Manual makes no sense. You're forcing yourself to learn a robotic maneuvreur that a machine is intended to do. Instead of just focusing on the driving experience you are forced to become a connective part of the engine-transmission-cycle. Whereever this used to be the case in other parts of drivetrain we have automated it yet somehow the manual transmission has stayed the norm in Europe. Electric parking brakes, electric windows, they've all become the norm, but automatic?
At traffic lights I am always faster in my auto than those in manuals. It's always quite pathetic to see them fighting with the poke at traffic lights. You start the car, you have to put it into first, than after a few sec, to second, than after a few sec, to third, than slow down again, to second, than go back to third, oh here you can go 80 lets go in the 4th, than slow down again to the 3rd, go round in a roundabout in second, stop at an intersection, go back to first, jesus it's all so exhausting. Glad I finally made the switch to automatic after 3 years.

hi im 686 and i can give any advice needed here

Sort it out. Manual is dank.

who IS this 686 guy?

I have sorted it out. I've ridden manual for 3 years. I still think it's annoying. I don't see how continously doing a repetitive task is fun.

Most people just can't ride manual properly. Manual may be more reliable in theory, not in practice, due to human inefficiency. If you buy an automatic car the chance is much bigger the engine hasn't been abused by some idiot manual triehard.

A faggot


engine braking is reason enough to use one desu.

this so fucking much. I don't even understand how retards can do without it.

>mentions "driving experience" in a post that favors automatic transmissions.
You mean "steering experience" right?

Just like you :^)

driving = steering, braking and giving gas
not driving = becoming part of the transmission cycle
You don't power the wheels yourself either do you?

Wear and tear on the brakes are a bargain compeared to a worn out transmission.
Automatics can also do engine breaking, they have a button for manual shift mode.

And if we start talking about electrics or hybrid automatics, almost all breaking is done by regen. That beats engine breaking of a manual by a longshot.

The only time manual makes sense is when you do cross country trips. Anything else, automatic just makes more sense. Automatic is perfect for Europe.

Not really because 99% of petrol cars have pathetically weak engine braking effect that may as well not exist.

I had a manual and now I have an auto. I miss my manual every single day when my auto box with it's playstation shifter never is ready when I need the gear. I'm going to get a weekend car again though that will be nice. Autos are good for traffic, manuals are good for enjoying the car.

It gives you more control over power you have available and in most cases also better fuel economy.

I'm probably not going to convince you with facts, as you already made up your mind. You sound like you learned on automatic and only tried manual a few times and didn't like it. That is OK, normies will never understand us enthusiast and how much of a closer bond and greater control we have with our cars.

It's not allowed to ride a manual if you learned on automatic in Europe. All drivers learn on manual but more and more are swapping to automatic afterwards because it's much safer for new drivers.

Your point would stand if you changed at the exact same RPM regardless, but you don't. Driving a manual you can change power, torque and fuel economy all from one stick. It's practically magic. You can do it all on the fly too, I can be going for a leisurely cruise with decent fuel economy, spot a gap at a roundabout, rev it to 7k and shift like shit off a shovel then change my arm back to economy mode instantly. I don't have to put it in "race mode" for my whole drive and rev the nuts of it out of every corner. If you even have a race mode, with a manual you can even hoon econoboxes (I've even had fun in an Up! !). Having more practical control over your vehicle is always a good thing if you know what you're doing, trouble is a lot of people don't.

It's also fun.

that sounds like you have terrible forward planning when approaching roundabouts.
how long have you been driving son?

Shut the fuck up shitposter, he's making a good point.

lol no, he is describing how to approach a roundabout poorly.
You seem upset, can't you drive properly either?

>user puts up a reasonable and absolutely true case for manual transmission
>retarded namefag goes all "you dunno how to drive lol"
Ban when?

>user describes how he can't drive
>frustrated imaginary fairy boyracers confused that thats not how to drive
gg dumbasses

the guy just said in a contrived way "with manual you can rev high for speed or hoon, or keep low rev for economy", that's not that hard to get?

>spot a gap at a roundabout, rev it to 7k and shift like shit off a shovel

>in a contrived way
Why are you so autistic? Stop spazzing over his bad choice of example.

it's fun

>can't drive properly
>h-hes just driving in a contrived way r-right?

I don't give a fuck about how he drives. Point is he described well the advantages of manual transmission.
>hurr i'll keep posting wojaks like a retard

A good DUELING CLUTCH is literally the best of both worlds. A good one, one that doesn't auto upshift may be less common, but is still achievable.

>I don't give a fuck about how he drives
>having a boy racer stick is more important than driving properlly
come back when you have been driving more than a year champ

I'd be ok with an automatic if there wasn't a massive fucking delay between me hitting the accelerator and the car shifting into the best gear for acceleration at that speed

>connective part of the engine-transmission-cycle
thats the difference between a manual and automatic driver though, automatic drivers just use it as an appliance and see no care in using manual when it does it for you
a manual driver learns to intertwine themselves with the machine in order to pull the perfect performance out of it which the automatic prevents

>spotted a gap
Heavily implies traffic and therefore being stationary at the roundabout.


you're fucking retarded. have your last (You) since you're pure cancer who insists on ignoring the arguments and focus on shitty irrelevant details about an user we don't even know.

>ignores the fact user states he drives badly
>whaaaa you're ignoring my irrelevant argument!
>having a stick is much more important than driving properly! i know from having six month experience!

I like my automatic because it feels like a trusty steed with a mind of its own instead of a machine I operate to get around. If I really REALLY need control over my gears I can use the tapshift but my horse knows what she's doing and is fine on her own.

how the fuck can you not drive properlyy with a stick
unless youre shifting it with your arse you gotta have down syndrome to fuck up dropping a clutch and pulling a stick

>Ride a manual

>selecting a gear and engaging a clutch is all there is to driving

>i am unable to multitask so i'll post wojacks to make up for it

>ill talk about multitasking even though it was never a part of any argument

A massive faggot


main issue is the inefficency of the torque converter, its means the engine is not directly connected to the drive, it made some older cars a real wheeze to drive by dampening engine response. All because some fat lazy pigs were willing to get way worse performance and fuel milage so they would'nt have to move their hand and foot a bit.

driving manual cars is so easy, women can do it. dont tell me you are less competent at driving than a woman.

I like driving my car, not just steering it.
Really though I am not a raceboy, I like automatics and recommend them to everyone, but I simply cannot see myself driving one every day. I would probably fall asleep behind the wheel.

I agree with OP *but only* for DCTs. I have to drive an automatic anyway due to a service related injury fucking up my ability to ease out a clutch, but even if I weren't """disabled""" I'd still prefer a DCT. I'd probably leave it in manual shift mode most of the time, but it's capable of automatically shifting as well if I want maximum acceleration or what have you. DCTs are nice because they eliminate the inefficiencies of a torque converter, are lighter weight than an automatic, shift much faster than physically possible with an automatic or manual, and they're fun as fuck to use in manual mode.

I'll even stretch it a bit and say modern automatics (like brand new cars only) are actually better than modern manual transmissions. The new Ford 10 speed they have in the Mustang GT for example is a great transmission and is faster than the manual, while giving the driver paddle shifters for shifting manually.

Anything mid-2000s and earlier though, a manual is 100x better than an automatic.

arent DCTs shit in slow moving traffic?

In what way? I've driven DCTs but never owned one, and it seemed find in stop and go or slow moving traffic.

When you don't know anything at least shut up.

This faggot crying about manuals again?

git gud or just kill yourself cunt and stop making these shit threads

Speaking of DCTs, why the fuck can't American auto makers make a DCT? I'd buy a Mustang in a heartbeat if it came with an optional competitive DCT.

>who was gearing

>Wouldn't have to move their hadn and foot a bit

Back in those days they didn't even have synchronized transmissions. I hope you're aware driving a non-synchronized manual is a bitch to learn on. Especially for women.

>Needing a transmission at all

Lol OP you are pretty funny

Pretty sure the Volt still has a transmission for the gasoline engine. The Bolt is the EV.

>Gear shifting
>Robotic manoeuvre

Do you even use soul® and passion™?

engine braking doesn't cause wear on your transmission.

you don't know how to engine brake if you actually think that.

engine braking does not wear our the transmission

unless you're lugging the clutch while engaging a lower gear and using that friction to slow down the car, which you shouldn't do.

Another European here. I did learn to drive with manual and owned a couple of cars with a manual transmission too. I also was a member of a two car clubs and we did have a trackdays now an then.

I was against at first to having a car with a automatic transmission, but three of my latest dd cars have been with a automatic transmission. It is just so much nicer and easier. And probably next one will be too.

The one I didn't like at all was a double clutch gearbox.

I love how most Americans on this board prefer manual but now it seems a lot Europeans are switching to auto.
It's weird

Autos are better than they used to be. Even traditional torque converters.

American enthusiasts like manuals because our "normal" cars have come in automatic as standard for decades, and that traditionally meant sacrificing performance and control for ease of use. So for us, if it actually comes in manual (especially if it's not just an option) it's probably something special.

you're such a whiny bitch. don't feel bad for people driving stick; they're having much more fun than you are. rowing through gears is one of the fun parts of driving manual. it only makes no sense if you are lazy and have no feelings or emotions when driving, and you are clearly a lazy pussy. disgusting post. electronic parking brakes are gay too and electric windows literally don't matter at all. shit example. fuck you.

Being able to drive manual in the US is kind of an uncommon skill, and buys some prestige. In Europe everyone can do it, so there's no prestige, and traffic conditions are so bad people have less pride about going with the option that's easier.

i driven a truck for a bit, once you get the timing down you don't even think about it but it did take a bit of time to learn

Burgers think manual it's great because their normal cars are auto and manual looks like a "special and sporty option". In the rest of the world manual is for poor people and shitboxes, while auto it's the comfy luxury option for decent/high-tier models.

>trigger warning
gb2 reddit fgt

I learned so long ago that’s its instinctive. If I didn’t enjoy driving I’d drive auto but since it’s still fun I’ll continue to drive manual. Glad you found a driving style that suits you.