TERA General - /terag/

Lazy elin edition

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pastebin.com/Ve4yjWyP (embed)
pastebin.com/RSiBHKeP (embed)

>Endgame guides and class balance patch notes

>Veeky Forums guilds and how to join
pastebin.com/rCXKYxvv (embed)

discord.gg/gPKMfv9 - Touch Fluffy Tail discord - mostly just the discord for people who still play TERA
discord.gg/5BN8qEq - Reddit discord but it's pretty much just the TERA community disocrd now

Elin album: imgur.com/a/PdM3t
Castanic album: imgur.com/a/JJwCl

>Elin lewd SFM

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cat elins #1


Elins are for spanking.

But humans more.




Why did you post it twice?

Is TR down?

missed a spot


Yeah, figured. 3 people in our party suddenly dropped dead.


Has Tera received any meaningful updates to the gameplay end of things in the last year or so, or is it still only worth a time investment as an ERP simulator casually wearing the skin of an MMORPG?


>in the last year or so
Just new content updates but not really changes to gameplay, its still effectively the same game ERP simulator

I know this games actionish combat but it still has healing classes too? Is it a good game if i want to try something new with healer type gameplay?

Yeah, it's fun. I know a lot of people on here swear by TERA's healer system.

If by healer, you mean click on bars, you might want to look for another game.

Tera is a great combat system stuck in a terrible game, a game which is being abandoned by the developer in favor for PUBG. Maintenance mode death spiral incoming, lads.

PUBG pvp gametype for TERA when

PUBG belongs to BHS?

Yes, Bluehole is the developer for PUBG. As you can see, they stopped caring about TERA a long time ago.

We are in maintenance mode with 1 new dungeon per year and return-of-the-content-from-2015.

PUBG development was paid with Elin honey.

why did berserker armor get uglier when I got to a higher level?

Any little Elin fapsluts online? I really need to get off!

ya the massive gearing/crafting revamp, planned class awakening system and talent rework into glyphs means they stopped caring about tera. localization will probably take a hit making things take longer to come to NA but lmfao chill you fucking dork. the game is lifeless right now and that may upset you but it's largely because of NA's publisher. bhs can throw such light development at tera and still have it do well in pc bangs

ill help

Not sure if you're trolling or just have really low standards, but since you still play TERA I'm guessing the later. Nothing you mentioned addresses the lack of content there is in TERA's current state. The reality is that TERA hasn't had any kind of meaningful expansions since 2014 and has none upcoming. But hey, at least you're getting elin gunner and male human brawler right?

Perfect, meet me by the fountain near the reputation merchant.

I wouldn't get my hopes up for this game ever returning to anything noteworthy as an MMORPG. It's in its death throes as the players turn more and more to ERP to fill the void.

You forget we get new swimsuits every year! This season's look really good!

nah i'm not trolling, but i think you forgot what you were originally commenting on which was "bhs doesn't care about tera". i never said the game didn't suffer from a lack of content, but the fact that any braindead monkey can look up the community translated and documented changes coming out of ktera weekly that shows for damn sure they're trying new things, really strange when an adult with two eyes and a brain starts talking out of their ass. i haven't played nor do i care about any new class/race combos but sitting retards down with 5th grade level reading comprehension is absolutely my shit

Any elin fapslut online on discord
I'm re-installing the game and I want to kill some time if I can.

lumbertown? ch?

Channel 3

Get cold feet?

no, im omw now!

Yes, because resorting to childish insults while broadly touching on your already weak points really reflects your "superior" intellect. So tell me, what good is shelling out weekly updates if none of them address the core issues with the game? Do you truly care about your game if you're ignoring player feedback and game breaking problems on a consistent basis? Sure the gear change may be positive one, but is that as far as it goes? Again, you have low standards in your games so maybe that's enough for you.

i'm hitting a fat smile rn imagining you staring at the chat box concocting up a response to me for over an hour. it is what it is lil dude this is the direction they've wanted to take the game and it's successful for them alongside pubg, although youre right about them ignoring NA player feedback. it's as far as it needs to go to keep their main region (KR) having a steady release schedule as their success rides entirely on keeping players returning weekly to pc bangs, which it does. chill on saying i have low standards though i don't want to have to hit a sad nut before bed

I'm gonna eat out Cinews sweaty salty asshole like a turkey dinner!

LUL if that's what gets you off, I'm actually playing PUBG right now so I didn't have time to respond to your stupidity. :) Looking forward to those updates bro.

stop bodying me dude next thing youll tell me is that you got a chicken dinner in that game huh

Nah didn't win, but that doesn't mean I spend my Saturday night waiting for replies in a dead thread.

PUBG has a pretty small team, possibly BHS has allocated more staff to it, but probably not. If they did, we'd probably see faster development.

u must have found a kar98 with a 4x in the first house u looted man u got the scopes on me.. ur spot on tonight

server xfers when

anyone play the korean version, i don't want to play alone...



whats the good server

I forgot non-zero dubs are disabled on Veeky Forums


Hey /terag/, new player from the other day. Planning to go for 65 quickly... Any checklist of things that I need to do at 65? I think I'll apply for the guild once I'm capped ;w;

At 65 you get the dooooooooooogal questline in Highwatch which basically makes you do a series of gearing dungeons.
Why wait for 65 to apply for a guild though? Even if you don't talk or anything, just by being part of a guild gives you some small buffs.

Just apply for the guild now, will you have people to help you and a couple buffs~

Quit while you're ahead

Get the idoneal gear, it will be given to you when you hit the cap.
I think after that you need to run the castle aranea solo dungeon and you will get some Guile gear
Also you will get another red quest chain to do some bams at Island of Dawn and you can get more Guile gear and enchanting materials as a reward for that
After that you can do the quests for doing gearing dungeons and get rest of you guile there.
Guile is the low tier gear of this patch, after that you would want to advance to misery.

Thank you!

can you give me an honest comparison of this game and WoW?
i quit WoW and i'm just looking for a new mmo to play

tfw cant pick which hair to use on elin

Shoulder length.

When will bamarama open?

really need to cum right now, post elins


Let me fap to you in game


If I roll a Berserker, how well could I tank/solo things? I want so bad to destroy everything with a greataxe.

I used to play a Lancer, but I'd like something a bit different. Also, I've never made it to endgame; I think the highest level I got was 55.

Ok !

Don't bother with that shit tank stance.
>Soloing things
Hard at first but once you get the hang of it it becomes incredibly easy.

Where do you wanna meet up?


That is a very nice angle
Breeding when?

Just come to Chebika I guess !
Thank you ! And soon I hope , I've just been somewhat away from things lately !

Looking forward to it~

can mystic heal as well as a priest

hi cute!


Yes. Just pick the class you like most.
If you get one to 65 and you end up liking healing you should get the other to 65 as well anyways, as gearing healers is pretty cheap.

They are both healers, priest is more focuses on counter healing, while mystic is more cc. the difference is not as much anymore so pick the one you like.

lol, mystic is AT LEAST 3.82% better.

desu I wouldn't want to be seen with one of my rings being 4 power 4 crit while the other is 4 crit 4 power
if you can't get full BiS with perfect aesthetic rolls why even bother

Mystic is an easier healer in all but the most heal intensive dungeons like sky cruiser extreme mode. But those kinds of dungeons are exceptions that come around once every year or so. In all other regards, mystic has an easier time because its party buffs are automated and passive, unlike a priest's which must be actively cast. Its debuffs are longer than a priest's as well. It can cast an auto-resurrect buff on its party members as well, allowing them to get up when they die without needing to be resurrected. And its lockon heals are actually stronger. And its attacks don't put it in combat stance, so it can prance around freely during a fight.

Priest excels in having more healing skills to work with, but a lot of them share cooldowns with other healing skills in the priest's arsenal, have incredibly long cooldown times in general when they don't reset, or are objectively inferior to a mystic's. Its debuff is half as long as a mystic's. Its party buff, energy stars, must be actively cast. Its mana regeneration skills are all active as well and must be cast off CD. When people die, they must always be resurrected personally and rebuffed afterwards. You're always in combat stance, so you move around slowly throughout every single fight. Priest has a 40k shield, and a bunch of situational spells like arise and guardian's sanctuary that are only useful once in a blue moon and that's pretty much the only benefit.

I want to ERP just to replicate that image

>Its mana regeneration skills are all active as well and must be cast off CD
Depends on the party you run with. A mystic with a mana hungry party should use Corruption Ring as much as possible as well.

But yeah I don't know why people like to say Priest is a better healer for beginners when you have fewer things to take care of as a Mystic on top of your bread and butter heal being much easier to use.

No one really needs mana anymore. Well, reapers and occasionally slayers. Even warrior or sorc can dps under lancer ats buffs and never run out of mana thanks to circlets.

This is true. As a lancer, I hate running with mystics who don't use corruption ring. That being said, their passive mana aura is really better than nothing, and I'm used to using pots. That combination GENERALLY keeps me afloat unless I've just used a.rush or something. Meanwhile with a priest who puts in the same level of effort as a mystic (i.e. just standing there), I'm completely fucked.


Priest is much faster in combat. Mystic has only normal moving speed while in combat mode.

Arise and Guardian Sanctuary and mainly pvp skills, but especially GS means you really can't be backstabed. That's how you can take 3-4 shitters and they can never kill you.

Lancers are mana hungry af, I've also had sorcs with the circlet on that suffered from constant lack of mana. Also an occasional rare warrior with mana problems.

>while in combat mode
Which doesn't happen often, unless you're getting hit a lot or doing a cage phase that forces you into combat stance.

GS is great in pvp, yeah. I should've said that my post was from a pve context.

I don't know particularly much about Sorc or Slayer but for Warrior there's no way a circlet alone is going to keep your mana up. Most people have a glisteningly though which fixes everything for warrior, circlet or not.

>Which doesn't happen often
Happens more often than should be due to bullshit like pic related and tons of mechanics putting you in combat.

Yeah, that mechanic was pretty busted. Good thing it's not in the game anymore.


how's this game doing these days?

I was permanently banned 4 years ago for real money trading but am thinking about coming back for nostalgia

Based on the discussion I do think I'll go priest over mystic

assuming i can ever pick a hair style/color for my elin, its really hard cause the animal ears/tails are part of the hairs

fennec hair best hair for elin!

Any sluts around who can help me fap?

I like the 4th one on that list, the first squirrel quite a bit but I dont like the squirrel tail, its not poofy lookin enough it looks kinda hard

I sometimes wish Tera had some of the BNS ears/tails, a lot more ear and tail physics, some floppy ears, huge poofy tails especially for things like squirrels and foxes

And better butts.