Turbosluts edition
League of legends general /lolg/
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I've been passed out hunk for several hours, lolg
What did I miss
Is what they say about this game true?
Best guy!
Best adc!
Best hair!
Sissy support main looking for a strong adc who will discipline me when I make bad plays
I max E first on nugot right?
This is the average c9 fan
I want to sit on his lap!
I want to look EXACTLY like Diana!
tightest star guardian
xth for Syndra
kys fag
this is the average /lolg/. Most of you are redditors.
go back to jacking it to guro smut boodshit
I want to have a girl sit on my lap while I play vidya...
Why does Diana have that look on her face while sitting on a bed? Isn't she just going to sleep?
Never give up !
xth for CLIMBing!
NOTHING is impossible!
I want to have a boy sit on my lap while he plays league, and he'll have to try and concentrate despite my erection
>Yasuo dealt the lowest damage to champs on the team
I'm here for my threadly (You), cuck. Gimmie.
>fast clears
>amazing sustain even without items
>ganks are insane and defeat wards
>counter ganks are completely unreadable
>amazing CC
>tanky as fuck but still does a huge amount of damage
>can engage and disengage entire team fights
>fun play style
>handsome voice
Is there a better jungler then Zac? I mean just overall for climbing he has practically no weaknesses and can feed teams like crazy as well as being very powerful during all stages of the game.
I want Headmistress Fiora to whack my ass with a ruler!
i want to fuck syndra user until he forgets about syndra completely and can only think about dick
That's the face she makes when she's working up the courage to tell you that her body is a bit 'different' then other girls.
She's hoping that you'll be understanding about it.
I don't think she would sleep in that attire. Looks like she is getting ready for work.Maybe it is her first day and she is really nervous wanting to make a good first impression.
Don't listen to people who tell you to max W. all your W damage is via your passive.
Hey everyone! Come and laugh at this AIDs infested faggot queer!
*notices bulge*
Oh shit, I'm sorry
>tfw anons talk about sex a lot but never about love
I wanna cuddle Jinx and hear her quiet breathing as she sleeps
But I mean, she seems to be making a face like she's embarrassed. Why would she be embarrassed all alone in her bedroom?
can you imagine what it'd be like to have her soft soles all over your dick
Don't worry, I love a Sona main, but I usually keep to myself
>Zed mirror match in blind pick
>can keep receiving infinite AD killing each other
>ywn be syndras sexual prisoner
>she will never force you to empty your balls inside her over and over again
On what fucking planet does lee require work to jungle?
Silly user, you know anons can't love!
>get yasuo legendary out of skin reroll
>queue for a normal to play a yasuo game and enjoy the skin
>first game it gets banned from me and play malz
>inting top laner goes 0/5 at 5 minutes and his talon just walks mid literally every couple minutes to tower dive me
>second game it gets picked fby the other team and enemy kindred ganks both solo lanes literally 10 times in 7 minutes and top just alt F4s
>4v5 until 15 minutes
>3rd game gets dodged with 5 seconds left, wasted 3 minutes of my life
>immediately after get autofilled support
w e w lad
I'm just not allowed to enjoy a single thing in this game, aren't I?
I just want to check out my new fucking skin
I love Diana user and I'm going to make him my bride
Maybe she just got home and realized she made a big flub when talking to a cute boy that worked at her new job. She was too nervous to think at the time and she didn't realize what she did until she got home.
Because they are repressed Virgins obv
they've been told that sticking a peeny into vagoo will somehow validate their pitiful existence and make them less pathetic in the eyes of their peers so all they do is sit around fantasizing about it
i love CLIMBing, does that count?!
I love you
Reminder you should play only Fiddlesticks and Shaco
>pre30 leveling normals
>get actual smurfs on my team this time, not silver "im a smurf will carry trust" like me
>im actually completely fucking useless because they take over the game and i have zero idea what to do when shit goes well
what a game of league of legends
It's okay...
I d-don't think actual Diana has one of those tou know.
>tfw I spilled my coffee on a coworker on the first day of training
I'm a fucking dumbass.
sex is more attainable than love. its easier to find a casing for your sausage than it is to find someone that you can cuddle up on the porch swing with and watch the sun set happily. we like to keep our hopes and expectations low. easier to avoid getting hurt even more that way.
I agree
What would Ahri's butt feel like if she sat on your lap? Would it be firm?
>just got syndra on urf
>felt fucking powerful just going around deleting people
Cute dumbass
>been playing league for 6 years
>never once played cassiopeia
the only reason I'm about to play her now is because I rolled her in ARURF
this is almost me with shaco
I can count my shaco games on one hand, and i've been playing since at least ori release
She's fucking boring. She's an ADC but you press E instead of RMB
That's cute user. I hope you're both happy.
You risk giving up an opportunity. In order for love to pay off in the fullest, you have to leave yourself open to the pain in equal. Love is not a lukewarm emotion, for better or for worse.
Sitting on the sidelines with a wait and see attitude risks never experiencing the highs or the lows.
Love in inherently a risk. But that's part of the beauty when it pays off.
You missed out on playing her when she was actually fun. Old Cass was the shit, it was so satisfying chunking people with E.
Now you just kinda spam it on people, do shit damage with it, and DPS them down.
I don't care if she's "better designed" now, she's just plain less fun.
>tfw after being in a relationship for years I can't disassociate love from sex
Sure is good to be fucked up.
>ornn's probably going to be a bruiser/tank
>his ult has an ap ratio
Why the fuck does riot still do this?
unless you're going to try and make a hyprid style champ why the fuck would you add a shit ratio to a key part of a champs skilset
Dull and stressful.
>this pathetic idiot
Ahri is a qt!
Cute dumb bride
>I'm here for my threadly (You)
>>this pathetic idiot
here's another one for you
It's only 40% too.
The reason they give is "to reap small incidental benefits from things such as Baron's dual AD/AP bonuses or natural talent etc on things that would otherwise have fixed non-scaling numbers."
>Maokai is a bruiser/tank
>Has AP ratios
you should edit a syndra image so that it looks like she's giving a (You)
How do I play Janna?
a qt!
>tfw used to berate you about your love posts
>got a gf and we play all the time now, genuinely feel this gay ass emotion for the first time again in years
Fuck off
>there are no ap bruiser -type items like there are for AD champs
and those give miniscule benefits, ontop of it only being 40% of that
why not just give it an ad ratio? so what if baron gives ap, it doenst make sense to give a core part of someone kit a shit ratio for a stat he doesnt use.
they're already makeing him a tank giving him armor & mr ratios.
I wonder what the drop rate is for these skins, it feels pretty high.
>why not just give it an ad ratio?
Because then it would scale with items. They don't want it to, but because League has already made a commitment to scaling abilities which differentiates it from DotA they have to give it a token one.
Rod of Ages, Liandry's and Abyssal Mask.
Pretty much every hextech item.
something like this?
I'm only 1 of those 2 things.
That's three things so I'm pretty sure everyone can tell which one of them you are
Even a steeled heart can feel again, given reason to. I'm happy for you user.
It is high, on purpose. The old milestone skins for getting people to sign up are now the honor imitative skins.
i dont understand what is this
He must secretley enjoy it, or he wouldnt keep replying
>tfw in my dumbness I accidentally made a clever joke
I'm so cool.
It's from a short story about a fractal pattern that could short circuit the brain and making it lock up. Like a virus that can infect the brain by looking at it.
Hello everyone I'd love to introduce you to my wife. She's autistic but I still love her!
its a fictional story about a supposed image that somehow malfunctions the brains visual cortex and can supposedly break your brain.
>tfw afk mid
>tfw no option to remake
haha i sure love me some league of legends
same can be said for them since they can't help but wait for me to reply also nice headcanon
Only the best for such a cutie!
Why does ahri look so tight in that picture?
Your wife is cute, user. I'm glad you love her in spite of her autism.
Literally the moment you stop being so easy is the moment they stop doing it. You keep encouraging it despite this obvious fact. The only reason for this is that you enjoy it.
Is it just me or is lolg getting a lot gayer recently
The league plebbits are at least a pool of information to look in to. The userbase gives me migraine headaches if I look at comments, but I occasionally find informative threads about things I never knew about.
I have an unhealthy cuck fantasy and I want Xayah to be a part of it!