Fighting Games General /fgg/
SFV and MvCI
are shit games
where is my reminder not to play SFV
What's the lore of Nina's wedding outfit?
How many hours have you played MvCI?
I hope you have a good time playing fighting games today /fgg/!
Joe, Amaterasu, Phoenix Wright (these three should be in the base game)
Classic Jill Valentine
Felicia or Q-Bee
Anyone from Power Stone (Falcon, Ayame) or Rival Schools (Batsu, Akira, Tiffany, Kyosuke)
Asura, the most no-brainer newcomer
Why aren't platform fighters considered "real" fighting games? Is it the party game roots? Lack of traditional health bars? DI?
>he thinks this will help
sorry dude but you are right, sfv is too random, but it wont help your chances
weird how this is the only game that has players speaking out against the format. sad that capcom cant just fix the game
People stopped using Wesker too once they figured out Virgil did everything better.
Man, Yuri and Friends really took a dark turn
Was Asura's wrath that popular?
Flank West
I disagree, it was more fun to master all the styles for the same character, and to use them wisely and outsmart your opponent.
Nope they had to sell the sequel as DLC just to conclude it.
It's a cult classic game, and it's also Capcom's most noteworthy new IP created after 2011
Not to mention his over the top power levels and fighting style fit a Marvel game perfectly
No Vergil?
I'm pretty sure DMC has no villain representation.
The same as you. None. The game looks like it's attempting the same world building as SFV with piss horrible graphics compared to SFV and umvc3. The cast, combos, art style and story all look absolutely ridiculous and this is coming from someone who has loved the crossover series since a child seeing COTA. MvCI looks extremely rushed and another failure of a fighting game from capcom.
People still make this mistake in 2017.
fucking embarrassing
Yeah I dont think you played the game on a level where your opinion actually matters when you just discovered what frames are.
I'm pretty amazed they passed up the opportunity to put a SFV newcomer in the game.
I use my wit
I wish I was Rashid bros...
Anyone EU PC want to play Rev2, BBCF, UNIEL, Melty, Tekken 7 or 3S?
where are the sniffs
We call it yomi round these parts boyo
the newcomer SFV deserves
No, people just saw a webm or two on /v/ and thought that the guy who does literally nothing but punch would be a good choice.
They've made it on purpose.
How do you even make a typo with "l" instead of "r"? They're far from each other in a QWERTY keyboard.
what other company but capcom would fuck up so bad
nah, just capcom
will frank ever look the same in two different games?
He's also got a divekick and a power-up
capcom please
A lot smaller than expected
Well you can see it's the jap website and you know how they can't engrish.
Gotcha, thanks bro!
But doesn't Japanese turn L into R? Not the other way around. If a Japanese person said "Frank" it would be "Furanku", not "Fulanku".
L and R are the same character
>defending capcom
ive seen it all
>Joe, Amaterasu, Phoenix Wright
Dumb weebshit no one cares about
>Classic Jill Valentine
What's the point when we have Chris and Flank
I'd like him in, but I'm gonna piss and moan if he isn't
Shitty meme eyecandy character that no one uses in any game she's in
Fucking why, especially before someone like Demitri or Donovan
>Anyone from Power Stone or Rival Schools
You mean those kusos from the late 90's that no one played or bought but everyone pretends to have a huge hard-on for to make it seem like they've got "experience" or some shit?
The guy from the game no one bought which tells Capcom "gee, I guess no one likes this shit, let's never drudge it up again"
Anyone buy a Panzer?
Anyone buy a Brooks UFB PCB?
Can anyone recommend mods for a fightstick? Heavier spring, actuator, etc?
I'm trying to talk myself out of buying a new fightstick and modding it while also looking for stuff to sell that I don't use to recoup dosh..
>no one cares about okami
>I dont like these characters so nobody else should
>dank actually sounding like a rational, functioning human being for once instead of vomiting out pure, retarded hate for capcom
today was a good day
As a fan of all three of Joe, Amaterasu, and Wright, I'm not terribly torn up not to see them again. Joe was in two games already (Albeit, so was Frank) and while I'd love to see Ammy back, she'd need a pretty significant overhaul because her status as an anchor/assist was too prominent in her character design. I'd rather see Apollo than Phoenix again, or even some bizarre tag-team moveset with every member of the office. (Threeway Objection level 3?)
Classic Jill isn't meaningfully different from Chris or Frank at her core, unless you give her her MvC2 moveset and her Charging STARS back, but I don't know why you would.
I wouldn't mind Akuma taking a break just because we can give Ryu some time to shine for once as the only shoto.
Jedah is a fine choice for a newcomer, I'm fine never seeing Felicia again. Morrigan was at least relevant to the DS story so her taking over the brand was acceptable. Felicia was always purely about fanservice. Q-Bee would be nice, maybe dig out B.B. Hood again. Anything but Felicia at this point.
No opinion.
I don't really get the Asura bandwagon.
Actavison, Bioware, Ubisoft to name a few
>kum has like 6 specials on one button
jesus fuck arcsys
>Felicia is a meme character
>suggests the generic shotoman with dude midnight bliss lmao as his only defining move instead
And yet another HD remaster
I just started Xenoverse 2, hopefuly it wont get boring fast as the last one
Morrigan is the only rep darkstalkers needs to be honest.
Generic Shotoman was also the main character of the franchise before it got hijacked by Morrigan.
>hating on Demitri and posts a shit character
Then I seriously hope you've never complained about Firebrand, Nemesis, Arthur, Spencer, or Chris being in Infinite
it got hijacked because he's not very interesting
Beause Morrigan fills main character role better
then fucking get rid of chris and do jill instead
the other RE rep is the NEMESIS. why would you not have JILL?
>then fucking get rid of chris and do jill instead
I'm on board with it.
No sandwiches allowed
dont get me confused with the capshills trying to put dirt on my name
they make up for their mistakes
still waiting on capcom
>them get rid of Chris and do Jill instead
That's like saying "get rid of Ryu and do Ken instead"
Like it or not, Chris is "Resident Evil" just like Ryu is "Street Fighter"
I mean i still find it funny how his design is just classic vampire BUT WITH ANIME HAIR
reported for avatarfaggin
Hell I'd be happier with any other RE rep than Chris though. Not that I hate him but in my mind he so less iconic than Jill that using another character would be more interesting than bringing him back.
Demitri is a far more fun character, just imagine Midnight Bliss on all characters, and Morrigan is just gimmicky as fuck anyway.
I've never thought of chris as the face of the franchise at all
jill and leon are much more iconic honestly
I'm just saying that he has more of a claim to a character slot than Felicia ever did and if it weren't for her being naked with big tits, nobody would care about her at all.
Is Harada even trying?
felicia's overall moveset is more interesting too. demitri just has the dash and memenight bliss
The first time I ever heard if Chris being the face of RE was MvC3.
Why not fucking wesker then
Fightcade 3S or console 3S?
He has nothing on Valkyrie Turn into ground chain into Darkness Illusion.
I know it's reddit but they bring up a really good point: sfv being shit is making people just not play fighting games
Jill is the face of Resident Evil.
He can punch like a truck and grow go his hair at will. That's got count for something.
>Chris is "Resident Evil"
Said no one ever. Jill is and always was the face of franchise, with Leon not far behind.
>morrigan is just gimmicky as fuck anyway
What did he mean by this?
Why didn't SF move to chains when Capcom created them with darkstalkers?
it's always been like this
capcucks are unwilling to give other series a try
I just like it
I only ever played 1 MVC game, the Ultimate one in 360 , it was weird how much you can spam the special moves of certain characters, eh
>He says when we have some euro that avatards a dog
incorrect my dude. Jill and leon are way more popular than chris. Not even up for debate
Wesker was never even playable and he was only in MvC3 to promote RE5
james chen said the same exact thing and everyone shit on him for it
itd be nice if capcom realized how shitty sfv was and started notifying others that there are other games to play
instead they enjoy capcuking their fans for esports and cash
>go toe to toe with super plats in lobby
>can't stay ultra silver for one full day in ranked
>"Stop playing SFV guys! We don't need to support this shitty game when we can play other games instead! We'll start an FGC revolution!"
>"SFV is making people not play fighting games"
Funny how right James Chen was.
>he thought the buy MVCI or the FGC dies thing was a joke
Good, I want the one trick ponies to leave. If the only fighting game you play is SF of any number you're a filthy casual and should go.
>Wesker was never even playable
you could play him in RE4 and RE5. I also played as him in RE:Zero a few months ago
Neither was nemesis. And he's in less games
Everyone shits on someone making money from what they are defending.
you guys need to stop playing the abused and start looking at the abuser
fuck capcom