/wotg/ - World of Tanks General

Mommy Edition 2: Electric Boogaloo

Old: FAQ:
>Where do I look up tanks?
>How do I find people to platoon with?
Ask in the Veeky Forums channel

>Want to do clan stuff?
EU: NOPAN - eu.wargaming.net/clans/wot/500136066/ (apply through the website and write something nice)

NA: AWOO - na.wargaming.net/clans/wot/1000043295/


>Archived threads

Other urls found in this thread:


Join AWOO today!!!!!!

more like stop posting shitty anime in the OP edition


neck your self weeb

>being this butt flustered

Thanks for the (You)s fag.

too bad your waifu will be too fat to fuck after this lul

>Not wanting thicc waifu

What, too THICC for you?
Testlets should just end themselves.

>weebs are this dumb


>not the same when it comes to thiccposting
Thicc is a part of the shitpost vocabulary at this point, it's the term for chubby chasers in denial the same way that "feminine penis" is for closet cases.

There is a difference between fat lard and thicc.

Maybe if you actually talked to girls you would know.

>get tracked
>next shot takes out engine

also how do i stop being retarded

You buy the big repair kit and have 100% repair.

>talking about memes irl
>weebs talking about girls
>not their 2D waifu

you don't

You do know you can have both right?

>half decent gf
>not asian

top kek

Keep projecting your lonely life.


you just destroyed my boipucci

Equipment for JPanther?

Is it worth putting camo net on it at all if its not got great base and a fairly bad gun traverse?

Was thinking Rammer and the 2 gun handling ones.



depends on how you play the tank
i'd prolly stick with rammer/binocs/net

reminder to research the jpanther ii and not the shiternand

I know everybody always says that but why is the JP2 actually better? I don't really want either ot the T8s but I'd like the JagdTiger so I guess I have to go through one.

today has been one endless game of
>we go one side
>enemy team goes the other side
stupid ass shit

ferdi has trades speed for amour, and what ppl do is press 2 so the armour becomes irrelevant

the jpanther ii has speed, and is a more agile/fllexible, you can play it in many diffrent ways.

>carrying less than 10 gold shells
can't tell if e-honor or poverty
inb4 mixture of both a.k.a poland


I typically carry a fourth of my ammo capacity in gold and use none because I save them in case I actually need them like if I'm forced to fight one of the meme superheavies frontally and they hide their LFP/"weak spots"

>implying that weebshit op superheavy drivers know what weakspots are

i giggled

>frontal engagement vs half HP VK100P
>put three shots into his LFP
>doesn't matter because he can two shot me from full HP lmao

you're not aiming well enough, tovarisch

having camo skilled for all crew members gives you enough camo to not get spotted if no one comes too close, after shooting you might get spotted but a camo net wouldnt save you from that either

>Swed TDs
>immune to half the enemy team frontally
>0 armor against the other half because lol 2mm bigger cannon

>120mm western cuck pencil dicks
>122mm huge soviet hammer dongs

Nothing screams "shitter" louder than a Superpershit. This tank is the embodiment of 300 WN8 44%

t. 252 driver

i wish i had one.

that feel when you give up on your grinds and play tier 2 instead

pilsen is literary the shittiest map in the pool
prove me wrong

pro tip: you can't

need someone for a high tier platoon
no red/yellow shits pls

There's only one map left, WG just keeps releasing different skins for it.
>Lane where heavies spam gold into the front of each other
>Open middle area that gets anybody going there fucked within seconds unless 75% of the enemy team is already dead
>Somewhat open lane for mediums to poke each other while waiting to get rekt by arty because 10mm of deck armor isn't going to save you from the "nerfed" artillery HE

>giving WG map design formula this much credit
It's way simpler tovarish, it's 3 or more corridors and designated kill-zone in the middle

Prokhorovka is the worst as far as I'm concerned. A grand total of 3 pieces of solid arty cover, with every match the same heavies camping on the hills, meds and lights camping around the west, TDs and arties camping in the corners.

>do 4k damage with my leo1
>1 guy did 2k damage


>ikea 90B
>only one to do 1.5k damage in a tier 9 battle

every fucking t10 game I played today is a fucking loss because no one else is able to do more than 2.5k damage apart from 2 or 3 ppl

Is it just me or is the Centurion 1 kind of shit?

All tier 8 mediums are kinda shit except the ones you have to pay actual money for

Should I sell the Chieftain/T95? I already have the Cromwell B for a British crew trainer and a fuckton of other tier 8 premiums. I don't really want this thing but the few games I played in it, it seemed decent.

Guys, serious question. How to be good ?? I'm not joking, how can i improve myself ?

press 2

post stats

I'm just looking for some pro tips etc. Aby advices how to Play ?? I mostly Play heavy germans

>I mostly Play heavy germans

>playing HTs
>german ones specifically


>playing german heavies

>I mostly Play heavy germans

Question, I'm on Malinovka as a heavy tank, I managed to rush to the windmill at the top of the hill and I stop the enemy from advancing to the top, what do I do next?
I can't push because there's no cover after the windmill.

>Haven't come to /wotg/ in ages
>It's 95% anime and shitposts
Well here's my one and only pity bump, enjoy your /ksg/ tier general.

Bye faggot.

You put the other retards who came with you between you and the enemy. Let tem push further ahead and you snipe from the back. If you're alone you die. There's always a Grille 15 waiting in the bushes.

What's wrong with german heavies ?

Okay, now the reverse question, I'm a heavy tank climbing the hill on the way to the windmill, I see enemy heavy tank hiding behind it, my advance comes to a halt because I want to keep my hull outside of his aim, what do I do next?
If I just stay there and try to get shots into the guy behind the windmill I might get arty'd.

>whats wrong with german heavies
>maybe the fact that only one or two are worth playing and the rest get cucked on a very very very frequent basis

Hope some mediums with a brain try to flank through the little side road and start a encirclement. If not, you die.

So what are currently the best tanks to Play this shit game ?

>relying on your team to do ANYTHING
you're doomed

>thinking you can solo a flank inna heavy when you're outpositioned and the enemy has arty support

Then as a heavy tank in Malinovka, where should I go that would usually allow me to make the most impact in the battle?
Since the top of the hill seems to rely a lot on teammates.

hill is good, but no matter where u go ur gonna need support from ur team but to count on getting that is just setting yourself up for failure

So female crew members should only be commanders, yes?

any op premium
most of the sweedish tech tree
chink lts
bagguette meds
the fucking cromwell


>Those first 4 minutes

Has he finally lost it?


He probably realized WG will takes his mail order bridge away once the game is shut down.

Is there any better feeling than getting El Halluf when you play the Conqueror GC?

The pressure of being a WG cuck is starting to sink in.
He's probably just mad that people are still calling him WG's bitch even after he blasted that anime tank that wasn't given to him to review by WG and is not going to be sold to his main audience, EU/NA players.

>playing arty

literary kill your self

>inb4 hes gonna be a hero

qb would only an hero if his potato bride left, and I find that unlikely
he pretty much won life 100%, is a neet with a wife, has a good degree as fallback, plays games all day

the only downside would be living in bongland desu

who the fuck is watching his streams anyway?

oh wait all the red/yellow plebs that play in the EU

t. qb cucklet

I'd fucking wish, instead I live in a shithole

t. jelly of qb

>jelly of being WG little pet

top zozzle

show us your wife, your doctorate, your way of income. You would succ off the whole WG team to get what he has.

>envying somebody who has to play several hours of world of tanks per day

Does a degree have value when your resume says previous job "online game streamer"?

user, you keep practicing your dick sucking, and I'm sure you'll at least manage to find a way of income and a doctorate from some shit hole in a progressive country like the UK or Sweden eventually. You've gotta believe in yourself!

>be someone's pet
>literary no self respect
>doing shit you don't believe in for money
I bet he uses his PhD every fucking time he gets into a pubbie match.

t. QSF member lmao

This. I hate my actual job but if I had to play WoT for a living I think I'd just kill myself.

He could get a pretty decent recommendation from Wargamings CEO if he ever needed it really.

How is it being a QSF member

I'm not a QSF member lul

He's very good at swallowing whatever we feed him.
t. Viktor Cuckslav

>3rd coupon this summer
stop I'm not falling for this shit anymore

It will go away after you buy something.

good goy


ain't buying shit, will probably give it away to irl normie shitter "friends"

>watch speedyinfant's stream
>he is playing in his buttchat on Fjords north spawn
>tries to boost
>set on fire while climbing
>no fire extinguisher

lmao what a faggit