which one of you Veeky Forumstists
Which one of you Veeky Forumstists
How sad of a human being do you have to be to do this. She's probably not even going to hook him up with one of her slutty thot friends because he's such a sorry excuse of a man, I know if I was her I wouldn't.
Thats some r9k shit right there
I really hope this isn't real but eh, might as well be real since so much crazy and unbelievable shit happens on this planet on a daily basis.
was gona say whipped but he didnt even get any pussy what the fUCK
It's not hard at all to believe considering people regularly donate much more than this to just camgirls on twitch and shit
Talk about being a cuck
When the pussypsychosis is strong. Dumb fag should spend the 3k on a sexbot, bet they already put in vacuum pumps strong enough to grow a kike back his foreskin.
Like the time a salesman asked me to buy my GF a 900€ TV in stead of the 600€ one, told him she doesn't strangle my chicken hard enough to warrant that shit.
If she was clever she'd use those honkers to show off in cam and make 3k a week with those poor fucks at chaturbate.
With tits like that she doesn't even have to meet up with guys, just showing them in cam does the trick.
We're truly living in the future.
Why would a girl want a 240?
but he's not a cuck, user.
Don't mind the jealous mgtow shills here, they were paid by jewish mgtow elites to prevent you from reproducing. you need to earn a woman's approval to be worthy of dating her. Good luck user.
op here: would not spend 3k on any woman ever. stop being a cuck.
>not letting a whore shit in your mouth is considered an act of mgtow
fuck off
Its free shit.
I bet she figured out she can get free stuff if she pretends to be into the shit some beta cuck is.
You snowboard?! Oh my gooosh i wish someone could teach me and i dont have money right now for a nice one. Oh well!
[receives free shit]
Oooh thanks i am busy doe, maybe some other time.
I don't feel sorry for this guy one bit. He'll either commit suicide or snap and murder people one day once the gravity of his life's choices bares down on him.
What the fuck is that in her hands?
Thats a plastic fork
Can we get further proof that this is real? I want a full face pic of the guy lol
Nvm, I just facebook searched him. 3k though? This can't be real mang
Is someone putting estrogen in all the fresh water bodies? Jesus Christ is every "car guy" now just a hand holder while immigrants fuck their girl-friend? The old mechanics I've worked with might not be married to supermodels but they still make dirty jokes about the hot secretaries and shit. Is there anything or anywhere that hasn't had the merino wool pulled over their eyes?
>we aren't dating
>she wants me to buy her a car
Da fuq?
ricers truly are the faggiest of the "car guys"
>bitch dependency syndrome
The only thing worse than a roastie is a roastie enabler desu.
>your average nipshit owner
typical ricer cuck
You guys use cuck too much. It means nothing anymore.
He's an extreme beta orbiter, get it right.
White boyz be wildin...
Stuff like this is genuinely dangerous, as it shows infatuation that borders on the edge of psychosis
thumbnail looks like porn
Reminder now more than ever.
sad and pathetic
I'll never understand people who give money to strangers, whether it's twitch, patreon, random tumblr fags or random people.
Twitch donations and patreon make sense. you are giving someone money because they make something you find worthwhile for free and you want to give back.
Especially with how dystopian and sjw Google's advertising system has gotten it's more useful than ever.
But yeah giving people shit because you might get some pussy is pathetic.
on patreon, they often get stuff back like early access to content, random merch etc
That's not really the primary reason people use patreon, just an added benefit.
They just want to support a creator.
So, different from Kickstarter, where studios get suckers to finance TV/movies that don't have a high profit margin?
Yeah with Patreon content already has to be made.