/owg/ - Overwatch General


>The Summer Games 2017 event is Live!
>last year's summer games items are back for regular pricing (1x), while new items are also available for event pricing (3x)
>the event ends on August 28th
>(the next arcade reset for those sweet, sweet lootboxes is in one day)

>Event item tracker

>DEATHMATCH has been added to the PTR
>includes both 6v6 TDM and 8-man FFA
>along with a new map built for FFA (it's bloo's family home)

>Latest comic

>Latest PC patch notes
PTR: playoverwatch.com/en-us/blog/20972920
Live: playoverwatch.com/en-us/game/patch-notes/pc

>Overwatch dev tracker

>Hero tips, tricks and basics
pastebin.com/Qf2AKa8R (embed)

>Source / Quake mouse sensitivity converter

>Personal stats / leader boards

>Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


Here comes T.Racer!


Hana Song


Imagine if Zarya sat on my face and crushed my whole cranium with her glutes hahahahaha

still no Mercy skin from the boxes

when will this torment end

Sombra online.

Imagine if she sat on my face and drowned me with her diarrhea haha

Is there one of these for Doomfist?

>be shitty junkrat main
>can't play characters that require aiming
>suck at videogames in general
>go to sleep
>having a dream where I'm shredding people with Genji
>wake up

Well...time to try again I guess.

Play Reaper and just get in their faces, then you don't need to aim.

New map tomorrow get FUCKING HYPE

I don't get it

>When your whole teams bullies enemy Mini Dva into jumping off the map by not killing her so she can mech

Should have been a Thighs edition

25 hours until the stream starts: youtube.com/watch?v=CN4ZtnLO9WE

aimings overrated :^)

i think junkrat is the hardest character in the game to be good at


>this is what junkrat mains actually believe

I love Tracer



>All the kiddies on blizz forums thinking the game is ded because a few streamers stoppped playing
you wanna see a dead game ? Install diablo 3.

He's really not. I'm a mid tier player at best and I can tear shit up with Junkrat because at certain points in maps you can just spam when your team pushes and rack up kills, and if someone tries to flank you you can blow your mine in their face after a direct hit for a guaranteed kill and only Genji can really challenge this. If Junkrat works with his team, he can convince the other team that Junkrat is borderline broken, it's just about working with the team. He's not hard to play at all unless you're trying to go for only direct hits.

Hardest character to be good with is probably Widow or McCree.

8 days left and I've only gotten two of the event skins + maybe 400 coins

They somehow made it even more difficult to get what you want without just buying lootboxes.

Overwatch isnt dead, its dying.

To master? Maybe. It's amazing how Kaplan and his people fucking hate that character and leave him to dust.

What heros cause the most salt for you /owg/ on

how do we save it, /b/ros?

God damn that skin is rendered nicely

Tracer and Genji.

They have almost zero fucking weaknesses.

>hurr but low health

>five people can't finish off a 1HP target

learn to aim noob


Reminder that a hero that can disable passives i.e a hard counter to Pharah is needed.

i have like an hour on him through mystery heroes my dude

They literally just buffed him turbo hard

So that's how it's like in wood league, huh.

>When I'm attacking
Widows instakilling me before I notice where she is
>When I'm defending
McCree's flash then BOP BOP and I die

Me too!

>my dude

This is lame as fuck and I wonder how it ever caught on.

hey, that's a boy

I just got the game, what is tomorrow?


>tfw want the sombra skin cause its an event skin but also want the widowmaker skin just cause of the bikini
>tfw only have 3k and only fucking event skin ive gotten so far is the reaper one

fuck these loot box changes i mean sure its going to get better for future events but stop fucking giving me player icons

Tracer is best

post ywf Hanzo, at your service and Widowmaker here.

me too user

I wanna suck on Tracer's vagina for a week.


Why do Blizzard pay so much attention to whiners?

Fucking DF hitbox nerf, which really isn't bad if you know how to play/counter.

Yet it's all quiet on the western front about Hanzo's hitbox and his ability to kill a Tank (Orisa) with a press of a button.

Sick of toxic kids pushing this game to shit

maybe thats because orisa is a shit hero that you shouldnt play

It's alright if they are on defence

Or it's a Korean playing widow


I don't even make a face anymore because it happens so much I'm dead to it. I just say to them "I hope you're good."

They never are.


Those two and Grillmaster were the only three I wanted. Naturally, I got them all.

PTR. This is old news.


No it's not, that's a girl.

Post the legendaries you got from the event till now
The 2nd line is the fucking legendaries I got that weren't part of the event ffs!!


i'm usually that hanzo


That not my point though, is it

they patched in dat ass.



Forget the random tag, my bad.



She'll be meta in Season 6

Junk gets 2 concussion mines on PTR
He can now do triple midair mine jumps

>Junkrat is now a 1-man parachute regiment
>mine jump into enemy team pack, ult and explode it immediately

Just be careful that you don't pick the wrong week

>cockslut switched to Sombra (was Mercy)

Yeah good luck going from mainig the most braindead hero to the hero with the most gamesense required bar Zarya.

>garbage tier junkrats thinking concussion mine is primarily meant for jumping
It's for dealing literally free 120 damage without even trying to aim in middle range. Throw and detonate it midair near the target. Don't fucking waste your free damage on doing useless jumps.

I know, wouldn't want to miss her ovulation day!

>junkertown line datamined
>roadhog skin in the works
>junkrat buffs
>new map on Monday
>new short on Wednesday
it's a good time to be a junker fan

Post yfw you lose 200 SR in a day to throw granny mains and ebin trollbjorns.

>had a sensual sex with tracer in my dream last night
>can't even work because of the looping dream in my head

How many boxes have you opened? I think I'm at 20 now, and have only gotten one legendary - and it wasn't even an event one.

This has to be the worst luck I've had in any event...

how much would u pay for a lewd VR version of overwatch

The bandwidth it'd take to pirate it.

I will pay hundreds for having virtual sex with tracer

>when it's one of those top 5% that are godlike

but she is gay

Jamison is best boy

she'll turn straight when she gets the D

How many Overwatch cosplayers do you guys think had sex with their boyfriends in their costumes?

why does that man have a butt for an upper body

>tfw no british cosplay gf
>tfw no sex with british cosplay gf roleplaying as tracer
the pain, user

So why is he with the worst character in this

>tfw okkupid tried to match me with some mercy main
>I could have been their shield
>could have had raunchy degenerate sex based on the dumb sex questions I answered
>she lived in Ireland, me in Alaska


>IM FROM Veeky Forums
>9gag wtf thats even worse
Which one of you retards is this?

These are the people we play with.

Nice try nigga, I remember you saying she was from Iceland

>2 mines

Let me guess, their damage was nerfed?

2 mines won't make junkrat great. He needed a smaller cooldow overall and a new charge for his trap after it gets destroyed or traps an enemy. Fire rate should be improved too. His projectiles suck.

I thought she was from Benin :DDD

lol imagine if officer dva caught me speeding and she forced me to suck her cock haha wouldn't that be funny