Honestly cars feel like an bad idea in the modern world. We as mankind could replace all cars with buses/trains etc. and still keep our freedom of movement. Cars are very costly for the most part and if you're an enthusiast your bankrupting yourself. I used to be an enthusiast but after realising even for a good earner cars can be total black hole and the rules of road being so strict there's really no point in cars anymore... They're like a toaster, just an appliance.
I think this pic is better
unironically i think that a LOT of people should not be allowed to drive. They go for years driving, getting into accidents, losing control under not-perfect driving conditions, and still manage to not learn a thing about driving.
Lots of people are freaking out about automated cars, but imagine being able to enjoy much less traffic* because AI cars dont drive like retards and cause traffic
*most of the time
>This works perfectly, guys! In the worst case we need to make it electric and computer controlled so we can go 60 mph bumper to bumper, but for now it's still fine.
>Replace all cars with buses/trains
>keep freedom of movement
What about us rural and suburban retards?
you get buses too, so much people spend on cars, companies will be able to afford to bring buses there too.
Do you not comprehend the vastness and openness of rural areas? Do you know how much of a money sink it would be to bring rural folk to cities or what have you? Even with trains instead of buses?
In some places there isn't even a single person per square mile. In the winter the snow piles up, ice gets on the roads. I don't trust some city faggot in a bus to drive me to fucking work on snowy shitty roads made of dirt.
I am not waiting two hours to go ten miles. Busses can fuck off and die.
I don't think you understand, if a bus goes every 30min then you're fine, in the old days you had to walk or take a horse carriage.
It takes 30 minutes for a bus just to reach the city, faggot.
And? It takes 15-20 by car and you can do other stuff meanwhile.
Wow it's almost like the first production cars were originally created for the purpose of traversing rural areas.
So let me get this straight. I know you're trolling, but fuck it.
You're suggesting a bus pick up and drop people off in the city, drive by every house whether or not they need to go to town, and then get to the city, drop them off, and repeat?
First, that's a shitload of gas and a waste of money. Second, a waste of time. It takes the mail lady a solid 5-6 hours to drive around just the township to deliver mail. That's the most efficient possible route.
Say we get multiple buses to do it. What's the point when there's 1 person a square mile? It just won't work.
I'm not trolling, literally it would be possible with a great network and huge budget (but less than privately owned cars). Also the morons on the roads would be eliminated and traffic jams forgotten
>make the bus electric
>make the bus self-driving
>get an app where you can flag down the bus to make the next stop at your place
>create "park and ride" locations that optimise bicycle travel and bus stop points to reduce bus travel times
>stop living in the middle of nowhere
There are buses in the high mountains of Nepal that stop at every house along the road, because no one owns a car. Sure, the rides are long, but it's 50 year-old buses riding on 40 year old roads in the mountains, I'm sure it'd work great on american flats.
You're a stupid fuck. A great network and a huge budget are not feasible, nor wanted.
>Park and ride
>Bicycle travel
>Stop living in places that we can't tell you what to do!
Nepal is tiny, I'm not concerned about the reliability of buses, etc. I'm worried about time and efficiency. We have 0 cell signal out here. hell, most of us don't have internet. Not just because we can't, but we don't want it. We have no use for it, and it's just another bill. How the fuck am I going to use an app when I have a flip phone?
Do you think everyone is just instantly going to try and commit to the soyboy way of life? Owning and operating a vehicle is about individual freedom. The ability to be in control of your life, not something else. If I want to go to the grocery store at 3AM? I can. I don't have to wait on a stupid fucking bus. If I have to be at work at 5AM? I can, and not have to wait on the damn bus. On the weekend if I get a wild hair up my ass to go on a road trip to Indy or something? I can. I'm not waiting on some stupid fucking bus.
I live in the middle of nowhere, because it is my home and my way of life. When faggots like you from the big cities come trying to tell us how to live with your condescending attitude, it pisses us off and makes us reject any idea you may have. Good or bad.
So fuck off back to your automated life style. I will stick with my individual freedom mobile, and you can ride with a stick up your ass in some shitty fucking bus.
>We have 0 cell signal out here. hell, most of us don't have internet. Not just because we can't, but we don't want it. We have no use for it, and it's just another bill. How the fuck am I going to use an app when I have a flip phone?
Then literally just ride a horse to town you silly luddite. At least then, you'll truly have "individual freedom" independent of international oil politics, mega oil corps, local gas stations, your local mechanic and my ass subsidising your indulgent lifestyle.
Show another system in one pic that is transporting thousands exactly where they need to go.
The business owning class in the states has made it nearly impossible to live and work here without a car unless you live in a major city. I'd honestly love it if everyone who doesn't want to drive had a means of transport, but independent transport should never be outlawed.
Not a /pol/tard, but you gave me a sensible chuckle.
Right, until the horse holds up your precious bus.
Not to mention a horse is more expensive to maintain than a car is to purchase and maintain
>We as mankind could replace all cars with buses/trains etc. and still keep our freedom of movement
yes good goy, you should only need transportation that move on routes that are government/corporation approved!
>all in one place
>not spread out across a mix of transportation in an efficient infrastructure designed to reduce total distance travelled like in europe / se asia
huh really makes ya think? but no muh open road maymay is so strong that every pleb needs a car so it ruins it for us who actually enjoy them
Reported saged and hidden
>why are people buying designer clothes, if you can just wear some rags
>why are people buying big houses if you can live in a small cheap apartment
>why are people buying expensive watches if you can just look at the sun
>why are people going on holiday if you can just stay at home
>why are people trying to get a good job, if they can just work minimum wage at mcdonalds
Actually laughed
>oh no, I can't possibly walk 200 ft after getting off a motor vehicle, I need minimum parking requirements in front of every single business
>I would rather have money than fun
I see this attitude way too often, even when it isn't low quality bait.
I know I'm being trolled but all this does is make me remember this is not an unpopular opinion today.