biker hate thread
this video is actually pretty wholesome, doesnt really make me hate bikers
>cheers mate!
that was satisfying, but also the comments are pretty funny
i bet amsterdam terrifies the fuck out of you
Follows none of the what? I want to know!
Cyclist here. Sorry you're so buttflustered. I'll make sure to hold up traffic even more next time I'm out on the road.
And I'll be sure to crush you under two tonnes of steel and aluminum.
Is it worth getting crippled or killed by some idiot?
I'm sure you'll feel just as smug when you're sitting in the hospital paralyzed from the waist down.
Enjoy going to jail.
That's never happened to me. Because most drivers don't want to go to jail.
Enjoy your jail sentence my friend!
>I can never walk again but at least the person who did it is in jail!
I don't provoke motorists (that much), but I'm not going to be intimidated by them. Motorists are cunts - apart from when it's me behind the wheel, of course. I'm a great driver. Naturally. And I give cyclists the proper amount of space, because that's the right thing to do.
I wish they had both thrown a punch at the exact same time and knocked each other out.
People who think murderous shit when they see cyclists or pedestrians or drivers should be put on antipsychotics or institutionalized. Sickos.
Dead men do not testify, and it is up to the defense to prove my guilt. Good luck, godspeed and try to die quick.
Thankfully for me, you don't have the balls.
>Willing to risk their life on an assumption
The literal state of thinly veiled baiting cyclists.
Motor Vehicle on Non-Motor Vehicle accidents place fault on the Non-Motor Vehicle rider if the accident is caused by failure to yield to faster motorized traffic.
Go on then, I dare thee!
Over here in Britain, the driver is almost always at fault in car/truck - cyclist accidents.
Obviously if a cyclist was cycling dangerously/carelessly then they'd be at fault. But the vast majority of accidents over here are caused by drivers being negligent and careless.
In my county (one in Indiana USA), cyclists below 1/3 the speed limit failing to yield to faster traffic are considered dangerously cycling
Sounds like a terrible place
Maybe for cyclists because you have to hug the shoulder or get mauled by a motorcar, but its amazing for Veeky Forumsfags. That which you are not.
>Go on then, I dare thee!
Never said I would nor wouldn't. Risking your life on the emotions of strangers is a fools gamble.
2/10, I've replied but that was my last.
What do you mean by yield to faster traffic? Surely cyclists just cycle along and cars go around them? That's how it works over here.
You think a person can't be interested in both cycling and driving?
Any time you get in a car you're risking your life. My point is that fuck any motorist that tries to cut me up or any bullshit like that. As I said, I don't provoke motorists, but if they're trying to intimidate me then they can fuck off. Cyclists have as much right to the road as drivers, as long as you're following the laws.
Say a cyclist runs into your car and damages it (his fault), what's stopping him from fucking off and pretending it never happened? Not like he has a license plate
>driving to work today
>speed helmet biker slowing down traffic
>top is down
>as lm coming up to him
>pull into 2nd lane and dump from 5th to 2nd
>redline and 2 solid black lines
>once l regain control l flip him off
>look in review
>he is awestruck and completely stopped moving on the side of the road
>cars go around them
If the cyclist is doing under 1/3 the speed limit (i.e under around 12 in a 35), they are required to pull over for any motor vehicle attempting to pass, since 90% of the roads in the county are 35mph 2-lane backroads with no shoulder and it would be unsafe and illegal for motorists to pass any other way. Plus, the county realizes that no cyclist out here in the sticks is commuting to work on a bike, they're all TourDeFag pleasure cyclists out here.
Please return to with your non-motorized passions and only post about automobiles on Veeky Forums
>Eurocuck cyclist
That explains your smug asinine responses
Try riding in America and you'll be dead in a day
You chasing him down and murdering him like its your God-given right and duty to.
He's not going to disable your car by hitting it, just run his ass down
>be euro cyclist
>come to rural america
>get shot by Cleetus sitting in the bed of Eugene's truck
>recover and go to the city
>get shot by Paco sitting in the back of Hernando's slammed lowrider van
It doesnt fucking matter if "over here the car is mostly at fault."
Whats it matter if youre fucking dead you absolute retard?
Like holy shit. Do you really want to use your life to show a cager the government will "avenge" you.
The problem with being a martyr is you have to die to do it. And dying isnt winning.
If it is. Then just fucking kill yourself already.
>If the cyclist is doing under 1/3 the speed limit (i.e under around 12 in a 35), they are required to pull over for any motor vehicle attempting to pass
Hm, that sucks, but >12mph is pretty damn slow. Most people (and certainly me) don't go that slow.
>Please return to with your non-motorized passions
Who started this thread about cycling? Oh yes, not me!
You will always be an Amerimutt.
>you'll be dead in a day
Hahahaha okay champ.
Wait, that should be 12mph.
>eurocuck can't english right
In other news Europeans still haven't reached the moon and do not live in the largest GDP country in the world.
Come on nigga the crocodile always eats the bigger number.
>feeling so threatened by the fact that i'm a cyclist who isn't intimidated by dickhead/illegal drivers
Only so many cyclists actually need to be in traffic, the rest should be sticking to trails
even so most of the roads where you find weekend cyclists are hilly so seeing one doing under 10 is very common. A popular road where I live you can see cyclists going under 10mph up hill and over 45 (10 over limit) down hill.
The problem with this is it is a 2 lane road with no shoulder (break down lane). If there is a novice or self important cyclist it is not uncommon for them to block 5 to 20 cars from passing as the whole road is a double yellow.
Also in my city we have bike lanes on almost every single road. Still some cyclists believe that they are better off taking a whole lane for themselves.
There are ass holes riding/driving everything. The point is dont be one.
Bicyclists ride on roads with speed limits as high as 50mph.
And they go maybe 15, and up inclines they go maybe 8.
It's retarded. Go for a drive on a one lane backroad and tell me you honestly believe it's safe for bicyclists to be on those roads.
>There are ass holes riding/driving everything.
I agree with that.
>Bicyclists ride on roads with speed limits as high as 50mph.
>And they go maybe 15, and up inclines they go maybe 8.
>It's retarded. Go for a drive on a one lane backroad and tell me you honestly believe it's safe for bicyclists to be on those roads.
I've cycled on such roads many times and I've never had a problem. Country roads like pic related with a speed limit of 60mph.
Not a problem for the bicyclist, but a huge problem for the motorist.
It's dangerous.
>a huge problem for the motorist.
How? All you have to do is slow down, or go around (leaving enough room, of course).
I'm a driver as well and I have no problem overtaking cyclists. Yeah sometimes it's annoying having to slow down, but the same could be said for having to slow down for drivers turning off. Or traffic jams. I would say traffic jams are far more annoying than cyclists.
>Having to slow down to 20% delta for some cunt making his Saturday hobby rounds
It's the same thing with motorcycles. I ride both within my limit and drive my car cautiously around others who are taking that risk.
I bike every day (in the summer) in Canada inside of a city. Iv went to rural America many times and I can confirm you literally cannot bike commute there. That's not even considering the attitude of their drivers, just the pure empty distance involved. Obviously, people shouldn't be shitposting about American cities, they're like any other city and biking is completely acceptable. I can do 100km round trips but in America that wouldn't get me anywhere
Passing is dangerous, and going that slowly is dangerous.
You should never be going that much slower than traffic, that's how you get rear ended.
I'm pro bike, but this guy deserved a punch in the face for running a cross walk with people in it.
I don't have a problem with bicycles if they stay out of my way but when the spandex faggots are riding two abreast and going 15 in a 40mph zone then I have a problem.
I use my sprinkler every time I pass bicyclists who do not use the designated trails (if present, of course).
Hope the cunts enjoy their mouthwash.
2 words: dashboard camera
>hogs the road
>you'd need to cross into the opposite lane to pass anyway, making it irrelevant where he rides in the lane
>Land of the free
Can't even ride a bike.
i'm convinced no one here has ever ridden a bike, that shit is fun as fuck
I think having been both a regular cyclist and a driver at some point makes you both a better driver and a better cyclist. People who never even learned how to ride a bicycle make for the angriest, least considerate drivers on the road.
There's an unnecessary amount of hate for cyclists on here and an unnecessary hate for cagers on n
Like how hard is it for each group to respect each other's road rights?
On a tight road if you can't dodge an animal or a fallen branch/other debris on the road you should be going slower. Needless to say cyclists are quicker than a branch on the road.
I've had so many close calls with retarded animals because my parents live 20 meters from a large nature reserve.
Real talk, if you can't stop in 25-30% of what you see you're fucking up in rural areas.
>Come to our country and you will die within a day
So your saying it's third world with China tier road accidents?
>cycling on roads
>exerting yourself and breathing heavily behind some diesel burning coal
>all when dirt trails exist
nigga just get a bike rack
>Try riding in America and you'll be dead in a day
Are your drivers that terrible?
I drive a car and have no issue with bicycles, I assume if you do your just a retard who cannot drive
Nigger, in my country we're allowed to walk on country roads with a 62 mph limit. Keep your fucking eyes open and stop driving like a half-dead geriatric when you're behind the wheel of a car. You're the one with the power to kill, not us.
>all these buthurt cagers
Did Chad pass you in the traffic jam again?
riding a road bike on dirt trails is complete ass
What is wrong with cyclocross?
>I can't feel like a complete man without a car
Who are you quoting?
Yeah amerifartstupid drivers are literally handed licenses for being able to turn a car on and are encouraged to ignore laws andbe ignorant of even basic knowledge.
poor bastard is avoiding someone opening their door
this one kind makes me feel bad for cyclists
from the few videos I have seen here it looks like nobody in britain is good at driving
you sound like a retard
you mean you want people to respect you but you arent willing to respect them... I have a feeling you lead a very lonely life
>how hard is it for each group to respect each other's road rights?
from what I understand that is not how this world is allowed to work anymore.
Check em'
thats 3 u retard
no one cares about your shitty opinion bikefag
My tarmac is probably worth double what you chucklefucks drive. And I get around quicker in the city ;) although some Uber driver did open their door into me the other day which was unpleasant
I don't live where there are shitty cyclists and I guess I should feel bad for the people who do.
try not to get kys
>Enjoy going to jail.
Worth it faggot
Do drivers who hate bicycles have the same hate for motorcycles, or are bicycles just on another level?
No, when they're splitting lanes I give them room to pass. They're not holding me up so why should I give a fuck
this is what i do to every biker i see
I have no problem with anything on the road as long as it can keep up with traffic on roads where its unsafe not to do so (minimum speed 30mph, common speed 40-50mph)
> bike costs 2x as much as your car
> still below car door in pecking order
>They're not holding me up
But just pass them?
>keyboard warriors now shit up Veeky Forums
fuck off
I dont know if this is standard world wide, but in my country cyclists must ride on the right side of the street and in a line, one after the other. Sometimes you see some faggots in a group blocking all traffic, claiming "the roads are not only for cars".
I unironically have the driving code in my car to show those faggots the laws regarding bikes.
>cyclists must ride on the right side of the street and in a line, one after the other
this is logical and the objective way to cycle.
If you're not making me slow down you can be riding an ostrich for all I care. I only have a problem when your inability to keep up with flow of traffic hinders my travel time.
Not him but I think dirt trails are fine but its usually the loose gravel that fuckes me right up. But I prefer the paved roads because of their smoothness and grip so I would never want to ride dirt exclusivly.
An absurd number of cyclists are ignorant. Most people can accept a "I'm going to lose if I engage on this" sort of idea. Think toyota corolla meets semi truck and dual trailer, I'm not saying all do because I've seen plenty of corollas get in the way of my truck but.....
Maybe it's just the lack of space that doesn't allow the same visual image, you can fuck an entire highway with just 3 lanes playing this side by side game at way under the limit. And a bunch of corollas can obtain that.
As a motorbike rider though, fuck EVERYONE and their inability to just check blind spots and not have retarded road positioning. Bikes, cars, pedestrians; all scum of the earth. God king motorbike race.
TBBQH I encounter more retarded drivers in a day than equally retarded cyclists in a year.
Pic may or may not be related.
>just pass them
Biker here, I'll make sure to lane split up to you and beat you to within an inch of your life. Good luck identifying a goddamn power ranger.
i gotta ask if anyone can tell me the origin of this photo because he looks the spitting image of the guy in charge of the computers n shit in my school from years back.