/egg/ - Engineering Games General - Formerly /svgg/

We Forgot Again Edition [embed] [embed]
previous ded: The thread is dedicated to all games about building machines and systems out of blocks, in space or otherwise. Also, all these games are ded. Only ded games may join, otherwise they must have their own thread.
Whether or not a game belongs in /egg/ is a case by case matter, however games that would belong in /svgg/, space voxel games general, are automatically considered /egg/

WebM for physicians:

List of currently known and vaguely not dead /egg/ games (this list is not fully inclusive and if you think a game might belong here, feel free to ask):
>Chode - Children of a Dead Earth
>Empyrion - Galactic Survival
>From the Depths
>Garry's mod
>Homebrew - Vehicle Sandbox
>Intersteller Rift
>KOHCTPYKTOP: Engineer of the People
>Robot Arena
>Scrap Mechanic
>Space Engineers
>StarMaden b

Games that are definitely not /egg/:
>The general that quite literally cannot be named.. The Mexican scam artist one. With the shitposters. Fuck off.
>underageb& who won't use the search function and also won't read where are they posting

Information about these games, such as where to get them if they're not on steam, trailers, /egg/ conquered/hosted servers, and other shit can be found in this pad:

OP pad for future /ded/s

Warbros Serb is dead again. RIP in piss. (1181502)

Other urls found in this thread:


first for ded

second for still ded

third for guess what?

>update breaks game
>wait a month for hotfix

You forgot
>have a week of stability before the next update breaks the game again

Jesus christ the math general on Veeky Forums is absolute cancer


to be /egg/ is to be ded


g a r r y s m o d

why don't more militaries follow the rule of cool

do nerf mods count as engineering

Because the world has turned into a massive metagame of 'what can we make that's good, but also afford lots of and maybe sell to other militaries'.

but literally everyone else follows the rule of cool at least sometimes, even if it wastes shitloads of money

It's not an engineering game, but it would probably a welcome interesting thread in the toy board, and then linked here for us.

Who pirated /Avorion/ here.

Because losing a war is the least cool thing you can do.

The rule of cool will win battles of psychological warfare every time, and that's what really counts in the current year. That and information control.

>The rule of cool will win battles
I think it's cool to reduce my enemies to radioactive ashes, so in that sense you could be right.

>Veeky Forums
not that unusual, the only time I saw Veeky Forums not being butthurt faggots was when one user came here with the torus-making game

>have a week of stability
now keen are sneaking in hotfixes, so it's not even a full week

I did not even bother with it

>neither /toy/ nor /k/ have threads
>i don't have enough to contribute to keep a thread going

>loss 20 games in Crossout
>win one
>don't get the drop you need

try to make one on /toy/ with 5-6 pics to start with, maybe there are enthusiasts for that


My project isn't at a stage for pictures yet. What I've done so far is pretty standard as far as mods go, once I get proper supplies for the next step of the mod, and then paint it all, I'll get pics and take measurements

if you're referring to white parts, you do know you should just be playing get the wires right? 1 game, win or lose will net you 8-12 wires, which sells for more than any white part you get



>used the name field instead of subject
>catalog doesn't search name
I don't know if it's me or them who should feel dumb, but I do nonetheless. Thanks, user.

Them. I only bothered to look for the OP image because I knew there is a nerf general

Stop breaking traction.

>defeat message pops up



>tfw you start irl engineering

Somehow, worse.
The problem is a lack of greebles, it was alright as a platform studded with utility, now everything's hidden.

Why does it look gay?

The ass was fat but I'd like to go for some sanity with thruster placement to finish it.

obviously it's gay

Add paint, a few lights, ribs, indentations, protrusions, heavy armor and handles.
It looks poor because almost all spaceships are dick shaped and with a tall tower on it. It's not mandatory.
>hinged doors
For what purpose?

please tell me about /egg/ and empyrion. i am too newfag to know the history.

It would be extremely painful.

get out

It's just a spengies knockoff that isn't as good as spengies but isn't as broken

>I hate fun things
On second thought, the bitterness is understandable.

With Spengies multiplayer going to shit, many turned to Empyrion, the spengies clone.
Empyrion had no moving parts, the planets had no poles, the graphics shit, the structural integrity wacky and some other problems.
Both were dropped with different intensity.

>hollow curse prime
/egg/ confirmed for having a whole system in the Avorion univers

>asking for it
>then calling "RAPE"
as expected

>you will never have two nations engaged into a pissing match to see which one can build the best mech that still works as intended


Welcome to /egg/ Redditumbler!
Get used to it.



took me a while but finally killed this speedy little bastard from the Glao campaign.

Experimenting around I found that the aimpoint in FTD seems to be retarded against fast vehicles. Suspect it's the typical issues Unity engine has (useful that I've worked on games in this before) like calls to position lagging in time. So set up a Lua code which knows where it is at all times. It knows this because it knows where it isn't. By subtracting where it is from where it isn't, or where it isn't from where it is (whichever is greater), it obtains a difference, or deviation. The Lua code uses deviations to generate a corrective commands to drive the aimpoint from a position where it is to a position where it isn't, and arriving at a position where it wasn't, it now is. Consequently, the position where it is, is now the position that it wasn't, and it follows that the position that it was, is now the position that it isn't, and that this bastard in the Glao campaign is now dead.

Mapsizes are about right

But fuck the map where it's easier to drive to the enemy team's startpoint than that long fucking route to the point where each team has the chance to jump in to the middle early except one team's jump is harder and the other team's jump is more dangerous

I wasn't so sure how considering I'd expect nobody to even dare posting pre-university level shit and holy fuck
It is total cancer.

let me guess, that thing won't work if there are even just minor waves

At first I laughed.
Then I began to cry.
This hurts in so many ways.

Reminder that I'm hosting a factorio server.



What is your excuse, for not using linux?
There is Ubuntu, Mint, Arch, and so on.
A flavor for every autist imaginable.


have fun getting pegged by ransomware

>itty bitty baby, itty bitty boat
>the beginnings of the carrier
Thanks for the tips, I think I can work on it again without tearing my hair out. Will snap a pic of the current and draw up some plans.
Hinged doors were just an experiment.

Are you retarded?
Here are some basics, for Ubuntu/Debian:
- UFW, more or less frontend for the iptables firewall
- fail2ban, log file crawler for automatic IP banning
- AppArmor, security framework for applications
fucking physicians...

i dont believe it



In all my years of pirating and visiting varez sites none of my rigs have ever been infected with that shit.
Get the fuck out you filthy physician.

Besides, you can't get pegged by ransomware because you're already using one.
Micropenis can and will eventually put a full scale remote control so they can shut your system down whenever they feel like it. No, although it's already there, the updates don't count.

When Win7 will inevitably become completely obsolete, more than XP is now, I'm switching to loonix. I don't fucking care anymore, most of the shit is either multiplatform already, doesn't worth it, or there are alternatives, even if coded worse and have less functions.

>What is your excuse, for not using linux?
Attention span of a rabid rabbit on meth and it being quite different from what I (sadly) got used to on Windows.
I tried learning how to Debian on VM, but quickly dropped it in three days.
I guess I'm an OS physician, I'll see myself out.


>Don't get anything for second place
Easily the worst gamemode.

I love that map, you can choose between going to point or directly to the enemy, its open with a lot of space and you have a beautiful sunny atmosphere in the desert, its just perfect.

explain or webm

What I hate about it is that if you're driving a slow, heavy vehicle the game can literally end before you can do fucking anything.

Your options are:
1. Hope the enemy comes to 5v1 you because all your teammates left.
2. Kill yourself.

If you ain't first, you're last

>second place
There is only a winner and loosers.
It's not like you're the second man on standby if chad is busy...

>got finally some Lunatics pieces
>got the Growl cabin
>no inspiration
Post some post-apoc inspo here, I'm at loss; I can build nice vehicles with Nomads pieces but for the life of me I can't make a good looking Lunatics car.
All I want to do is a buggy with Wasps and buzzsaws but every design comes out as too tiny or too shit.

>still no translation for this

>no egg oc to be glorious
>no egg slav to translate meme

>no egg slav to translate meme
Literally doing it right now.
Don't expect anything good tho.

We live in the future now. Just get your phone to translate it and help the Google Skynet learn about stupid memes.

We had /egg/ OC, but not crossout related.

>expecting anything good
>from a slav

Am i enough lunatic now?

>slo cab
no not really

The thing flies user, it doesn't care aboit waves it's a motherfucking WIGE vehicle

>only 4 wheels
>one time use weapons
>slow cab, meaning single use weapons will get shot off before you even reach your target



>there is people in this thread RIGHT NOW that are still playing spengo
May god bless your souls



>now i can squeeze lemons really hard!
>i am death incarnate!
>i am destruction!

The only really bizzare thing is what the heck means "yтюг c oтвaлoм"



I just want some good mods.

>What is hyper-v.

Wow you are all really special huh.

red duz mor damage

>Waaah translation is shit!
>Wrong font size you dingus!
>Wrong font you dingleberry!
It's 4:30 and I'm way too tired to give a fuck.

>free colors
>patter: danger