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Please announce region and platform when making a lobby
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Steam Group
Please announce region and platform when making a lobby
Don't jump
Would you do him if he begged you?
fuck off fag
Don't ever insult my wife and son ever again.
How do I sol
NA Midwest PSN lobby is up, ID is fh3a, might stay open for another hour or so.
No, this is a Jam.
Meant to post this.
well I'm out. thanks for the games ggg, hope to play again soon.
I don't think that's going to insult him.
Fuck this new spectating system, I just want to line up without being forced to watch :(
>all the fun and interesting looking characters are hard to play
Why do i have to be interested in characters like ram and venom
this is cute
She has the easiest combos as long as you don't go for those long ass.
Just 2S 2HS roman cancel 2S 2HS and you already dealt half the enemy's HP or killed chipp.
>3 Jams in the room now
[Autistic Chinese screeching intensifies]
is there any lobies open for us east coast?
>ran straight into the super
I feel dumb as fuck
I'm really confused here. Does standing blitz not catch aerial moves? Guy was in front of me, so it wasn't a crossup.
If your opponent is blindly running at you or a complete scrub then yeah that might work, otherwise your gonna get blown up brutally.
Every time
It looks like I'm doing on purpose
I'm watching Guilty Gear matches and watching Sway's Jam dropping multiple bnb combos and mis inputting his specials. I came to realize Blazblue is a much easier game execution wise.
REV 1 on sale right now. If I wanted to get REV 2, would I save money by buying the old version and the upgrade DLC or would I be missing something that would cost the remaining $10?
I tried doing it 3 times before that with Choukyako but I guess I kept messing up the input.
no but I'm DTF when one opens up
Is GG the fighting game with the best girls? I can't think of any othet with so many good girls.
standing blitz does catch aerial moves
iill make one in a bit if no one else does im playing p4au right now i was gonna stop if there was already a loby running
It does, in fact it's one of the best ways to deal with crossups.
>using FD in air since Chipp is using a super
>somehow get killed when he alpha blades directly into my FD bubble
What happened? How did I get killed when I was using FD to keep from taking chip damage?
>liking girls
You PC?
How did his attack, which was clearly going into my charged blitz, still hit me?
Imagine beimg the guy that has to animate Baiken's boobs
Whose attack? We have two different cabs going right now.
Did he grab you? Grabs beat dead angles and burst.
KoF through sheer numbers.
The one with the Jam and Chipp. I'm taking a break for a bit because I'm getting frustrated by stupid shit like that and happening.
oh sorry i diddnt mention but ya i am on pc
did you see your blitz shield come out?
REV2 comes with the dlc characters that were released when REV1 was current. If you buy REV1 and then upgrade you'll have to buy them separately but you'll still get Baiken and Answer.
Well yes they might have more good girls but GG girls tend to be of higher quality
You on pc or ps4?
Which super?
No, we were both in the air, super flash comes for his kunai super, so I use FD. I'm above the kunais still, then he uses alpha blade, I see it hit the FD and then I die.
Is bridget's brother also a bounty hunter?
Yes. I can go into replays and post proof of it on YouTube later tonight or tomorrow.
Kunai. I was above and to the right of it
Oh shit Joe, you OK?
>any GG girl being better than Vice or Blue Mary
I think my router had a seizure. My bad
Blue Mary ain't that good.
>been playing for three hours
Wew, might need a break soon
Too many jams make it stop please
Wait is not only pretty strong and Veeky Forums but he is also a fucking scientist? what the actual fuck? how can other males even compete?
Jack-O' here, I'm starting to get some pretty intense eye-strain
Well to be fair, he doesn't actually know how to fight.
Well, we've been playing for like 5 hours.
Filthy secondary detected. Bridget was raised as a woman in his british cuck-village, but his main goal is proving that he's a manly man and there's nothing wrong with him being that.
Everyone hates you fucking nigger.
You are the problem.
is this a ps4 or pc lobby?
PS4, but I'm closing up soon. Getting hungry
I'm sick of these little dicked Raven players with no skill all they do is spam hard knockdown into orb oki. Your little pea brains wouldn't last a day in +R. If I see any faggots doing that shit to me offline I'm gonna knock you out. Period.
ps triple and quadriple can play with eachother right? i made the mistake of buying it on steam
t. Elphelt main
alright then fag, what platform
Sol player here; I need a sub because I'm a scrub that only plays one character.
I favor rushdown and/or rekka. Which Guilty Gears should I look into? Oh, and I can't into directional grabs
>Implying you can knock me down
shut up you virgin kissless faggot, you wouldn't be able to win in a fight vs a fucking kid
Which character would he main?
Leo or Chipp
Elphelt mains arent that bad though, are they?
Do what I do to compensate for directional grab lack of skill. Choose a direction that doesn't affect your normals and just always use it in your strings or when someone is too close.
How do you do those in-fight messages?
So OG Yosuke or Unga? Yeah, no. I have SOME pride left.
Thanks for the input nonetheless, user.
Press start when spectating and use the chat option
I thought about him but I seriously don't want to be THAT faggot that plays both shotos. His gameplay doesn't feel bad, but I would.
Originally I wanted to sub Slayer or El but shotgun loops are hard.
Sorry guys, gotta jet
What happened?
>not being that faggot
It's like you don't want to laugh at the hate you get.
Sol or Raven, but more probably Raven, they'd probably get along too.
>didn't get to say good bye with an in-character quick text
I will resent you for this. Thanks for the games everyone.
I know the salt or losing to "Hey mom, look, I can press Greed Sever" or to "Me king unga bunga side switch" and, while not being in the receieving end would be nice, I would feel dirty when I'm supposed to be having fun. Do you hate fun, user? That's the only possibility for wanting more Kike Keesgay players.
It's cool man, GGs to everyone. It was fun doing it king of hill style, and having three screeching woman. Fun watching you two finally get your mirror matches too, oh and Jack-o I'm gonna stop getting thrown in that corner next time...just you wait
You could choose to do more than that while playing Ky you know.
Its all good. Thanks for the games
And next time I will stop walking into that falling sword. GGs to you buddy.
What would be the repercussions of cucking Sol?
Considering he's been near-suicidal over her for the past 200 years, I imagine he'd just kill you
But it's either lag abuse or knockdown (preferably with split Ciel) > Coconut(H) > shenanigans. That's boring.
Am I the only one that found this portrait creepy as fuck?
Why didn't they go for the moe style?
>moe style
>in guilty gear
Can you go away
because boys aren't moe you faggot
Look at the rest of the art work in that game you dumb cunny.
k sorry.