League of Legends general - /lolg/
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I'm gonna get out of silver by using Fiora, wish me luck lads.
>get enemy inhib
>go push another lane and tell team to leave
>they stay like they're gonna end the game with the entire enemy team still up like the brainless apes that they are
>enemy tripple kill
epic game
> Drinking the tears of KDA players
Bless your heart Duskbladecucks
>be Ahri
>enemy team consists of MF, Fiddle, Kennen, Morg, Shyvana
>build Adaptive helm
>my team and the enemy team are laughing at my build
>i carry the game and win
are people in diamond this fucking 1 dimensional with items???
>dude it doesnt say ahri should go Adaptive helm as 3rd item on mobafire, so ur a RETARD!!!!
hooooly fuck this retarded fucking community
you won't
also, kill yourself
>4th chest with champion
>already have all champions
best fox
>play like shit
sounds about right
this would never happen in dota, but i notice it a lot in league
>mid is against a talon
>he goes sorc over tabi
>hes 0/4/0 by 7 mins
>"holy fuck that damage"
i give up
>go bot lane with my duo
>ally chogath feeds hardcore a tryndamere top
>tryndamere proceeds to become a nightmare for our whole team
>we lose
>snowballing is out of control in this retarded game
lolbaboons? when is riot going to separate solo q and pro games snowballing? fuck you, i deserve to lose because ONE of my allies got raped and fed? are you serious? FUCK OFF
i wanna breed ahri so much
>the pink ward is still there
one eye closed what a shitty cumslut
Galio maokai or ziggs?
>both mids 0/0/0
nice pve game lolbabs
maokai if you need a tank, and he's not gonna get hard nerfed yet due to being so close to worlds.
How cone every league girk has a large, autistuc, horny fanbase except lulu?
Surely even a rat like her deserves someones love?
All these waifuposts and not a single one for poor lulu..
Hey guy who was plat from last thread, mind posting your op.gg so I can see what you do vs your yasuo matchups?
when did clown9 get so bad? this is supposed to be a team thats going to worlds?
Remember when Contractz said he was the second best jungler NA?
>the Lulu & Kog bot lane
Should be a bannable offense
The number of times the enemy has two fed AP damage dealers and I am literally the only one with an MR purchase at 35 minutes in...
Bomb hamster is pretty fun. His Q does a shocking amount of damage in the mid and late game.
> Play Kayle top
> Absolutely shitting on Maokai
> 0/4/1 Yi complains about me not building Censer and wants to take over my lane
> Say no
> Yi asks the enemy team to report me
We still won and it wasn't even hard because our Kat was also really ahead but I don't know what circus these people have escaped.
I know your pain user. Gotta love the games where I'm 3/0 in my lane, but bottom decided to play like fucking retards and the enemy Vayne has 3 items at 20 minutes.
Just a thought, why didn't you build Censer when you were a Kayle/Yi top?
What resources do you guys use if you wanna git gud? I have no idea how to itemize in games.
i hope this discount Medusa loses lane
people just dont build against their lane that much in this game, theyre fucking zombie guide following retards
Stop making me want to drink cum so badly.
You have to learn how to itemize, its better than copying builds. Watching lcs casters explain builds all the time
Itemop (I don't follow it religiously but I like to at least test those memebuilds) and op.gg
nothing wrong with that
you post this every thread with this cringeworthy line but the picture is bad.
That's what I'd like to do. I've been aping what I see on probuilds but I feel like I'd do better if I actually understood why people build items and at what time,
I had a dream that Riot tried to "balance" duskblade by making it a ranged champ only buy.
can you at least stop posting that fucking horrible drawing?
xth for Syndra
Tightest and hardest Star Guardian.
>no noir detective champion from Piltover
Jesus Christ, Riot. What the fuck?
zed kinda
>wat is lulu
>Ranged can't proc the slow
>apparently it's balanced now
>doesn't give 200 free bonus damage just for being out of vision for a split second that has no cooldown
how is this balanced in any way still? once tank meta is gone this shit will be so broken
Zed has no class.
>from piltover
after getting to the promos to plat 2, winning the first game, and losing the other two, and then decaying to plat 4 3 times
I've decided to give up the diamongoloid dream
see you season 8
You just described kog maw
It's wrong!
>Latenight norms.
>Taking a while to get a match.
>Lobby with all diamonds and challenger players, awful match hit a fucking hook blitz you deadweight cunt.
>Immediately requeue.
>Once again it takes a while to get a match.
>End up with this fucking shit right here.
I get that it's late night and there aren't many people on but to go from one end of the ladder to the absolute fucking bottom that fast? The algorithm must hit a point where it just chucks the MMR out the fuckin' window and says "Fuck it, just dump the cunt wherever".
>Lissandra couldn't figure out how to pick between self/target ult and didn't know what OOM or B meant.
>Talon and Katarina form a pacifist-pact and refuse to damage each other.
>Talon didn't know how to parkour walls.
>Shen kept dropping his sword and forgetting about it.
>Warwick fed out of his mind slapping my ass with his raw stats alone.
Shit was absolute cancer, dude.
>Clown 9
Caitlyn if her thematics reached their full potential Pulsefire can also work I think
>lulio shield passive
Enemy malphite got melted so fast, j genuinely felt bad
thanks, much better
1/5 jungler just like my solo queue
I've maintained that Riot doesn't know what they're doing. Not with regards to balance, or game design, or features, or a lot of things, really.
Contractz is so fucking shit. Not even my diamond team mates get caught like that.
Why would I want to play support for a guy who isn't doing well when I can snowball myself? I don't need no fucking Yi.
should tristana get bloodthirster or death dance later on?
Reminder that he believes the only jungler better than him is Xmithie.
now that's more like it
that's a very cute ahri
bt on adcs
you get blood thirstier on brusiers and draven as a 2nd life steal items
>not getting botrk in a tank meta
bronze much?
Why isn't the a Candlejack cha
So I hate these casters. Does lol have any Tobiwans, Capitalists, Merlinis, , ODpixels, Blitzes? Also does lol have a Navi or EG?
it's sona's main protein source
>Dig fans
>wow it took 4 of you to kill me
EG used to be in lol but eventually left and Navi has like some shitter team in one of the wild-card regions
But Sona is a slut, I'm not a slut.
You only get dd if you need the cdr or deal damage with abilities. The only adcs that pick is over BT are ez and sometimes jhin
dig is cursed
Aw, damn it. Thanks user
considering the huge buff deaths dance got, isnt it better? doesnt it allow u to live longer even survive?
i feel like getting inifity edge first i deal more damage than with botrk
>x much?
please speak like a normal person and not a fucking retard
xth for breast metal waifu
> C9
C9 picked a comp that scaled harder.
What a shit game. I haven't been watching this season, is C9 garbage now? Do they have a sub jungler?
Why does Ahri's shitty q still have a movement speed boost attached to it? Like fucking seriously why are Riot so fucking incompetent at basic balancing?
Holy shit is there a way to watch this with sound on and no casters? why are they trying to hype while 4 people take ten years to kill a maokai
>dont' watch competitive lol for a while
>watch lck this morning
>pretty good series between 2 good teams
>watch NA
>game is an absolute shit-show
ahh i miss this
hell yeah DIG, lets go
Candlejack? Who is th-
>the city of c9
>Maokai is balanced
>caitlyn nerfed 10 times in a row
>still picked in pro play
I can't believe this piece of shit cancer champion escaped nerfs as long as she did