>Heroes FAQ and links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
>Heroes FAQ and links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
Is this game good?
A happy Genny is a cute Genny!
I thought there were free orbs what
max of 10 times (20 orbs) per event
another one start in a day or 2
I need the lewdest images you got
Charlotte is my wife.
I don't collect much lewd
which one?
I know that feel, man. I really want her so I can dump all my healing skills on her. I didn't even get a 4 star of her while rolling for Genny or Innes.
>setting a max limit instead of having them constantly run
I knew there was some sorta catch to the whole scorecard thing
Nino at the beach!
Actual previous thread for lurkers:
+atk or +spd cordelia?
>Preparation themes for both Alm and Celica's side in Echoes are actually subtle remixes of Twilight of the Gods
holy fucking shit i just realized this and it's blown my mind
Ride the bike!
What are the banes, brah?
+spd for bravequads memes
That's my wife
+spd firesweep
How lewd are we talking?
So is Xander the undisuputed best sword user right now?
Fuck this gay earth
your pity rate will be broken by shanna
Look what I caught
>Pity rate got broken by 5* Abel
I feel you. I just want to fucking die.
Better give Anna what she's looking for, user. You won't make it otherwise.
On the bright side, someone correct me if I'm wrong but I believe all orbs are rolled the second you hit summon, so all 5 of your orbs will be rolled with that ridiculous 12% 5 star rate. Best save up 20 orbs so you can pop them all at once.
At least her eyes look somewhat normal in this
If i give distant counter to Effie should i still use Brave Lance?
Actually, all five heroes in the session are generated first, and they are replaced by orbs afterwards.
I did that at 4+4%, and got 3 5* out of it, so that's the best strategy.
+atk -hp
+spd -def
What's the difference between brave and firesweep when +spd?
>all orbs are rolled the second you hit summon
fucking myth. I rolled maybe 5 times over the 5% rate and i only get 1 fucking 5* everytime.
Rebecca is such a good girl.
Save Distant Counter for Zephiel or Lloyd. Those two are arguably the best users of the skill besides Hector himself because Armads is the best weapon in the game.
Death Blow 3 is already a superb skill on Effie to begin with while having strong synergy with Brave Lance and Wary Fighter.
It's a cursed banner user, you should have listened to our warning.
Unless IS blatantly lies about how summoning works, it is true.
>fucked up and lost a unit in the first map of the bonus point TT
Is there any worse feeling? Fuck Frederick and Fuck WoM.
That's Barte? His nose is much bigger than I remember
Probably not. Distant counter lends itself towards being an enemy phase bait unit while Brave wants to be a player phase nuke unit. They're at odds with each other.
I'd probably save Distant Counter for someone else if you're already running Brave, Zephiel tends to like it.
if sophia was released as a new unit she wouldn't be rated so low on tier lists
not much stats wasted in speed min max'd perfect raven build
I wish I could +10 Celica
LoD, Death Blow 3 or Swift Sparrow 2 on Kagero?
You've got to remember that 5+5% are still ultimately low odds.
Too bad Distant Defense is too good, hey.
Life and Death
I wish I could cum inside Celica.
You can with money
Severa! In the morning! For a bright & happy day!
Do you know what artist drew this?
Crop your screenshots my dude
Is this your first time with FE7? what did you start with?
Thanks my Sunday is now ruined
>paying attention to tier lists
Outside of the few units that are obviously good, you can easily make almost every unit usable by sheer virtue of the weapon triangle. For the most part they'll at least be good at something.
fuck off tyler
Its a remade Touhou pic. No idea about the artist though.
For those of you that use her, can you guys show me your Camilla builds?
Yes, this is my first time with FE7. I started with Awakening and since then have played BR, CQ and SoV. I think after this I'll probably play either Binding Blade or SS
Emerald axe+DC is her only good build.
7 is a prequel to 6 so you might want to go there and then do SS
Firesweep lets you attack without any counter from the enemy, but you can't counter too. It's a safe choice if you are running her with Hit and Run and some other unit with repostion letting her strike and retreat
Bravelance with +spd Cordelia and some buffs it could be an insane 4X attack, killing almost anything on her sight
Could Summer Leo use the Brynhildr?
>both new unit banners end at the same time
So they want (You) to spend all your orbs now. Probably another month long limited time units banner incoming. Is it too early for CYL?
>Camilla is a Stand user
How can Hoshidocucks even compete?
Alternatively, Emerald Axe+Fury, should work fine. If you want to keep Brave Axe though, a +atk and Death Blow are a must, in flier teams she wrecks shit pretty well.
Happy Birthday, Olivia!
Every single one of you is a lying fuck and you know it.
What does CYL mean?
Champ, You Lose.
Thanks. I am gonna go with that +spd -def then and use bravelance until I get a firesweep.
Not that user, but does Firesweep work well with +atk Cordelia (with LaD of course, but no fliers), or should I not bother and just keep brave?
This is mine, work pretty well on my flying team.
remove this
Rape Olivia!
Say something nice to my beautiful nun wife.
really? i have a second copy of celica and i don't want to merge her because one of a kind skill and such but i really don't know who to give it to. i mean xander would make use of it but i don't like using him so that'd be a waste. besides him everyone has something else they can make better use of. i don't even know if i would want to lose atk +3 on xander.
craw ywo lards
This is one is new
Is Marcus the same as other Jaegens in that he becomes bad later on, or is he actually worth leveling?
Chose your Legends. When the game was about to release they did a poll to decide 2 special units, one male one female, to make alts of once the game had released "eventually". However, once ISIS' Lightning lost they expanded it to the winner of the poll and the runner up for those sweet lucinafag bucks. Sometime after summer we'll get the banner. Ike, Roy, Lyn, and Lucina.
make sure you save energy drop for Lyn
create your legend
The only thing keeping me from blowing all my orbs on a decent archer is the fact that Lucina is on that banner.
Marcus is never a bad unit.
Neither is Seth from Sacred Stones, or Titania from Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn.
The only Jagen who will let you down is Jagen himself.
you saved all your obs for the CYL banner, did you /feg/? I hope you have the mental fortitude not get baited by these past banners, right?
I'm pretty sure the only one that ever bucks the trend is Seth and depending on how you interpret what a Jaegen is, Sigurd
Use him to level weaker units but that's it.
Apparently Dorcas had an energy ring. Should one of these guys have it or should I save it for someone else later on?
All Cavalry in GBA is S+ tier, He's Seth of FE7
>rolling a banner 4 red focus
why are CYLcucks the biggest joke in /feg/?