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>Heroes FAQ and links
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kill all tripfaggots
>Audhulma is practically tailor made for Joshua, as its weight is precisely equal to his constitution as a swordmaster, but it may be used by any other sword-wielding unit as well. In the hands of a swift unit, Audhulma is an incredibly proficient mage killer.
>Audhulma is an incredibly proficient mage killer.
Audhulma ability to be effective against mages confirmed like poison daggers effective against infantry
Another thread, another Cloud.
See anything funny?
is she good?
Hopefully never.
I'm going to post a picture of a character from the fire emblem franchise, here, in the fire emblem general.
>"I don't like that series/character!"
Nobody cares.
Reminder to report to improve FEH Arena and AA.
>inb4 whales say "fuck off underage" or "git gud"
>inb4 'lul your a shitter go suck a dick'
My Cecila got one shotted by a Blade Cecilia. Julia got half of her HP downed by the thundercock. And they say Horse memes are good in arena.
>People will STILL unironically defend Arena as is
>joshua has a fuckton of speed, res and a good atk stat
>throw distant counter on joshua
nah it will be +7 res when attacked by tome,staff or dragonstone.
you fucked up
>want delthea
>get this
for fuck's sake, it's the nth time already. Anyway, which orb?
Reminder that YOU can contribute to ending our tripfag/falseflag problem.
>Click Settings at the bottom right corner of your webpage
>Click Filters and Posting Hiding
>Turn on Filter and Highlight Specific Threads/Post
>Click Edit --> add your desired word filters (you know the ones), either for comments or specific trips
>Leave board empty, turn on auto and hide
Enjoy your enhanced /feg/ experience!
Right Red
It's Jehanna's weapon and that's more important then the other shit you listed
Why not just not run it.
Why should they remove a feature you don't like but have every ability to simply not use.
>Hoshido Literally Ryoma Tier
>Real Guy FE Cares
>Spend Rate
>Lobster Dancer Dick
>Tana Hit Leo
>Maybe Probably Need Ryoma
>Lukas Totally Meme Played Hans
>Basically Defense Merging Whales
W A R D I N G B L O W 2
Then there will be a set of blow Prfs.
how do I get strong enough to beat 40+ stages?
kill yourself only takumi can save /feg/
How come he don't want me?
I fucking hate flyers holy shit
>+Res/-Atk Hinoka on 5% Summer Banner
>+Def/-Atk Cordelia on Hero Fest
>+Spd/-Atk Camilla on a second 5% Summer Banner
>Using Celica to tank when her defensive parameters are absolute shit
You literally just outed yourself as being fucking terrible at the game. You can't even do math.
Pulled a +def -res Hector, how good is it?
Seems great to me, but feheroes.gamepedia.com
>That one build you'll never actually get to build
Katarina +ATK -RES
Life and Death 3
Seal Res 3
Hone Atk 3
GHB Rankings:
Xander = Camus > Valter > Michalis > Zephiel > Ursula > Legion > Lloyd > Clarisse > Narcian > Bercuck > FRobin > Navarre
>Warding Blow on anti-mage melee
What's the fucking point, it's not like they will counter
lots of fates shit, that's what i see
Burger King GHB when
kill yourself
Clearly the feeling is mutual
>Seal skills
It should be Mirror Strike 1 paired with Iceberg/Glacies, since those specials take boosts into account.
Why is Shigure's arm so long?
GHBs would be 200% better if there weren't so many fucking Daggers
Reminder to ignore over entitled retarded millennial babies like this guy
Just to make another mediocre red to inflate the pool.
Just set up the matching system to be based on how many orbs you've spent. That way whales only get matched with other whales and F2Ps only get matched with other F2Ps and people with lower investments into the game.
Like, if I'm an F2P, my arena choices should be
>Beginner: Somebody that has spent fewer orbs than me
>Intermediate: Somebody that has spent about as many orbs as I have
>Advanced: Somebody who has spent somewhat more orbs than me.
Not bad, + atk - res. Better than Neutral? Might do the 4*+10 thing to her
>shulk times
You're right, but it should be a new skill a-la Sturdy Blow but with RES
Bro, I heard you were scared by all those damn Green Dragons, a Warding Blow 2 on a Sword is perfect
Reposting so more people can see it.
Set 11 release date was shown(for December)
2 new Cipher OCs were shown(Alice and Valjean)
Set 12 game choices were shown(PoR/RD, Awakening, Geneology)
Don't think there was really anything else note-worthy.
No Heroes tie in yet. Next stream is the set 10 pre-release one on the 16th of next month.
>telling people to ignore him
>replies to him anyways
dumb camilla poster
wish I had galeforce minerva
How come a lot of heroes are quoted as "appears in Mystery of the Emblem", even though they appeared in Shadow Dragon first?
how to fix seal X skills:
>make the debuff apply when the enemy is hit instead of after combat ends
that makes it so when you double a unit with yout unit with seal def/res they take a bonus 7 damage, or if you hit them with seal speed and have 5 more speed than theirs after the buff, you double them
So...Mirror Strike?
fuck off, no one cares about cipher
Yeah just checked, sorry about my retardation. I thought Mirror was +4 vel/res
Seal Skills aren't even bad if there was literally any reason to have that sort of setup. If you had to devote 2+ characters to killing one unit, Seals would become useful.
Shigure is cute! CUTE! I want to draw pictures and sing with him!
>Playing FE4
>Being able to double opponents is a skill, not a mechanic
Oh dang.
Also, watching mounted units have their horses leap like 20 feet to murder a bitch is extremely satisfying.
If it was true they would stop fucking ruining my pity rate. I just want a Summer unit
>liked Joshua well enough when I played SS
>all the talk about him makes me really want him in Heroes
Maybe he'll be a GHB or a Tempest reward.
>tome shitposting
Is it time to talk about who the best red mage is already?
That's just strictly better than getting a +X boost using a A skill.
The same reason that Snacki is from Radiant Dawn despite appearing in Path of Radiance first.
Why is aniki so handsome?
What good would that do? Most mages have paper defense anyway, it wouldn't matter.
>Working towards lvling a 3* Serra to feed Lachesis Recover
>Finish it then promote her
>Instead of feeding the lvl 1 recently promoted Serra I did it with my 4* fully decked out that I was planning to 5* because I like her
I'm a fucking idiot and it hurts.
>colorless banner
>Saber calling Celica "lass".
Why is this so cute? and hot?
Should I do this to help with Infernal Legion?
It'll be useful for getting rid of those god damn annoyingly thick Boeys. And MRobins and Henry.
We already told you you're an underage retard in the last thread. No need to fish for attention here too.
Literally perfection. His only flaw is IS refusal to invest in good, accomplished writers the way they do artists in their console games.
To be fair she was neither an allied or enemy unit in PoR.
she wasn't playable in PoR, though
Try a hack afterwards, they remove that penalty.
Really helps desu
>implying your faggot ass has beaten SS.
Fuck off.
You should go seek medical attention with your obsession about fates you shitposter.
If you honestly think you're trying to scare me off you're a genuine retard
Stop replying, he's literally just baiting for (you)'s
because you're gay
t. raul
About time...
Daddy fetish
Trip back on.
>Need some blade tomes
>All colorless
Ahahah v-very funny
>tome shitposting
Celica > Katarina > Tharja >> Sanaki > Lilina >>>>> Leo > SLeo > Sophia > Reigh >>>>>>>>>>>>> staff units >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Henry
Reinhardt > Linde = Delthea > SCorrin > Olwen >= Ursula > Mae = BCeada = SLucina >>> MRobin >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Figurative shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Literal shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Odin
Nino > SElise > Julia > Sonya > BCamilla > Soren > Cecilia >>> Boey > FRobin > Your 6% pity rate > Merric
uh oh drill is shitting the diaper again
It's very casual speech and you shouldn't take it too seriously. No really, its said when they don't know your name. He's not flirting.
No that's being a heterosexual woman or homo.
Do you really see any of those that often outside of PvE? MRobin maybe, but even then he's hardly a major threat.
>Raigh below Sophia and Leo
Fix this
>bad /feg/
>better drill
>love cuck working
>lobster dancer dick
>many erp
>started feed sad /fehg/
>kill xander
Im scared about what is happening to the cloud.
I like Hana
>whales ITT getting analblasted because someone criticized their beloved playground
Loving. Every. Laugh.
>Mirror Strike/Brash Assault Sanaki
Yes or yes