League of legends general - lolg

kayle is a deceiving slut edition



Why does everyone hate Kayle so much

morgana a shit
kayle a best

xth for CLIMBING!
to the TOP!

touch fluffy tail

I officially make this thread a Heimy thread !
I decided not to play ranked this season !
I dont believe you !! >:(

morgana a best
kayle a worse

What's new guys?

This is Soraka.
The tightest and hardest of all the Star Guardians.


just morgana samefagging

I'm just waiting for the game to come on

>there's literally no reason not to take coin because it gives the most gold and the most Mana

Does anyone think that coin should intentionally be designed to give you the absolute least benefit of all support items at the cost of it's reliability and low skill ceiling? I.E:
>I'm a retard who can neither last hit nor can I consistently land poke to use my spellthief charges so I'll take coin and get a little gold for standing arond instead of getting no gold from missing everything

Like, it should be an item for hard match ups and bad players.

thats a nice picture, much better than the one you posted first too

id hug_ this ahri

>tfw you play bad and your entire team starts using you as a cum dumpster for the rest of the game to relieve their frustration

Morgana a shit


I want to sexually harass other yordle boys with Kled!

good luck user!
BoostedBronze can be a scary place but im sure you can CLIMB out of it!
do your best forget the rest!
dont let those above you bring you down!
why not user?
do you not want to become BETTER than you are now?
keep CLIMBing riven-chan!
now you must master YOURSELF!
i BELIEVE in you!

would you sexually harass lulu to assert dominance over her infront of other noxians?

new fae lands champion when

more Bunny girl skins when

>tfw it's me but i'm playing alistar

Does anyone want to play duoq on EUW? I'm silver 3 atm, adc main, trying to improve/climb ^^ name is Shinjì

bunny girl sona PLSSSSSSSSSSSS

post em

Never. It's sexist

thanks riot game!

I don't give a single fuck about Lulu and other yordle girls.
They aren't worthy of my time.

Here's a pity (You) though.

I think bunny girl kat could work but the others don't really have it fit their theme or kit

for CLIMBing!

Bunny Camille

Give Blitzcrank more Mana.

Two Q's before OOM is just unfair.

hahaha it's funny cuz ezreal isn't a girl XD
oh wait girl male XD

Wait a minute, AURF is fun.

This thread is so fucking bad


only if you get in the fucking robot

>35 posts
>26 images

well atleast i can play

xth for Syndra


60% winrate in competitive and picked in half of na playoff matches, third of eu and twice in lck
Should get nerfed if anything

>being so autistic you actually filter people

It's only fun if you aren't laning against the following champions:


if you aren't laning against those, it's fun!

Never. Battlebunny Riven was made shortly before Riot became cucked. They'll never make another 'sexist' skin again

Those are so shitty drawn ew

b-but... fine I'll get in the robot

If you don't at least have /xth for/i in your filter then you're browsing this site wrong

mark my words, him and Thresh are the next one on the chopping block after Janna and Ardent Censer.

Sexual harassment is a crime, user !!
That's kinda rude !!!!

No i'm browsing it the right way because i'm not some triggered autist

You forgot Blitz "Knocks u up every second" crank

explain the entire star guardian theme

arcade ahri/riven are pretty "sexist" as well

>all manly champions
As it should be

Sounds like you're a triggered autist by the way you're responding to my posts

But yet i'm not filtering you am i

Did riot mess up star gaurdian Ahri?

kiss me heimer-user

Enjoy your gay yordle porn dude

none of those are sexist lmao

When do you stop feeling like you're terrible at the game?

I'm Plat 4 now and I still feel terrible, even though that's top 7%. I'm sure I'll eventually be Diamond and still feel like trash.

Faker is the only none trash League player

Because you are terrible

This is a cosmic goat

faker is just the selected by riot to try to force a "star" player

if battle bunny is then those are as well

I never felt good at this game.
I got to play 2 lost 8 matches in a row and stopped trying after that.

bless riot for battle boss ziggs and omega squad veigar
now, new kled skin WHEN?

>there are people who don't enjoy gay yordle porn
kys yourself normies

This. Her gams are perfect for the outfit. Plus her hookshot could bunnyhop when she goes towards champs.

It's been long since we got some lewd skins, and these barely pass.
I'm buying the entire bundle on release to send the message that they should do more skins like these

kayle is stupid

I wish I could eviscerate some of you

Well he has won three world championships.

star guardian isn't sexist because the magical girl anime genre is woman empowerement.

battle bunny is just riven in a bunny girl suit for some reason, THAT is sexist.

Never. I'm Plat 1 and climbing pretty easily towards diamond, but that's only because most of the games at this level feel like literal clown fiestas. If I had to play against actually good players, I'd get fucked.

How? Star Guardian skins are just girly, not sexualized. Arcade skins are not sexualized

it will also send the message that the mf skin is acceptable and not just a last minute reuse of assets for cheap money

oh come on, the entire arcade line is clearly fan service

B-but i dont even know you, kledposter !! Isn't it wrong that i'll k-kiss a stranger ??

thats some /sp/ bait right there

>tfw i want to make a video about CLIMBing out of bronze
>by a bronzie for a bronzie
idk would that even work?
all i know is that if i do make one ill have 4,000 "but muh plat wisdom" comments.
i just feel like there isnt a lot of videos about getting out of bronze from that perspective!
its just a lot of diamond players talking about the dos and donts.
i want to focus on the MENTALITY of CLIMBing out of bronze

>tumblr posting in lolg

I think we can all agree he is more talented then most

no one cares faggot

no because you are fucking trash at the game if you are bronze and none of your opinions are useful!

>Dragonmistress Evelynn

You don't need any """mentality""" to climb out of bronze. You could be the most toxic, spiteful piece of trash flaming 24/7, but if you had even a hint of skill, you'd get to silver pretty easily.

there's nothing wrong between two yordle lovers kissing eachother

>Believing that leak

You guessed it right
I'm G2 Perkz

If you told me I had to rebuild humanity from the gene pool present in one of these threads I'd just pull the plug and hope that some sort of intelligent, less degenerate race crops up somewhere else in the universe

>Every leak has currently been true

you're bronze

what would you know about the mentality needed to climb out of bronze, yours isnt working

Can you not be mean please

still better than shirtless muscular male n° 88

How do i make epic lcs plays on Lee Sin?

>Male gamers thinking everything should pander to them

Why am I not surprised?

take a time machine to season 3

>no SG Ori

flash behind the adc, R the enemy Alistar into your team

that is WRONG
but im NOT in bronze anymore!
i got out!
what i mean is most videos on the subject mostly just say "focus on the basics of laning" and "play easy champs" and while both of those are good advice i feel like they dont adress the core problem; the player.
To me it was more about finding out what you as the player was messing up on and accepting that you are bad at it, then improving upon it.
there is no set list of steps to become a better player because it is all personal.