Spessmen on a spess station

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Last time on /ss13g/ - spessmen on a spess station:
> Vox Boots, Yay Nay
> More Tier Trash
>General Autism

>What is Space Station 13?

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>Pomf Serbian, main Veeky Forumsstation server

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Hit the cogwheel in the upper right corner of the BYOND hub and pick "Open Location"

>Veeky Forumsstation forum and logs + Discord circlejerk

>Map renders collection: updated sometimes

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>How To Install BYOND: The Video Tutorial: The Movie


>OP Pastebin

first for kill vox

second for seconded


>tfw no qt Vox gf

destroy all shitbirds

If a vox trader enters the station proper ie not the arrivals area, I will execute it for tresspassing as it only carries an ID to trade on our vessel, not to roam it as it pleases

The last thread isn't even at bump limit, are you mentally handicapped?

please do, I love when my ahelps get shitcurity banned


You can't ban me if I pay for the server

Any crime a vox commits can be punished with whatever the officer feels neccessary
what the officer feels neccessary will always be stripping and solitary without an N20 tank

>Any crime a vox commits can be punished with whatever the officer feels neccessary
that is not consistent admin policy
and leaving arrivals isn't a crime
prove it

It's trespassing
You aren't supposed to set foot on the station without announcing your presence and waiting for sec to search your ship first.

It is 100% consistent
leaving arrivals IS a crime as they do not have a station ID, they have a trader ID which authorises them to trade on the station
there is a customs office for a reason :^)

Defend all shitbirds.

lol that is total headcannon
I have never seen this written down or articulated by an admin ever

Silicon tier list fucking WHEN

I've arrested birdshitters before, I will do it again

You don't need an ID to walk through the primary hallways, so it's not trespassing.

is running in the hallways instead of walking a crime

they have a high capacity coat so they can walk around and sell things to the crew like a shady drug dealer

"horrible"-tier: Every single one

There you go.

And like a shady drug dealer, they will be brought to justice.

more vox posting

The ID legally gives them permission to travel in human controlled territories, not just trade.

>security player doesn't actually know the rules and power trips like an asshole
Imagine my shock
if traders commit anything more than a minor crime they are basically valid, especially if you are deporting them
but like I said mingling with the crew isn't a crime, especially if they are also selling things
sitting on the trade shuttle all round is incredibly boring because it's super out of the way, and gets basically zero traffic
the best traders load up their coat and backpack with stuff and find customers to peddle their wares too

I posted all the good vox art I could find

repost from the old thread then



How much would it cost to get someone to port a race over?

neckbeard observatory 613 is not just human controlled territory, it is a private Nanotrasen research station and is under the juristiction of Nanotrasen security forces
Nanotrasen can pick and choose who is allowed in

>-Benevolent overseer tier-
>-Defined by their laws tier-
>-Lives for loopholes tier-
>-Autismotron tier-
>-Validbot 9000 tier-
>-SUBVERT ME tier-
>-Incoming silliban tier-

>how much
they do it for free
but our server won't accept anything that is snowflakey or has fur

if it's insectoid or gross, then maybe
and besides, we prefer homegrown stuff like scootaloos

I must be the only one that misses Adorable Overlord ;_;

I wasn't going to post that one because it offends my conservative sensibilities

Wow you sound like a fag.

>especially if they are also selling things
You mean things they "found" on the station
>sitting on the trade shuttle all round is incredibly boring because it's super out of the way, and gets basically zero traffic
You can have a hall pass after I searched your shuttle and confiscated all contraband.

What a casul

What did he mean by this

Slit your wrists and pour bleach on the cuts you stupid cunt

their ID literally says they are allowed in

Yeah dude he talks like a fag and his shit's all retarded

what I user
all I see is an empty wallet and some metal in the disposals

Not only that, they can decide who is protected under space law. NT and their representatives (HoS, Captain, HoP) define directly who counts as an enemy of the corporation.

"All IDs are designed to only give access permission to places they are allowed to."

If they can get around the station, they have access.

You don't need an ID to open central hallway doors
doesn't mean your ID allows you to be there

What areas can a Vox Trader access?
Can they get into maintenance for example?

Their outpost/ship and the main station halls, nothing else

The PR that added the IDs says they're allowed to travel and be there.

That would be worrying
A lot of regular jobs don't have maint access.

Haha, faggot.

>when someone who plays on Veeky Forums tries to tell you about lore

>all these shitcurity players talking a big game about bullying traders

There really is no consistent admin policy around traders but from my experiences, the policy that is usually enforced is something like this:
>Traders have the same rights and liberties as crew members IF they are following the law
>but because they are guests on the station, if they are a nuisance they can be dealt with much more harshly
>minor crimes like tresspassing in maint (where they have no access to), or bullying the clown can be escalated to moderate crimes with high cell timers
>moderate crimes can be treated like major crimes and security can deport or execute (with the captain's permission)
>trade shuttle cannot be random searched on code green
>crew members stealing from traders is not treated as a crime under space law, unless the trader somehow made friends with security
>a trader can nonlethally defending themselves from crew members that are bothering them, but cannot escalate a fight to murder unless they are an enemy of the corporation

the trader ID can open no doors on the station that require access

t. played more trader than anyone else on the server

The best way to ensure traders follow the law is to build a repulsor field around their dock.

OOC-wise, I'm pretty sure they can escalate to murder as long as it is proper escalation.

>ywn get your Captain dicc succed by the slutty RD under the desk as a way to request more research funding, while you both ignore the chaos outside your office

Am I the only vanilla fetishist here

I fucking hate mommis.

They don't follow their laws at all.

Why even give them laws if they don't have to follow them?

definitley OOC wise, but usually not in regards to spacelaw
security won't care if the dead assistant was a nigger and was trying to kill you, unless he was a vampire or something

Under-desk blowjobs are a very strong one for me.

Adminhelp it. I flash and trash mommis whenever I can get close to them as officer.

lmao, good job having the presence of mind to get those screenshots

>ywn be the RD and have the captain invite you to his office when you ask for more funding

>tfw you will never get to fulfill your dreams of being the CMO and having a cute paramedic girl fuck you in your office in return for a vat of chloral and all the hypospray
Goddamnit, stealth-workplace-sex beats out a lot of other shit for hottest kink. It's a shame all the ERP serbians are for furfags.

*obligatory waifu chart post here*

Murder is always bad in regards to space law.
And are you sure they won't care? They seemed to care when that kind of stuff happened to me and I pretty much died.

No user, it's time for silicon charts.

>ywn be the slutty RD and blow the captain while the CMO fucks you so you can get more funding AND the chloral hypospray

THe Nu-Waifu chart is a s shit as the old one, because I'm not on it, and I out-cute 90% of the WFU stock. I'm high quality, bitches.

This is your medical doctor, say something nice about her!

Updated Hit List out yet?

My mama always told me, if ya' can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.
Mama was fuckin' stupid though, and so is that purple haired slut for drawing fetishized space porn for all his friends and nobody else.

she looks like i could cable cuff her and strip her headset before she can say ;HELP DORMS

>tfw chloraled, fucked, then absorbed in that order

in my experience, security usually does not care what happens to vox unless they think an antag is involved
that's why long time trader players become really robust
they get bullied all the time and have to solve their problems on their own

Seconding this. Slutty nurses make the best space rape-bait.


>t. played more trader than anyone else on the server

>for furfags
Furfag here, this is a problem.
I like me some humans too, but I can't play one. If I did play a human, I'd be reducing my pool of available tail because there are so many furries who are racist against humans.
Also most scenes aren't workplace related in the fucking least, it's terrible. I'm of a mind to roll sec to do a strip search scene, or maybe MD and a drug rape scene there. I HAVE done janitor callouts and then abducted the janitor at the "messy area".

wrong purple hair, user

You could maybe do that to me, user
I wouldn't mind...

It's Joanna Slurp dude.

Who am I thinking of then?

So I've been curious. Why do people hate Vox more than they hate Grays or Plasmamen?

This. Minus the ERP part. Text-fucking is gay.


Gypsies and jews
Bad news

gypsies are annoying trash in real life, people that roleplay furry gypsies are usually annoying trash too.


Grays don't do anything weird apart from die when they're sprayed.
I despise plasmemes more than vox since they never even RP anymore, people just play them to powergay.

But it's fun to roleplay the bad guy.

>there's a girl in my department that uses the same hairstyle and color as me
what do?

Kill her.
There can only be one

You could just go to a server that enforces hardcore special snowflake RP instead of whining about Veeky Forums.

can you scalp people?

Why would we even keep races in if they're just used for powergay? Powergay's against the rules. Acks were cracked because tehy were only used for that reason.

Discuss hairstyles
Influence her to get a new hairstyle diplomatically
If that does not work
Kill her.

Variety is the spice of life.

whatever minor bonuses that vox or plasmamemes get is negated by asimov and racism

How far can I push racism on this server? Can I refuse service for people if I am cargo or bartender or whatever or would that just be considered griefing?