most divine ones are those touched by Him, personally converted to the Cause
>they call them Tenno
Fucking r/Kappa drones, I swear to God.
this desu
Namecalling is not an argument