>Heroes FAQ and links
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>Links and Resources
>Heroes FAQ and links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
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Huff huff Alfonse.
Dori is a-dori-ble!
I need to breed Celica.
I want a drunk olivi to take advantage of me
When's more Lancebreaker units, holy fuck. Or breakers in general for that matter.
>There is only one unit that possesses Blue Tome Breaker and it's F!Robin who is limited.
I want to cum in Tiki while she's asleep
Name a reason to use Amelia over Hector.
Hugh in Heroes when?
Amelia is cute
tfw no whale gf (not landwhale)
I'm looking at my +Atk/-Res Elise, and it's scary how similar it is to your build. I have a Speed +3 on her so our Elise's have the same Atk and Spd. Both our Elise's have 59 Magical soak, but my Elise has 49 Physical soak over your 46, which isn't that much better , but can save you sometimes. I feel like -Def or -Res are her best banes. Hopefully we can get another Elise soon to +1 our imouto!
is deathblow good for honkers?
New player here.
I'm worried about getting duplicate focus heroes so I move on after getting a couple from a single banner. First time on the tempest banner, what's it gonna be?
I want to ____ Veronica!
This triggers the one guy who hates Cecilia.
Jesus, I never noticed her 1 super long finger that's pointing at her book. ET here.
> worried about getting multiple of the same focus heroes
Good luck getting them to show up. You can merge them together to increase the stats of one. Here's a picture
she can go fuck herself
Severa is my wife! I'll love her now and forever always! I'll protect her like she protects me!
Reprimanded her on her inability to lead.
t. seth
I cant think of any. Hector is even cuter.
Can someone post a link to the collection of smols please?
shut up seth
Name one (1) artist that draws better cakes than Senri Kita.
I like Elise a lot!
>Painted nails
Lewd loli
>liking AKIRA
Not one of them are +spd, fuck her. I'll wait for the next green cav mage.
Congrats on your two whitewings. Just need the middle sister and you're all set!
i'm so sorry user
Gray is a good unit
I hope he's not -spd like mine is user!
Get away from my daughter
While I certainly would like a cav who can try to run a brave sword like Abel lite, or a wo dao since I have like 5 to spare...
his stats, you know. And I could get nature screwed too.
>pulled a +atk, -def tana on a whim
>mfw 53 attack and 36 speed before buffs
jesus christ man who thought this was balanced
what A and B skills should I run on her? I was thinking Fury and Vantage but that and some sort of Distant skill and Quick Riposte have always been my knee-jerk reaction for when I am deciding skill inheritance so I figured I'd ask for advice before sacking a hinata.
Well maybe if you gave your loli ruler some advice I wouldn't have to talk shit about her. She's going to get everyone of her followers killed before she learns how to rule right.
>the new Cipher OCs are apparently from Zenith
Guess a Heroes banner is pretty much inevitable at this point.
Robin is that you?
Much appreciated, user
I like Hana
>Sorry for one of the best swords with exclusive skills
I don't get it, Gray is bad?
Skinny Draug runs the Death Blow Brave build pretty well, and Cain can probably do a Wo Dao build well if he's +SPD. I'm actually more disappointed about Seth's shitty art then his stats to be honest
I can't wait to have half of the thread bitch and moaning about Shade.
no, how could I be robin? I am seth! from fire emblem: sacred stones! watch as I tip the sc I mean fight for my lady Eirika against that evil empire of ValGRADO
Levail will Prevail!
This is Robin's wife Lucina speaking, he's out at the moment, but I can deliver a message if you'd like
Do we have the names of the new OCs?
Other than Lukas (who I don't have) who would benefit most from fortress defense?
>Don't care about arena
>Too many responsibilities to actually sit down and run Tempest enough to get the points for everything
>Voting Gauntlets are hella predictable
>GHBs are boring or frustratingly impossible with no in-between.
>HBs are a joke and I have all of those units anyway.
>Out of content I can actually clear reasonably
>Running out of units I want to grind up
>Feathers are constantly in famine between virtually no supply and needing to promote multiple 4* units to 5*, and that's before trying to turn 3*s into SI fodder. Further contributes to the previous problem.
>Not enough orbs to summon stuff on banner.
>Won't have any orbs saved up for CYL banner.
>Not enough income to justify dropping more than like $10 on the game on any given banner.
Yeah, I'm losing my interest fast. 1 free unit each banner isn't enough, and we need a better way to grind for orbs. I don't mind putting in effort for it, but we can't even get a good supply of actually-acquireable orbs unless we've lucked into or ground up the cheesiest units in the game AND good SIs for them.
IS needs to stop pandering to whales and no-life faggots. I get the game's supposed to make money, but it's also supposed to be fun. If they can't even manage that in a simple phone game then get off the stage.
Not really.
He's a rate-ruiner who is outclassed by other sword users like ike or maskcina.
which heroes girl is the THICKEST
No, Levail, you won't.
gray is fine, it's just people usually get him on the celica bbanner when theyre trying to get celica, who is better
The continent of Askr and FEH
The OC is an armored unit, all is forgiven.
heal sluts
People get upset because they roll the banner for celica. He has a good sword, sp boosters for swords and villager stats so he's not a bad unit to get.
You came to the wrong neighborhood, fucko.
It's gonna be fun
Alice and Valjean
Continent where Askr and Embla are.
Healers and Zephiel, honestly fortress def is kinda pointless when close def exists, shame that is currently limited to S Tiki.
Actually, serious question, why isn't Bruno the reigning king? He's older than Veronica. (...or.... I think he is)
Did he dump his princelyness to run around in a mask.
>GHBs are boring or frustratingly impossible with no in-between.
I mean they are all easy except Ursula on launch and Legion and his bullshit units.
It's fine to be upset that he cucked you out of Celica, but he's legitimately really good
Is that a Paladin from World of Warcraft or some shit?
No one cares about Cipher. Kill yourself faggot.
S-sorry handsome dragonman
Emma please be a red flier
Seth has it as well
>have barely touched TT after the 3x bonus was introduced
>still top 10k
That's Fortress Def. Close Defense is the skill that's exclusive to S!Tiki
I hate Gray simply because of his annoyingly smug face and by extension of him not being my favorite villager (Kliff). Plus I'm not really concerned about a lack of SP, especially for sword units. 6SP per kill on the weekends is good enough for me
Arvis/Julius when
His armor reminds me of ... a combination of the rounded FE4 baron shoulder pads combined with PoR/RD generals
post ideas for smol gifs
The first TT aka the TT with the most participants literally had the lowest ranking players with a score of 120~. Let that sink in for a moment.
Eventually they will have to do something with the pools, like having different 3* for each banner, it's getting annoying to get the same shitters again and again, and they really need to downgrade a bunch of useless 5* like Clair and Peri
I'm rank 500~ and I'm not doing Lunatic anymore, kinda scared to drop out
I said close def.
Emma is likely to be a flier, and Randal some cav, Yuzu generally is some class that can use sword, and Shade is some dark mage variant aside echoes where she is a saint because nosferatu.
Is this Minerva's ideal IV spread or at least manageable?
it's shit give her to me
>3x bonus
the what
Can you not humblebrag? Thanks.
This tale of soul crushing despair might do well in gif form
Worse than Cherche lol.