/owg/ - Overwatch General

Brownie edition.

>The Summer Games 2017 event is Live!
>last year's summer games items are back for regular pricing (1x), while new items are also available for event pricing (3x)
>the event ends on August 28th
>(the next arcade reset for those sweet, sweet lootboxes is in one day)

>Event item tracker

>DEATHMATCH has been added to the PTR
>includes both 6v6 TDM and 8-man FFA
>along with a new map built for FFA (it's bloo's family home)

>Latest comic

>Latest PC patch notes
PTR: playoverwatch.com/en-us/blog/20972920
Live: playoverwatch.com/en-us/game/patch-notes/pc

>Overwatch dev tracker

>Hero tips, tricks and basics
pastebin.com/Qf2AKa8R (embed)

>Source / Quake mouse sensitivity converter

>Personal stats / leader boards

>Previous thread:

op is a faggot

I wanna ____ Tracer

Hana Song

another thread of faggotry, nice

OP is a very masculine and heterosexual man.



i bet you kiss girls faggot

I want Hana Song to sit on my face.



I want D.va to ruin my orgasm! I want to be edged for hours on end by Hana! I want to cum inside her bareback only to find out she had a female condom on!


>[Spoiler]I want to make babies with her.[/spoiler]
the brain capacity of d.vafags, everyone

What's the best hero to git gud and hard carry with?

Stop spoonfeeding newfags.



Should've been Bloo edition

I'm on my phone so autocorrect put a big S instead of a little s. I've been here well before Veeky Forums was even a board. Sage.

>That feeling when your team has shields and armor

Should have made the thread yourself.

put on your trip


cuddle with

Why do you still play this game /ovw/

Guys, post some funny gremlin d.va's.

For tasty Blooberry muffins

I really like Ana.

Playing with friends is fun!

nothing else to play

Look at this Summer Bloo

i wanna see more of her

I want to fight a gorilla and a futuristic knight as a cowboy. Now fuck off and let me have fun goddamnit.

It was going to be. But I was too late, because I got distracted by playing Fallout 4.

Good lad

Anyone else get a perverse satisfaction out of hunting down Widows and Hanzos as D.va/Winston?

I love to see them trying to get away uselessly at close range and crying switching to Reaper


I'm so inconsistent with McCree. Some days I'll be able to flick headshot people left and right and nothing can survive being in my LoS, the next I can't hit shit and I struggle to even track people.

i wish you didn't have to do placements every season, i don't care at all about competitive but that's the only way to get gun points

>In a ranked match with a Mercy main
>me and him are the only ones on mic
>he's very obviously gay, you can tell just from his voice and the way he talks
>he keeps trying to start idle chit-chat with me, I kind of play along just because I don't want to seem awkward or cold
>he starts pocket healing me, some of our teammates even die because he just follows me around healing me
>we win the match, starts complimenting me on how good I was playing even though I was playing like shit and our Soldier got a crazy amount of elims
>he sends me a friend request after the match

We need to stop Mercy mains. This is getting out of hand. I was ok with the pocket healing Mercy GFs who get pulled to diamond by their boyfriends but this is going too fucking far.

Let him suck your cock user, what are you, a fag?

People will still say this character shouldn't be dumpstered. At this point I believe Mercy brings down the entire game.

Want to know the best part?
>done a few campaigns already, bunch of different characters, both sides of the same couple, etc.
>decide to do a charisma-based, non-confrontational run
>make it a housewife who is absolutely out of her element
>she's a normal person and can't just immediately adapt to all of this horrible post-apocalyptic shit, like killing other people without a thought, jumping into ghoul dens without fear, etc.
>make her French because it's fucking qt
>she avoids danger, so she keeps her distance from threats as much as possible
>which means that when she does finally have to shoot at something, she wants do do it with a sniper rifle
>realize that I just inadvertently remade bloo for fuck's sake
>run with it

Let him give you the succ then you leave him.

Actually had a similar experience today. The healslut(male) meta is picking up in a big way.

>tfw it takes 4 hours of play time to get warmed up.

kill me.

*kills you*
Was it worth it?

I for one welcome our healsluts(male)

>get matched with rein main who was plat, now low gold
>constantly complains about DPS not doing enough
>loud sighing into mic
>keeps charging into entire enemy team
>"I have gold elims"

What if they actually released a fun map?

i just need to get widow's summer skin and then i'm not coming back until october

I want to _____ Widowmaker!




please stop these zero effort guaranteed (you)s posts.


you should have probably let him given you t h e s u c c

why doesnt blizz just pay for some comp fps
dev vets to come over and fix their games?

Like hire someone big from cs go or something because its clear that Blizz just doesn't know how to do fps. Shit i mean you would think Activision department could step in and lend a hand they at least make cowadoody.

watch PSG new player Neymar with


the black shibas are so cute

They should just go CS:GO all the way. Make healing less, make ults charge far slower, all barriers weakened, add in more clone characters until you can just make it Talon vs. Overwatch with every character having a good/evil equivalent.

That's a weird looking raccoon

Every happy dog is the cutest thing in the world by default!

i think cats are cuter

This and fishing for mercies along with wall riding lucios.


the only fun in this game is ruining other peoples fun

Fans kept labeling him as a father. Jeff loves memes. That's how it happened.

>I was ok with the pocket healing Mercy GFs who get pulled to diamond by their boyfriends
Then you have no room to complain. Mercy is a bad hero by design. Far too much impact on a game compared to the amount of skill required.

And that's fine!

>tfw bullying Widows as Lucio
The best feel to be desu


I love Angela!

This and literally

Can you play Overwatch with me? I need you in my life user.

I want you to send me cute dog pictures.

>Gook with a gook face instead of anime girl face

I'm impressed

I'm bad at Overwatch but I have a folder full of cute dogs that I'll use whenever necessary!

what the fuck is she doing

He only loves the memes because they're not true. Unfortunately, people are too retarded to realize that for some reason.

>Decide to buy most of the voice lines and sprays so I'll avoid dupes
>Loot boxes only give me player icons

Have you ever t-bagged someone in a game of overwatch? did it feel good?

Can I just give you my e-mail and you can send one my way everyday?

aswell as a cute message

Love in the air?

i honestly forget this game even had a crouch button

Sometimes I can't tell if I'm carrying or I'm getting carried. How do I find out /owg/?

You will realize it when in Masters and GM everyone is spamming it to make headshots harder. It's really fucking annoying. There needs to be like a 5 second CD on crouching.

Does it really matter? As long as you win, you've done your part.

When I'm playing with friends they always tell me to use my main and the matches feel a lot easier to the point where I'm not even enjoying the game anymore

Doesn't crouching mask your footsteps?

R76 will be canon but not for a long time.

Sometime soon Reyes will be confirmed as the next gay hero and that some of his anger for Jack comes from having romantic feelings for him and thinking they won't ever be returned. Gabe just hasn't told him for multiple reasons, in the past. It's never revealed if he ever told him or if Jack figured it out on his own. There isn't even a mention to Jack's sexuality or if we is even interested in a relationship in general since then.

This will be the status quo for a long, long time, until eventually we find out they both did return the same feelings. It doesn't matter if it happened in the past or the present, it was dragged out so long no one even cares one way or the other anymore.

How do you feel about that?

Don't do that, user, in the end it's just a waste of coins.
Also, the system rolls rarity first, then if it is an event item or not and then the item itself (if you for example have all the common items that are currently obtainable you'll just get common dupes every time a common rarity item is rolled)

I'm really forgetful at times, so I'd probably just forget to do it after a couple days. Also, posting your email or anything like that on Veeky Forums is probably not the best thing to do
Can't you ask everytime you need it? I'm always in this general one way or another shitposting about Reinhardt tittypads

Yeah it does that too, so you can play sneaky with characters like Tracer/Genji. But more often crouching will be spammed to make it harder to hit already hard to hit characters.

>post for the first time on reddit
>tell everyone about an exploit going around when you play on Numbani
>Blizzard barely visits their own forums, and reporting a bug on the customer support ticket area sends you to their forum they never visit.
>decide to just post it on plebbit instead
>750 ubboats, 150+ comments
>mods delete it because i asked people to upvote it to help Blizzard notice it

>repost it as per their rules
>300 ubboats, 50+ comments
>half of the comments are shitting on me because I linked a 2 minute video I made for my subscribers where at the very end of the video, i rage like an autist as part of the act because my videos are focused on complaining about shit and calling out retards in Overwatch
>my subscribers know i dont really want to break my cats neck, but redditors think im legit serious
>they end up discussing how i need to not be angry over a videogame

I lost 50 SR to a fucking exploit, of course I'd be a little pissed.

Now I realize why everyone said never visit reddit. It's a fucking disgusting place. At least here I can be called a faggot. Over there, you can't say anything mean to someone's face. You gotta do it in this smart ass subtle way, and they get off topic much easier than here.

They think any sort of opinion, suggestion, or alternative way of thinking is a threat, and they do their best to get rid of it. Can't hurt anyones feelings.


Your mistake was visiting reddit, old man.
Also post your crosshair, it looked pretty cool.

As a Mei main, Tracer is pretty much the only match-up that relies on luck.

I always have to right-click randomly and score a headshot to end her suffering.

Any tips?