>Heroes FAQ and links
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>Heroes FAQ and links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
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First for Raigh is a good unit
Why is Elise so much cuter than the other sisters in Fates?
god i wish i was that strawberry
god what a stupid little slut
I want to make this man a grandfather!
>cuter than Sakura
no way
Who do I use to kill this deadbeat mom?
there isn't anything lewd in this image and yet i'm hard as diamonds, wtf
She's actually the only character in Fates that I like at all.
Literally the one unit I'm saving most of my orbs for.
>implying Sakura isn't the least cute of the four
Even cow tits is cuter
I asked this last thread but no one answered so I'll ask it again:
Is it worth it to try and kill Minerva and the Whitewings during chapter 7 of shadow dragon? I know they don't attack you and leave after a few turns but is the EXP worth it?
Will I be able to make it to Tier 20?
Don't they actually die if you kill them?
>Sub 7800
you'll make it in but you'll fall out next season back into 19
What team did people use to beat paralogue 10-3 while still using an axe? Can't seem to beat it without losing a unit.
>sub 7800
Tier 40 when?
>Bride Caeda
If the 5* wasn't listed, they're neutral. I killed Tobin and Masked Marth, and 2 Azuras and Ryomas for feathers because I don't use infantry anyway. I'm not F2P anymore, I put £13 in for Seth and didn't get him.
Definitely fine with that. I'll probably keep going back and forth from Tier 18 to 20, back down to 18, and it'll be a cycle until I can truly get better.
Here are the main chunks of my barracks
Don't bully me.
what's the max possible arena score anyway?
According to the wiki they just retreat but I'm not sure
Fuck, meant for
>I don't use infantry
>Box full of infantry mages, another Azura, and 6 infantry swords
Really makes you think
Why do the clerics wear cage crinolines?
fuck off
I killed Vaida in FE7 and never got to recruit her, so my intuition tells me that will end similarly. Could be wrong, but it doesn't sound worth it.
Guys what's the Fates continent called??
wtf I thought this game has good writing?
Some questions about New Mystery:
Is Celice a good memedon, or is she just bad?
Why are the starshards absolutely worthless?
Is there a limit to how many supports can be done?
Is there a catch to using Palla? I'm getting flashbacks of Eyvel from her.
Why was Donot Steel allowed to recruit Marth's wife into his trainee group?
Why are there two Gordins?
Why does everyone want to fuck Donot Steel?
Not him but give Tharja G Tomebreaker (1 is fine), and try running her with olivia, thundercock (red mage and archer) and either Tiki or Sonia for the blue mages.
I don't know why so many people are saving for Miccy when she's the proto-Corrin. If her game was more recent then everyone would be shitting on her Mary Sue fat ass but for some reason Tellius is now a holy grail and Micaiah is suddenly a good character. I don't get it.
It's sorted by Rarity and nothing more, I think the Lucina and Corrin are still level 1.
To trap you into their cunts
Fuck off, Raul.
think I used Michalis for Axe, with ryoma, roderick and Klein
>this meme again.
Trip back on.
Can't say the same for all of Awakening's class designs but I do love War Clerics.
I wanna rub Severa's cute lil' cheeks til they turn red & warm and she starts making cute moe noises!
people who are saving for Micaiah havent played RD
Post auto battle teams.
Reinhardt is an actual cuck. Never forget
More like she throws up because a greasy neckbeard has its hands all over her face
I went through with this and so far it's pretty fun
>offbanner +attk/-def fae ruined my 5% pity rate
Is she good? I don't have a dedicated meme dragon team.
-don't remember
-they're cool though, but you'll lose them at some point
-no limit
-no catch, though Catria's generally better
-because reasons, and it's not him who recruited her, she wanted to join them herself
-no, I think it's only Katarina, and to a much lesser extent Catria
Had the same, then I switched around to give others more HM.
That actually looks pretty dope.
How do you build Grey? He's +hp/-res.
How on earth does this work for you? My Julia and Rein keep being retarded and getting themselves killed
Using Clive+Ike+Legion+Healer now and they're just doing work
No one thinks she's not stupid in decision making. And anyone who does is just overly obsessed with her ass to the point of blind ignorance. People just think she's hot. That's it. Regardless, even if she is a "bad" character (which being "bad"=/=making stupid or wrong decisions), it's not hard to out-do the stupid stuff Corrin did.
As for speaking of the Tellius games, all blood pacts aside, it wasn't a clusterfuck of a writing assignment for a four-year old that Fates was. And the cast doesn't come down to "me, my siblings, our bodyguards, and our children."
t. Miccyfag since 2007
Standard brave build.
Just throw him in there and watch him kill things
>still dies to Reinhardt
what was even the point
Here's mine. It's mainly built for TT at the moment but works pretty generally as a well-rounded duelist. Does an excellent job slaughtering horses/greens/anything with low defense. Swap Sword Valor out for Threaten Atk/Spd when you're not farming SP, or whatever C skill your team needs I guess.
Don't reply to the spic. He has a massive hate boner towards Micaiah for some reason. He hasn't even played RD.
Can we get an OP that isn't fates shit next time?
>And the cast doesn't come down to "me, my siblings, our bodyguards, and our children."
I otherwise agree with you but RD ended up being 50 royals and the greil mercs at endgame so this argument doesn't hold water.
No builds around Zanbato?
What do I do to make him kill things though? Wind Boost+Vantage?
Meant for
>Arena Assault
>face two Lyns
>not one regular and one Bridal, but two regular
I thought dupes weren't allowed?
Brave Bow Rath!
when will he be in Heroes so I have an excuse to get rid of my 5* Klein
dumb elisefag making early threads again
This guy is in charge of Reinhardt.
Why the fuck do the japs love Klein so much? He's S+ tier on 2 of their 4 lists but mediocre in all stats and only notable for his nice base kit
>It's not as good as one of the cheesiest and most Easy Mode characters in the game.
>What's the point?
Stop liking Fates please! Don't like bad games.
Takumi stop posting
Thanks, though I have literally zero Fury fodders, and one Renewal fodder, but it's for Celica. I was thinking some boost for A because of +hp, not sure about B.
fuck off fatescuck
>I thought dupes weren't allowed?
Not by you, of course.
I tend to think that Awakening has pretty nice class designs for everything that doesn't involve armour.
too bad that's almost all of them
4* Raven, robin, innes and lyn.
That only stands from a gameplay perspective. The only forced people in the endgame are Ike, Micaiah, Sothe, Snacki, and the dragons. I'll agree to an extent with the dragons, but other than completely optional dialogue and character interactions based on who you take to the endgame, the only (known) royalty there are Snacki, Kurth, and Dheginsea.
He's f2p friendly
>seeing Reinhardt ever when using armors
babby bst cav shitters please go
>only notable for his nice base kit
maybe that's why he has such a high ranking
I can't believe I fell for the all archers are shit meme and feed my 5* one to an Eliwood. At least he had shit IVs.
Rolled a second Katarina, do I merge her or use her as a Swift Sparrow fodder?
News Flash: JP tier lists are just as retarded.
>my celica has 3000 spare SP after full build
His standard Wind Boost for A is fine. Since yours is +HP you should be able to take full advantage of it. For the B skill just run a breaker skill of choice, or maybe desperation if you've got some speed buffs to guarantee the doubles. Maybe run Reciprocal Aid for health management, if you run a Boost skill it's important to keep it active. Special is flexible as well, I run Noontime to help with HP/duelling but if prefer extra damage the standard Memebow/Luna/Draconic Aura work just fine.
Because a number of the Siblings were specifically designed to make both sides even (1 Older Brother/Sister, 1 Younger Brother/Sister) so that players wouldn't just pick sides based on the family that had the most tits or something similar.
Hinoka was confirmed to be an afterthought only made to offset Camilla, so it's not unlikely that Leo and Sakura were also created for this purpose.
Should I still stick with G Tomebreaker / QR if she's +Spd?
Another fellow with taste, I see. Panic Ploy in T-9 hours desu.
Generally, yes. +Spd is useful for her to avoid getting doubled, not for her to actually double anyone. G Tomebreaker is still fantastic.
Tome breaker if you do arena.
Both depending on the situation in PVE.
>so that players wouldn't just pick sides based on the family that had the most tits or something similar.
This is exactly what happened though
Not him, but I doubt many people here have finished RD, with its fuck long enemy phases, high difficulty, and the fact it was on the Wii. I bet more people have played Echoes than RD.
How does panic ploy work again? What triggers the panic effect?
With a healer and movement abilities the almost any combination of two units can complete the TT. You're using three Infantry units so your problem is most likely mobility
Switching out Rein when he hits 3k, but yeah I'm also farming HM with auto battle.