>Heroes FAQ and links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
>Heroes FAQ and links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
>Tfw tana outclasses cordelia
No wait, she doesn't because im not a fucking retard who thinks 1 more speed is better than attack
>Inherit a firesweep lance
>get Life and death 3
>blow niggers the fuck out with my 1 extra attack
>Dont have to waste that point in worthless speed
hahahah "B-but guidance!!"
>Have to waste a c slot
>cant use the whore in flier teams
>only affects shitty infantry and armors ((lol)
>is cuter
>is smarter
>more lovely
hahahahah i am literally fucking dying at how retarded you fucks are, tanacucks are pathetic
This is Elise's butt.
Why won't you love me user?And get me in your gacha game.
best blue flier
What kinda shitty leather do your boots gotta be made of to just come apart like that? And not even at the seams, either.
nobody cares
What do you think about this new Warriors oc character? I think she looks cute, and it feels like they put more effort into her than they did with the main characters.
Why are cucks so cute?
A happy Leni is a cute Leni!
Why do you keep posting this?
I like Cordelia, but Tana is a way more versatile version of her that trades 1 speed for 1 attack - so she can do the same Brave / Firesweep builds AND run her well rounded / defensive Prf weapon build.
Also Guidance is great, I get a spare Tana I am sacrificing her to my Cordelia for it.
Ok who has that pic of Faye's BIG ASS as a cleric in echoes?
Is Clarisse good or should I give her poison strike to someone?
its natures you fucking retard
The Cloud has come and so have I.
Don't reply to Raul.
Imagine what sex with Serika would be like. How literally hot it would be inside her red mage pussy. The warmth would undulate over your dick like gentle waves, and just marinating yourself in her insides without moving would bring you gradually closer to orgasm. You'd have to beg her not to move so you won't Ragnarok too quickly, and she'd give you a lewd smile and start thrusting against you anyway. She'd be able to tell when you're about to cum, and slide your dick out of her right as you're about to go over the edge. The sudden difference in temperature brought about by the cold air and her slimy hot juices glistening on your throbbing erection would leave you in agony. You'd give her a pleading look as she gently edges you using her gloved hands, maybe rubbing the glans with her fingers or letting you experience the feel of her thighs. The sexual frustration would almost drive you insane, and only once you've begged her would you be allowed to hug her tight and cum balls deep, soaking her squishy hot pussy with an unconscionable amount of semen as hard as you can.
hi i work for intelligent systems
spend $3000 on orbs and we will think about it.
and in the east corner, the best red flier
Its more ridiculous that all these characters get their clothing cut up so much but have zero wounds, and you're worrying about the boots?
>Olwen but worse.
I just want to lick her sweaty underboob then throw her away like the trash she is.
Is there an easy way to filter all the shitposting? I just want to get advice on and talk about the games.
kill yourself fatescuck
Not an argument sweetie.
I would rather hold her hand gently, hug her with another, then kiss her forehead and while looking dep into the eyes says that everything will be allright.
Idea for PVP: bring back the GBA 5-man Arena multiplayer.
Each person brings a crew of four units + one unit from their friend list (the more you are selected as a friend, the more bonus feathers you receive at the end of each season). Then, each player sends one unit in at the same where they engage in a duel. You continue doing this until all units are eliminated. The longer your winstreak, the more points you get.
>fates game bad
I am not gay
I am not baiting
I am not shitposting
I am not RPing
I am not Olwen
I would 100% unironically fuck Reinhardt
fuck off autist, IV is shorter
better bend over then
What's in that egg?
>cordelia trash terrible
>implying awakening isn't just as bad as fates
Are you Ishtar? She probably has a daddy thing with her personal knight who's been with her forever.
>IS releases a single seal that allows you to change the effective color of a single unit
>they will, for all intents and purposes, be treated as a unit of that color/weapon type
Who do you give it to and why?
Fuck off Raul.
ok guys now we need to spread these around the thread and not all at once
Who's in that egg?
>Reinhardt Emblem
You're goddamn right
They're nice-looking boots.
That contrast of Felicia's pearly white skin against the dark hues of the black bull...it's beautiful, like chocolate chips in vanilla ice cream. Felicia was MADE for black dick, sissy white and asian boys simply CANNOT compete and have to settle for pity blowjobs.
fuck off drill
Delet this I'm on a diet right now
To this day I still don't even know who drill is or what he even likes.
how slow do you type that the difference is noticeable flol
Another Doot.
I'm drill and I like Fates
Literally any flier -> red
EV training when?
give it to literally any high res blue
Now you have a high res green.
it's only one seal so most people will still have tons of broken blue mages, making it effective at ending the blue meta
Also Green Reinhardt LOL
I'm drill and i hate Fates.
Get out and stay out, drill
cordelia so we can finally have a good red flier also she is red colored.
Never you delusional retard
Are nips into interracial with blacks now?
I finally don't have to throw orbs at this shit banner anymore.
Promote her if you have no archers or you like her. She's not the best brave user and firesweep bow negates her niche. Debuffing sounds nice on paper but one rounding something is still far more useful. She'll deal with fliers just fine but aside from that she is nothing to write home about.
when you fuck off, drill
>green rein.
>Only thing that can stop that shit is snacks and Katarina.
I have both but fuck that.
It's been updated. I'm looking forward to 9/1's New Heroes.
Ice Man Etika x Felicia from the Ice Tribe?
Truly the OTP.
Who is next to Summer Kamui?
No I'm drill and I love Fates.
Green Lucius for a healing anti-blue mage
Should i put on arena an only Red team for defense ?
im drill and i am fates
>go to serenes forest
>more people list awakening and Birthright as their favorite game then thracia
Looks like that site has shit taste as well
>0% voted for revelations
This made me giggle
>Red Minerva
now with 90% less clutter and explaining the jokes
Left to right is
>Spring Festival Lucina
>Bridal Blessings Caeda
>Chad Thundercock
>Nohrian Summer Corrin
>B Cord is the only good colorless unit
Sheep is life.
That's shitty western "art"
So Est is an intellectual PegKnight for the chosen ones?
Is Summer Elise good? Got a +Spd one.
Olwen left, B Caeda right
nobody cares drill
What is Ninian's dance of friendship like?
Enjoy your blonde Nino
I love all the little attention to detail but MAN the gamepedia tier list is embarrassingly bad
Felicia and Flora can conjure up blizzards at will, craft objects out of the ice that they make, and somehow control people's body temperatures (Felicia absorbing Corrin's fever, Flora setting herself on fire).
Of course, like Corrin's dragon powers, it's rarely brought or relevant to the larger story.
Fuga's wind powers fuck you up for a chapter too so there's also that.
Did Amelia save axes or not really?
Why would an obvious fact make you giggle
sheep is for sacrifice.
sheep is ded.
>0% voted for Rev
That's because literally only eugenics autists liked Rev. Everything else about the game was terrible.
>Red Minerva
>posts Minerva with a lance
Tharja has sagging tits
Lap dance.
What to do, /feg/?
She rides Eliwood's Durandal